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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. And in a post about racism, too! Smooth. ;) i unless you grew up when the term was really a racial slur, younger people wouldnt consider it as such. Two examples... CHK CHK BOOM chick... or maybe you havent heard of the movie WOGBOY? if Nick Giannopoulos can make an Aussie comedy with WOG in the title then aint no way in hell id consider it to be a negative term.
  2. SPOTTED sunday morning valentines day... [bMA95X] outside St.Aidens Church rooty hill north. Looked like a Yaris YR (badge on the hatch door), silver rims... other than that looks stock, except for the VVTL-i stickers just under the indicator lights on the fenders... HMMMM... when did yaris's get lift?? ive taken pics but not sure how to get it from my iphone just yet.. (cant send via bluetooth?? has to be through itunes??)
  3. Im willing to admit to being one of those people who would absolutely rather be unemployed than hand out pamphlets or sell anything door to door. Thats only because I know I can do better than those things, and ive got an indefinate plan B that I can fall back on if my teaching career goes bust. That being said, Ive got respect for those who choose to take up the crappy jobs I wouldnt do. Ive spotted at least 1 of my students literally pushing a trolley filled to the top with newspapers, walking in the rain doing a paper route after school. Got total respect for someone whod do that just for 25/35 bucks (depends on if the weather and if the paper is wrapped in plastic). Anybody watch dirty jobs on discovery channel? some of those pay pretty well for the crap you got to deal with.. Just off topic for a sec... anybody here have or had previously had a "dirty" job?
  4. Today Tonight is running the commercial with the term - reverse racism is not something I made up. Although I totally agree with you Dave + Taco, when I heard the commercial saying it, I instantly understood what they were suggesting. I think its best to wait til monday.. hopefully ill remember to catch today tonight to see exactly what theyre trying to get at.
  5. Today Tonight has been advertising bout their Monday night program, highlighting the supposed reverse racism going on at certain businesses. According to the ad, its become difficult for white australians to find jobs in places where it appears that everyone appears to be of indian/asian/wog appearance... seriously...minority groups gotta find work somewhere! I dont know about you guys, but it doesnt bother me that nobody at my local carwash is white, or that the guy behind the counter at the local QUIX or 7eleven appears to look muslim or indian in appearance. I havent run into many white Australians that have knocked on my door representing Optus/Telstra/Energy Australia/Origin Energy wanting to talk about business either. Most of those guys who knock on my door appear to be Indian/woggish and theres nothing wrong with that! Ive seen them walking round my neighbouring streets from from late morning to late afternoon.. they must be working on commission to be willing to do what seems to be 12 hour shifts door to door. Personally I look at it as there are certain people who are not willing to do certain jobs that others are. Although admittedly, the news article hasnt shown yet on channel 7, the commercial appears comes across as though its wrong for minorities to work together, that there has to be a white person in there to make the workplace appear equal opportunity or something. Has anyone else seen the ad? Agree? Disagree?
  6. *in the last couple of days I recall seeing a red sportivo (perhaps) with the number plate [ME30OW] or something like that. seen round blacktown/rootyhill/mt druitt..not sure where, but those are the only places ive been this week. *I always notice a dark blueish 1zz sedan (with rims) parked in one of the streets parallel to Quakers Hill Parkway when the family drive east towards Stanhope Gardens/ Parklea Markets. *[JA35ON] (or something like that) silver, altezza (black type) tail lights, full kit, last spotted driving enthusiastically next to another car going east on Power Street Glendenning.
  7. Im probebly not the first to have paid my rego this late, but still before I require a blue slip. But there may not be many people aware of this because most people get the pink slip within the same week of regestering their car, so the 42 day limit isnt even an issue for majority of car owners. Im pretty sure Ive seen the RTA print off completely new stickers/letters in the past. If anyone with any knowledge regarding this issue know if the RTA was within their rights or if I was truely ripped off then please let me know ASAP. [EDIT] just another bit of info if your rego has already expired, you can still legally drive your car as long as you are driving to the mechanic for the purpose of getting a pink slip or to the RTA to get the registration done. Unsure if it also includes paying for your 3rd party insurance, but basically those are the only times you can legally drive your car unregistered according to the letter I recieved from the RTA around a month after the rego expired.
  8. Now this is a story, all about how my life got flipped, turned upside-down,And I'd like to take a minute, So just sit right there, Ill tell you how things arent exactly as expected if you leave your car unregistered for almost 3 months... Ok.. first thing I must tell you are a couple of the things I knew and things I assumed about registering your car within 3 months of expiring. 1. I knew if you wait longer than 3 months to register your car in NSW, you will require a blue slip. My dad has gone through this experience with my old Bundera Landcruiser and he described it as the inspectors going through the car with a fine tooth comb... which resulted in dad having to pay anything upto or around 1000 to get the car up to scratch before being considered for a pink slip. 2. I assumed if you pay for 12 months rego, you get 12 months rego, even if you let the car sit after 2.5 months after the original rego date expired. 3. I also assumed that the pink slip is valid for 3 months, the same period of time you ahve before you require a blue slip. 4. Last thing I assumed is that the quoted price on a green slip is non negotiable. Well, today I realised I was right on at least one of those things. Today I registered my silver 1zz after letting it sit in the garage for almost 3 months... my other car was due the same week last november.. xmas was fast approaching and theres only enough money to register 1 car.. so which to choose? the cheapest to insure of course. The very last day I was legally able to drive, I drove into my local mechanic and had an instant pinkslip done before semipermenantly parking it in the garage over xmas and new years.. So, the 1zz was sitting there, waiting for me to get the money together to finally pay for 3rd party and rego. Fast forward to today... Feb. 13 marked 3 months so lucky this week I had the cash for finally registering my car. Heres what happned though... I went to the insurance company in person coz I had the cash in my pocket, not in my bank account. I gave the guy my greenslip and as he was processing the info, he stopped and asked, "would you like to see if we can change this price?" I said "go ahead". He then asked me if i the car is/was comprehensively insured.. I said no. he went and put my car on comprehensive insurance , which has a grace period of 21 days before the first montly payment is due. Basically, Id have 21 days to think it over and if I change my mind before then, it costs me nothing to cancel the insurance. Anyways, he comprehensively insures my car first, then he processes the 3rd party insurance. Since my car now had "comprehensive" insurance, the actual green slip price went down from $570 odd dollars to just $514 or somewhere around that mark. Further more, I could have saved a few more extra dollars if I was already 30. But since im still in the younger 25-29 age bracket my 3rd party insurance stays pretty much the same. Next I go to the RTA. after waiting almost 20 mins I proudly show them my pink slip, green slip and the rego letter. Within seconds, without any ifs ands or buts, the lady says, "this pinkslip is unacceptable. its past 42 days since you had the pink slip so its no longer valid". WTF. There I was fuming, thinking that all I did after I got that pinkslip was park it for more than 2 months so the info on that sheet is most definately accurate. Anyways, upon quick inspection, I saw it in the fine print just above the pink slip results - valid for 42 days only. So I go back to my mechanic, had a new pink slip done and went back to the RTA which was closest to my mechanic. After waiting another 10-15 mins there, I show the lady my green and pink slips and the RTA sticker, she takes my money, and gives me back the same letter with the same sticker that says 13 November 2010. Mental alarm bells began ringing. I just paid for 12 months rego. My sticker should reflect that in saying 9FEB,2011... not 13NOV,2010. So I pointed out this strange situation to the lady. I told her, "I just paid for 12 months rego, but your only registering me until 13th November?" how is that possible? Apparently the date on the sticker wont change! Ive basically paid for nearly 3 months rego I never got to use. Makes no sense at all whatsoever that I should lose 3 months when Ive paid for 12, regardless of if its a few days short of 3 months or even 2 days after the rego expires. Rego should be valid for the 365 days following the date of payment! lots of running round, more money and time spent than expected. basically, do your best to pay off rego ASAP. you waste valuable time and money doing pink slips twice and lose valuable days off your rego.
  9. What about plaster? Probebly more messy..but listen- theres no real surefire way of avoiding the smell. After a short while you wont notice the smell and if there is any, its not going to be as strong as when you first poured out the resin. Of course you would probebly notice the smell in your mates car, since you dont drive it all the time, but eventually the smell does dissapear! As long as youve covered everything well and thrown out everything afterwards, the smell would be minimal. Im just guessing that there was a lot of left over resin that maybe soaked into the fabric of the carpet of the boot which is why it may still smell if it is as bad as you make it out to be. Once the resin activates the fibreglass and dries, there is hardly any noticable smell. Any smell off my sub is any residual dust from inside the box, but nothing outside.
  10. Ive gone and done this myself and I did experience some smell after making the mould but it did not take months for it to dissapear. One way you could do the mould outside the car is to take out the trim of the boot (if your car already has a moulded trim) and go through the process as normal. However, when I did this, I had my parents garage to park my car in for a few days. I taped layer upon layer of newspaper and baking foil around the areas I wanted to mould and left the boot open for a couple days. (tHE family was going interstate for the weekend so it sorted out). Of course you cant really avoid the smell, I guess if you have a well ventilated space to park the car then do it there with the boot open.
  11. It was originally 'Asain' LOLLLL! It kinda annoys me the same way Americans incorrectly pronounce the word AUSSIE.. as if they were trying to say it for the first time.
  12. long as in several months? lol! dont worry if i got the spare cash and this is still available ill definately take it off your hands.
  13. this has always been on my shopping list.. but are you in a rush to get the cash or are you pretty patient about selling? (post xmas poor atm)..
  14. just curious why not ozzy tyres on the great western? (st.marys?) i was always curious about how they lower cars to any height around $350... ive been there a couple times just to look before going to uni and the place looks ok.. are the ppl shifty?
  15. Someone please correct the spelling on the topic! Most irritating!
  16. check out my DIY in case you havent already... DIY mirror indicator mod just curious as to how you chose to protect the circuitry/wiring from the wet? I really like the minimalist idea, but if I had to do this I might have positioned the LEDS differently.. cant really explain how, except for the fact that the surface you are dealing with has curves all over and although youve made a straight line behind the cover to position the LEDs, it doesnt look like a straight line in the pictures youve taken after youve installed the lights. Perhaps you could have done what Kenneth suggested.. adding more?
  17. I beg to differ gav. I've got an 8 inch solobaric kicker in custom box... That's not a fair comparison to an 8" flat woofer in a thin plastic enclosure with no air space, which are often just passive and driven by a much smaller speaker in any case. It's good if that setup works for you, but unless if you have a whisper quiet car, you don't any real value out of these under-seat subs. You're just adding a midrange fill speaker. Gav. What I saw which was not particularly fair was the blanket generalization that 8 inch subs are "puss", regardless of how many watts they have which I obviously disagreed with. Good on you though for clarifying what you meant. Anyway I'd still give these flat subs a listen before I look for another option. They might just do the job
  18. I beg to differ gav. I've got an 8 inch solobaric kicker in custom box and although it obviously won't compare to a 12-15 inch sub, With the remote I can turn it up just a bit to make the boot shake and all the way down if the kids are sleeping in the back- it perfectly suits my needs! It's stupid to go large on subs when you value your boot space and don't necessarily want a sub that ppl can hear half a Km away! William, speak to the salesman n sus out whether this sub is what you were after. Always seemed as though some people blindly buy 12< inch subs cos they have issues with size. If you want bass but you'd still like to be able to hear the mids and high notes then you don't need a big sub in the boot. It's annoying when you can't even hear the other speakers anymore coz the sub takes over
  19. shoulda taken a pic from behind the wheel... the spider was about head height too (if uwere sitting in the drivers seat) lol! i high beamed it to make sure i knew i was seeing what i thought i was seeing
  20. sub under seat that doesnt make your chair feel like a massage chair? woudlnt that equally depend on what you are listening to?
  21. my driveway, and the things i find when i get home. trees on both sides of my driveway... the extremely large native tree is lifting up the cement on the driveway as you may tell on the 2nd pic which basically makes a sort of speed hump. not to mention the amount of dead bark and leaves were left to rake up every couple weeks. SUCKS! council have come and trimmed the tree but have done nothing with regards to the driveway lifting up. hmph. did i mention i hate SPIDERS. these pics i took tonight... obviously i didnt drive into the web.. after taking pics i attempted to walk around the web to get the mortein inside the house but a 2nd spider of the same species made a similar web creating a "fence" between my house and the neighbours. ugh. ultimately the wife took out the spider with 1 throw of her shoe.
  22. ive been looking at some new areas not far from where i currently live and the houses id like to bring up my family in are around 600-800k... would it be possible to get a house in that price range if weve got a combined income of around 80k/year? realistically how much would i be able to borrow if my wife n i applied? i know it makes more sense to ask some professsional but id just like to ask others based on personal experience before anything else. thanks for the feedback btw! very interesting read so far..
  23. Id like to pick your brains to seek advice as to how you guys went about buying your first home? some places online ive read youd probebly need to save 5-10%.. ideally 20% in order to get the best deal for a mortgage. i know credit history would be taken into account.. and that it can be a long drawn out process. since ive had a very limited amount of knowledge when it comes to this kinda purchase, id like to know how you guys went about saving the money for a deposit?? how long did it take for you to get the deposit? after getting a mortgage, what were the lifestyle changes? did it stop you from purchasing other things such as new/bigger car, travel etc? jase.
  24. WONDER GIRLS - NOBODY cant get this song out of my head.. not just today.. more accurate to say a week or 2 short of a couple months.. eek! THIS SONG... omg... the catchy hook, the dancing, the enormous number of covers on youtube, the various different versions in differnt languages... if you bothered to look this up you would know what i was talking aboot. heres a small sample of what i mean... Fan submissions from all over the globe dedicated to this song Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!robots dancing to nobody Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!Funny korean guys at work doing NOBODY Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!some chick doing Nobody ACHOUSTIC Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!NICE rock version by Royal Pirates! Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!DG GANG dance Nobody Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!Cebu prisoners dance NOBODY Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!Tagalog verson of NOBODY Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!i could keep going... but ill leave you to it. OOPS forgot to link the ORIGINAL version that started all this.. THE WONDER GIRLS! Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  25. JJCRU23R. youre more likely to find me on xbl than tocau these days :P my 1zz is no longer registered.. will wait til next yr before i do anyhting to it let alone register it :/
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