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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. the 2000 grit is a really fine sandpaper which actually feels really smooth when its wet... hardly any friction which explains why you'd use it to smooth the surface and get rid off the visable scratches. shouldnt worry too much coz your headlights still function! dont buy new headlights! the plastic is pretty strong and thick, so something like sandpaper isnt going to destroy it. just gotta keep sanding it down and eventually it should smooth out. and dont sound too down about it.. having the wrong attitude when you are doing DIY repairs leads to a lot of work being undone. YOU CAN DO IT!
  2. sounds a bit harsh? anyhoo, i found the pdf that had info on polishing the tail lights. (i know, your talking bout headlights here, but im assuming its the same difference when it comes to this stuff). im cutting and pasting as much of the article as i can.. hope this helps you out. article starts now: ------------------------------------------ If you have ever polished a car and mistakenly applied some polish on your taillights or indicators, you may have noticed some dry white residue caught in the raised lettering on the plastics. Here is how to stop that from happening ever again and make your car’s overall appearance smoother and cleaner. STEP 1 Start by removing the selected light assemblies. You could theoretically do it on the car, but the risk of sanding your paint is too high. STEP 2 Most indicators should have two screws, or just clip out. Apply some masking tape to the body near the clip out indicators to protect the body. STEP 3 Taillight assemblies are more difficult; after disconnecting the wiring, there is a combination of bolts and clips to remove. STEP 4 Once you have all the parts off, begin sanding. Use 400 grit wet and dry sand paper with lots of water and light pressure on the raised lettering. Don’t worry about the scratches on the lenses, the next steps will remove them. STEP 5 sing 2000 grit wet and dry, sand each lens again as this will remove the 400 grit marks. Make sure you spend more time here than you did with the 400 grit as it is imperative you remove as much of the scratches as possible. STEP 6 Using some metal polish, buff the lenses to remove most of the scratches, take your time in doing so to remove all the scratches. STEP 7 Follow the metal polish with Meguiar’s PlastX polish, this adds the final shine to the lenses. STEP 8 Refit all the lights and lenses in the same way you removed them, connect all wiring and test that they work. ASSESSMENT Shaving off the moulded lettering in your taillights and indicators is achievable and easy to perform by anyone. All ten lights and reflectors on our MX5 took around an hour to sand and polish. The smooth appearance is quite noticeable and although you wouldn’t think so, it significantly adds to a cleaner and sleeker look. what you need 400 grit wet and dry sandpaper 2000 grit wet and dry sand paper Sanding block Metal polish Plastic polish quick contact Automotive colour and equipment Head office: 66 marigold st Revesby NSW 2212 elephone (02) 97711600 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- im guessing this information came from "automotive colour and equipment". the PDF i got looks like it come out of a hot4s or autosalon mag or something. i wanted to post up the PDF coz it has pics but photobucket cant upload pdfs when i tried it. hope this information helps.... the advice is not that much dissimilar to what others have suggested anyways so give it a go! i was keeping this info for the day i get off my ***** to polish off the scratches i made on my headlights. anyhoo, good luck.
  3. did you follow the instructions exactly? i read somewhere a while back that you are meant to wet the sandpaper... not just use it dry. check the back of your sandpaper.. is it wet/dry?
  4. what happened to pics of your car? would love to see pics of it with the koni's + kings
  5. spotted last saturday 4th October going north towards newcastle.. around 11ish am 10 - 15 minutes after brooklyn bridge i spotted a red corolla (possibly a sportivo) with bodykit and black altezzas overtaking us in the right lane. most probebly a sportivo.. since it wasnt long before it was too far in front that i couldnt see it anymore.
  6. so far today ive managed to change my oil, oil filter and coolant today which was good.. but i dont have a shaft (for lack of a better word) long enough to reach the sparkplug. the wrench i bought today for changing the sparkplugs couldnt reach. since the sparkplug is pretty far down, would there be any chance of it getting stuck on the way out? theres very little wiggle room in there. changing sparkplugs in theory looks pretty simple but for me id really need someone showing me how its done.. hard to explain things by reading info alone... i need visuals. btw i even bought a corolla repair manual from supercheap today. the tools they had in the pic looked shorter than the shaft i bought and it was still too short. other than that, the book was a good buy! 40 bucks though.. but i can flick through the book better than i can read the online manual that was posted up on here a while back.
  7. ive been looking through threads about which spark plugs to use, but havent seen a thread which can show me how to change the sparkplugs? i saw a decent how to on changing oil and oil filter, but nothing on changing the sparkplugs. i realise i may be looking in the wrong places coz in all probability its been covered... but for the life of me i cant find it. ive looked through the corolla manual which was online but couldnt find it... please help, id like to get this all done asap. jase
  8. i seen original unedited clips of this several years back.. before this youtube section popped up on TOCAU so yea.. just remembered the clip the other day thinking hmm.. did i share this with you guys already? anyhoo.. if you dont like vin diesel, at least you can learn a dancemove or 2 :P look@ 2.00 & 3.35(roughly) Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  9. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  10. lol thats not fair... dont knock the bakers! it takes a lot of energy to work in and run a bakery.. (i say that based on personal experience). we all make mistakes!
  11. gday, theres a guy that lives on my block thats selling a 3door auto 1983 honda accord and i was wondering if anyone knows anything about this particular model of accord? any known hazards or things i should really be aware of? im looking to get this car for my wife to practice in while shes on her L's. since i am a dedicated toyota owner, i know relatively nothing about hondas so any advice or useful websites would be much appreciated. im gonna look into laying down a deposit so i can drive it to the mechanics to have it properly checked out before i decide to pay the full amount. ive given it a test drive already, it drives pretty straight and the engine sounds pretty smooth but then again i didnt drive more than 50kms/h, just went around the block since the car was basically empty on petrol. any help would be much appreciated. J.
  12. im not really kicking a dog or landing on my head or anything... theres no punchline to it..? just really bad dancing on my part :P its worthy of funniest home vids?
  13. in celebration of my birthday coming up this month, i give to you something i have kept hidden for years. totally embarrassing but others ive shown seem to get a kick out of it. presenting - me dancing @ my 4th bday. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  14. Chillis... best burgers! but yea... tough to decide whether i want a steak or a burger at that joint. sucks the wentworthville resteraunt is now a black stump. this burger sh!ts over the 4 stacker they got at hungry jacks now. btw ive seen much bigger and better looking stacked burgers than that overseas... wish i could remember the resteraunt it was... i wasnt game enough to try the huge stack burger i saw... stood about 7-8 inches tall?? theyd put your name on their wall of fame if you actually finished it in the shortest amount of time possible. hungry jacks got nothing to go wow over. i dont know why i take pics of my food.. i guess its only the stuff i eat rarely. anyhoo.. i love massive servings that make it hard for you to breathe when you drive home.
  15. several weeks back when i started this thread, it occured at least 3-4 times at various times of the day already. i still see the car parked on our street, but last few weeks they havent been sitting in the car when i noticed the car. one time not long ago while i was at work, my wife went to get the garbage bin from the kerb and they were out there parked near our house. a minute or two after that they drove off and parked a few houses down, so it didnt take much for them to get the message that if we do notice them, maybe they should go somewhere else where people wont be walking past their car. anyhoo... no real new news to report... nothing to tape anyways lol! everything is normal again which is good.
  16. did people just lose interest or did people get theirs already?
  17. in philippines @ this fast food joint called chow king they call these buchi lotus... damn it i miss them so! crispy n crunchy on the outside, soft, hot n gooey inside.. cant get enough of em!!! who made em? got the recipe?????? ***EDIT*** oh yea heres a bit of food i posted up in a previous thread.. one of my fave foods of all time. the ABSOLUTE BEST pizza you can get is from SBARRO. im talking deep dish pizza thats bout an inch thick and was a lot larger than the largest pizzahut pizza. from memory and by looking at the pic, you can see that all the chunky stuff and cheese was put inside, then another thin layer of crust and sauce n cheese went on top. baking was kind of a 2 step process.. you bake the pizzapie first without the cheese, then just b4 you serve it, they melt the cheese over it yea it was soo good i had to take a pic of it b4 i devoured it lol
  18. nice to know he can still spend his money after a nuclear bomb hits his house... wtf... never heard of anyone so tight with their money that they dont even trust paper notes.
  19. there was this guy at school who had the initials TRD in his name...he used to write it on everything.. another one of my classmates used to scribble over it so it read reTaRD
  20. *scratches head* i posted this thread to first of all gauge what is generally accepted as normal behaviour as far couples doing it in the car on a residential street, in front of somebodys house! as i said in the first post, my previous experience with calling the cops regarding complaints about the neighbours was not a good one, so i was sorta asking others about where this couple stands legally, and whether i have legitimate reason to complain to the cops! theres nothing wrong with asking for advice, but i never said id base my actions on whatever people say on this forum - i have my own brain. and i dont consider myself to be beating round the bush either. i chose to wait until i had a chance to chat with my next door neighbour and if he agreed with the idea of confronting the couple/contacting the parents/calling the cops next time it occured, i would have gone through with the action with the expressed support of my neighbour. i now consider the issue pretty much done, since the couple seem to now go inside the house whenever i see the car parked out front now, so no more problem! dont know what the hells gone up your ***** ash... but dont call me a nigger.
  21. beautiful! another carmate bar! did you get carmate to install it? where did you get it done?
  22. yea directly beneith that ill add the link to this thread :P
  24. gday all... been sick the past few days so havent been online. just the other day i had a talk with my next door neighbour and informed him of what my family has been seeing going on in front of his place. he had a pretty interesting perspective on the issue. he simply suggested he and my son play soccer out on the street next time it happens... itll get them to stop whatever it is they are doing and gets rid of em quickly enough. lol! btw ive also recieved a request from a TOCA member volunteering to make the beep n run in an unfamiliar car next time it happens! hahahha! thanks for the offer! but yea if my next door neighbour doesnt want to do anything as serious as confront the neighbours about it, then im certainly not going to complain. come to think of it.. beeping isnt so good.. i mean geez thatll wake up the neighbours. high beeming the car head on is better... lol
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