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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. sorry this is late.. the wife was checkin her friendster :P without further or doo. (however you spell that..) COMING STRAIGHT OUTTA THE VIEW FROM MY BACKYARD.. THE MOON
  2. JJCRU23R

    Weight Loss

    Yea i hear from several different places that if you walk an hour a day of exercise then youll lose the fat
  3. ive only got 6 pics worth posting.. the rest werent zoomed in and look similar to headaches first pic. little speckles of dust on the lense.. but hey.. i wasnt fully prepared for this! knew it was coming.. i was driving home from woolies when i saw the moon adn remembred todays red moon day! far out photobucket is either slow or my broadband is **EDIT** OR MAYBE ITS SLOW BECAUSE OF THE BLOOD RED MOOONNN??? wwwwwoooooOOOOOOOooooo!!! SCARY
  4. gday all, just took some pics of the red moon thats out tonight.. took a mad dash around the house looking for AA batteries cos i ran out and my rechargables arent recharged! ARGH! frustrating!! after taking just one shot, the camera shuts down so i run back inside ripping open every remote and childrens toy in the house... its a beautiful thing to watch! did anyone else take pics? anywayz im uploading them now.. will post em as soon as possible. if you are online right now- check the live webstream! http://www.discoverychannel.com.au/eclipse...ern_cross.shtml jase
  5. those tabs are a major hassle.. cant get my runx grille off for some reason ?! will try again when i get a new frontbar but the tabs arent any fun :(
  6. YEP! i actually posted them up on here an earlier thread.
  7. i read somewhere in the forums that you could possibly use a capacitor instead of the little transformer things. is there any truth to this?
  8. interesting.. i never experienced this problem with the sportivo grille... however.. the screw in the middle was a bit of a problem for me with the runx grille... i used blue tack to stick the nut into place in order to properly screw it in.
  9. thanks 4 that.. yea i looked online for the instructions too and had no luck... guess the 5600 will have to do
  10. that was a jk Mish :P geezz.. haha
  11. thanks puzzleman, i will certainly do my best!?! i knew i could do this crap with my camera.. just didnt know how. will try it when the oppertunity arrises... meanwhile i must dig in thegarage for my big tripod.. no wait i got a mini tripod next to my modem :P btw.. i have an M mode.. but what are the A, S and P modes? i lost my instructions long time ago :(
  12. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load! this is a game id surely be up 4 :)
  13. i always wondered how do you get that light writing effect on film puzzleman ? i have a finepix s 5500.. can it be done with that?
  14. buy a new neon kit? unless theres a number in the box that can tell you where to get replacment parts? should be.. i mean bulbs are consumable.. wouldnt expect them to last forever
  15. i had the same problem last year. pay particular attention to the ground wire! check and double check it! undo the connection and reconnect.. making sure the end of the ground wire is touching BARE metal. shave off the paint around the connection to get more contact
  16. useless witout pics.. not sure how its not fitting?
  17. yea i got altezza tail lights for my 03 rolla. i didnt know what to do since i couldnt do a straight swap over, so i brought it over to the local autoelectrician who spliced the wires and connected the new tail lights so that if i ever needed to put back the stock 1s, all the wiring is still there. $20 bucks for the guys time... so wasnt that bad. jase
  18. If youve seen me at the sydney meets, you would have probebly seen me being dragged by this little bugger all round the carpark. CHEWY! THE FIRST 2 WERE TAKEN FIRST DAY WE BROUGHT HIM HOME silly bugger went missing for bout 3-4 days? ran away ON THE NIGHT OF MY BIRTHDAY.. not a good way to end your day.. he came back home SOOO skinny... handed out 150+ of these signs out round the neighbourhood before he came home on his own. hey im on top of the new page.. does that mean im king of the hill?
  19. can you imagine how many cheat notes he could written on that thing when HSC came round lol :P seriously do you think his fingers have any flex in em? or would they be stuck in that position? geeez wtf...
  20. Its kinda nice you wouldnt have to pay for the big foam hands at the wrestling.. just paint it yellow and write HULKAMANIA RULES on it n your set!
  21. SPOTTED blue M_M van going down on rooty hill rd nth today round 3ish? did you notice ii pointed at you in the mirror and yelled out "SPOTTED!!!!!!!"?
  22. Man with world's largest hand in Shanghai for surgery check the full story here: Visit My Website
  23. if it were used parts i wouldthink that would be a selling point in itself? my guess is that they are all new unless stated otherwise. why not give em an email or a call to find out. if youre not happy with them or the wreckers or cant get anything cheaper, why not get aftermarket sports mirrors from ebay? maybe the carbon fibre ones or the ones with indicator lights in em?
  24. im not trying that springfield link again... it shut down my explorer last time. gotta love that vid in badboyz avatar! found the vid on youtube!!!! HAHAHAHHAHA! white dude was asking the black dude "are you going trick or treating this halloween?" black guy says "no" masked guy pops out of the bin...
  25. interesting... being of filipino descent myself and also after just coming back from southern philippines a few weeks ago, im not really suprised. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
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