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Posts posted by neK

  1. $583.14 thats so cheap!!!!

    You must live in the safest low risk suburb in Australia.

    Im over 25 no fines no claims and am paying $960 though I do live in a crap area in Sydney.

    $960 thats cheap!!!

    i pay $1200 for 2003 corolla sedan with no mods!!! (PostCode 2115 low risk area too) :o

    over 25, no fines, 8 years driving exp wtf

  2. Its nothing major.

    It happens everytime you disconnect the battery.

    Have a read of this thread, and it will explain to you how to get your power windows working again.


    It follows a simple sequence to holding your buttons down for more than two seconds.

    Hey Everyone,

    I performed a ECU reset tonite and had the same problem with the electric windows. The button lights kept flashing. I tried pushing all the way down the holding all the way up. What I noticed was that you had to do that to all the passenger windows first on their actual buttons on their respective doors, then do the driver's window, otherwise the driver's window won't fix itself.

    Just putting what i've noticed out there.

    Cheers everyone

  3. oooo Looking good girl!!! Welcome!! are you sure thats an accent? u mustve painted the door handless red too!! sweeet

    The initial pictures show the door handles as black. :)

    But thats one nice front bar :D

  4. well i dunno... MAYBE they weren't gunning it... but wat i do know n i'm 100% sure of is i was ahead of them while we were doing 130km/h... whether he was just driving a lil behind me on purpose or he was really racing i dunno... but i'm just telling u wat happened... so please don't bag me i'm just telling u wat i saw

    They probably did hold back.

    Anything over 130km and its an auto suspension isnt it?

    I have a tendancy to follow cars, never be the leader... or the last car when speeding on highways :P . LOL

  5. Could you imagine all the other companies trying to headhunt google's staff?

    Seriously how can you match perks like that. Companies go down because people leave and go to the competitor.... thats something i think google is genuinely concerned about. So by giving perks like these encourages people to stay.... and with that intellectual property stays too.

  6. Provided the contestants were TOLD of the fact that consumption of too much water can cause water intoxication resulting in death (as opposed to it being written on a piece of paper that no one reads but signs anyway), then I think the contestants themselves are to blame.

    However if the radio hosts did not disclose such an important matter, and thought that a disclaimer on a piece of paper would save them, then they should rot in prison because they probably chose not to disclose it because it would affect there "ratings" as people may not proceed with it.

  7. make sure you tell them your no claim bonus rating if you have Comprehensive insurance. The are not automatically applying discounts now, so you need to prove a rating 1.

    Thats not required for CTP is it?

    Just did a quote for Comprehensive on the corolla for 19k agreed... its getting higher.

    $1200 :(

    Anyone recommend a 3rd party + property damage policy?

    ie a policy where if i crash i need to cough out all repairs to my car (or if the car gets stolen), but everyone else is covered?

  8. he's done a few more posts than you...

    only just :P

    Had a read of the article....fugly just fugly....

    What were Toyota thinking?

    At least the Auris wont tarnish the Corolla name.... perhaps Toyota is doing this as a diversion, then they are gonna bring out an awesome looking corolla and surprise everyone..... wishful thinking?

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