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Status Replies posted by anhphuongvu

  1. another rainy day in melbourne -_________-"

  2. What is everyone's BF3 username? Add me to your friend list :) A_Buff_Hamster

    1. anhphuongvu


      im annoyed with why they used origin and the web based launcher...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. going ot test drive a stivo very soon.. can someone explain to me how to effectively test lift (rpms, gears).. ?

    1. anhphuongvu


      make sure the engine is hot. LIFT wont engage until engine reaches 60 degress. wait till temp goes to 2 bars (not sure how sportivo looks like).

      lift should engage at 6200rpm all the way to 8000rpm??? not to sure bout sportivo but my celica lift range is 6000rpm to 8200rpm.

      to stay in lift through first to second gear, you would need to ride the clutch a lil. the other gears are easier

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Finally got a ZZE123R in GT5! It kinda sucks but not once modified!

    1. anhphuongvu



      didnt think there was this model in the game

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. is wondering how to add "clickable" links to status updates rather than just a huge url??

    1. anhphuongvu



      This will show up as a clickable link with just the word GOOGLE

      the URL is what you want to direct to.

      the single word GOOGLE is whatever name you want to call it.

      just copy and paste and edit the two parts =]

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Looking for a supercharger kit for a 2003 Corolla Sportivo

  7. New DSLR lens or full exhaust? Zzz

    1. anhphuongvu


      i say exhaust first

      so that after you get your lens... you can take better shots of your exhaust ^_^

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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