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Everything posted by SmellyTofu

  1. Absolutely correct.. in a Corolla. But let's revisit this thread again in 2 months time.
  2. You're assuming the petrol pump is 100% accurate and how much you fill up to is the same everytime.
  3. A preset consumption is pre-programmed in there. The rate it falls in terms of the number will just be slower than what you'd actually do. Also 0km distances doesn't really mean 0. It is quite conservative and you can drive it for a bit after it hits 0. Whether or not you're game enough to risk it is up to you. Btw, I'm getting 7.3L/100km with mostly constant city driving with some time driving into the bumper to bumper CBD. A tip is to stick to the speed limit. It is actually amazing doing 60+ affects consumption. Oh, in on candy..... want to get it below 6L/100km.
  4. It's based off a standard consumption, not what you had last.
  5. That rule doesn't stand anymore. More so Camry as it's already overreading by a fair margin with the new speedometer calibration regulations. And if you're in Victoria, you're busted for 3km/h over... and the +/- variance doesn't stand in their courts (precidence has been set).
  6. Does anyone know what the touque split is front to rear?, is it 50:50 Yes it is. There is also a lock button that locks the centre differential for proper offroad work. Does it have low range? No it doesn't Are there any major problems with this model i should look out for? eg rust hot spots, gear box ect Rust might be an issue if it's been used offroad extensively. Gearbox reportedly from people in the know have internals of the Celica GT4 so they're as tough as they come. The manuals anyway. The autos I have no idea what strength they have but have heard of 4AGZE conversions (albeit difficult conversions on a AE95) done to them. what are they like to drive? any good on the beach ect? Never driven one but I presume it'd be like any Corolla... i.e. safe but nothing exciting. Beachwork shouldn't be a problem but ground clearance might. You'll find more info on toymods.net ... they are lot of technical guys over there that'll have experience with the AE95.
  7. SmellyTofu

    Rav4 Towbar

    That's because the back end of the Corolla & Camry can support the towing forces and the RAV4 cannot. Who makes it does not matter because they would contravene intellectual property and future business if their aftermarket side of the business copies the genuine product. If you were in business, you'd be pretty silly to risk your future income for the sake of a quick fix right now. Ever heard of the saying "never bite the hand that feeds you"? Btw, Front line also do bars for Toyota....
  8. SmellyTofu

    Rav4 Towbar

    The geninue bar reinforces the back end of the car whereas the 4 bolt jobs won't.
  9. If that ain't cut and shut, then the sun must rise in the west....
  10. There are consumer standards for these elasticised nets with hooks on the ends (like okky straps) that make them quite difficult to legally sell them in Australia (like most bureaucratic nonsense that Australia loves to dish out) and this is why they cost so much more here. Milford makes generic nets and they sell them for around $50 or so.
  11. The class 2 towbar as the genuine towbar is designed to be removed. Just because it's not a class 4 towbar doesn't mean it's not removable. The donkey d1ck European towbars do not comply with Australian standards. If you want to put a bike on it, then have you considered putting them on the roof? You'll save yourself weighing the car down with a towbar that isn't as easily removable as roof racks and a bike holder. (think wasting fuel, slower acceleration etc).
  12. That's how I've done it... feel...
  13. No it doesn't. I think the manual refers to overseas model.
  14. Under ANCAP, it is a 4 star because NCAP requires ESC to be standard to achieve 5 stars. As it stands, it is 4 however Euro NCAP is 5 as ESC is fitted there. This is why Mazda 3 is 5 stars however, they will revert to 4 next year as the ratings will change unless ESP is fitted standard across the range. VSC on Corolla is coming but nowhere near the timing that this forum is floating around.
  15. Sure it's a bit sensationalised but it's every bit as true.. The other one is http://www.stabilitycontrol.com.au .. sure it's sponsored by Hyundai, but there's a truth in that for everyday driving. In order to perform the same thing ESP does is to have 4 brake pedal controlling each wheel. Oh, and to say they shouldn't be on the road means that kids running after a ball shouldn't be on the road.. but they do... so do dogs running across the road... or a kangaroo on the highway?
  16. Yes, the BT feature is disabled when you are moving. If you really want, you can cut the speed sensor unit that connects to the back of the audio. I believe it's a purple/pink line but do double check it first. Of course don't do this if you have a sat nav unit... you need the speed signal to guesstimate your position inside a tunnel.
  17. Umm.. look at the date the article was written.....
  18. ESP is useful in any car large or small. It's not the speeds you'll be doing that will hold the car on track but it's how quickly you can avoid it. A kid could come out on your home street.. or like me, I've had some careless person pull out of their parking spot without looking on a residential road and fortunately being in the dry road, I avoided it from 50km/h but do the same thing in the wet and I wouldn't have stood a chance as it was this very same situation I had my first "accident" in a Corolla Ascent in the rain. Cars are usually designed to understeer but it doesn't mean that it will save you everytime to drive slower into a corner. ESP will initiate oversteer which effectively cancels out the understeer. I'm not saying it's great for every situation but for everyday driving, it's one feature that cannot be replicated like ABS and it could get you out of an accident.
  19. i30 is a Accent replacement. They are a good drive and even more so for the diesel version. Only "quirky" thing it has is indicators on the left like a UK spec vehicle which I presume this car is built upon. Good specs variations... Would not have any doubts if you bought this car.. they are much much better than they were 8 years ago. Yaris sedan is a pretty large car... so comparing space, they are pretty much the same. You might want to wait a bit if you want VSC on Yaris... but on the i30, you can get ESP... I guess important just in case.
  20. ABS & EBD Let's revisit this thread after October... or maybe after that ... or before...
  21. The system is a TomTom Duo which you cannot purchase on its own without the head unit.
  22. 1) They don't want to sell you one 2) The service department might have been bitching to the sales people that fitting one is a pain in the ***** 3) Too lazy 4) To rip you off.
  23. GLX off the top of my head had over the GLi: - Independent rear suspension - Rear disc brakes - Alloy wheels - Optional sunroof - Rear spoiler - Boot badging had GLX on it and I think it had an LSD in the GLX as well.
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