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Everything posted by ChArMs_RT142

  1. i dont know what any of u are talking about You edited it :P Sucker!!!
  2. you wish mate!! ive met jase hes cool you i dont know you :P
  3. exactly .. tom is the last person I would have guessed .... clueless !! women Men
  4. is that all you check?? i check everything all the time!! Muhahaha i have to :P
  5. Girls when u read this in the morning with the MSN convo i wasnt paying attention!! lol i was stressed over bloody money orders sent to wrong people I didnt read the replys properly i thought it was 9th june not 9th july my bad I should be able to go its on sunday?
  6. Always Need A Good Goalie!!!
  7. whooo that was close lucky our aussie goalie was alert haha
  8. Hey I'm Not!! Watching the Game B) Go Aussies!!!!
  9. I dont think they will win lol LOL a draw maybe.. penalty coming up :D Ahh Yay the got one!!!
  10. I dont think they will win lol
  11. That is weird never heard of that b4 rob!!!
  12. Yes Indeed!! Wonder if Harry will play in this game?
  13. Hmmm half time 1 to Dutch - 0 to Aus Hope Aus can pick them selfs up!!
  14. Ive always thought i was colour clashing so they change orignal colours could be wrong..
  15. lol seems to be such petty playing past 27 mins!
  16. Yeah I know <_< Ahhhhh they scored already!
  17. Nah i havent seen it yet :( darn it lol *gets chips and soft drink* yay its Started!
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