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Everything posted by ChArMs_RT142

  1. Hmmm wonder how long its going to be down for ;)
  2. Hallo,Greetings,Salutaions,Hello, Hi,Guton tag
  3. *Silence of the lambs* YaY bb uncut is on in 10-15 mins :P
  4. Been good lol Yes alot of peps have been whoreing today
  5. Hahaha i have no idea thats why im asking
  6. im having sausage rolls 4 dinner haha home brand yum not!!
  7. chicken with honey and soy sauce............jason told me to make it................smells greatt!! oh and the kids just finished eating too they loved it!! Yummy
  8. I think it would get used by the peps who race or like to give there car a thrash haha
  9. ok ok thats true lol i didnt plan it other peps did ... i had no idea juat found out yesterday night ...
  10. still here mish.. but walkin out the door in one minute talk tonite lol bye all.. have a good evening :) u did not see anything charms lol shhhh Ok i didnt
  11. I want him back too Harry Kewell Obviously for different reasons ! You probably just want to perve ! Oh i think he's a good player aswell!!! but yes too bad he's married
  12. on the girl topics...............the boys r distracting u...............hehehe Oh lol hey are you going to get your braids done?
  13. ur a bum mikey.. ill find out tomorrow wat its all about bec what hes talking about is ion the corolla section ok im with u Hahaha you changed what you wrote :P Yes nice car in there !!
  14. Thats what happens when you take stupid risks my dear ..lol Hope you get it fixed!!!!
  15. I'd say depends which printer you get
  16. u can join if you like ! .. Oh why thanks for the invite
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