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Everything posted by ChArMs_RT142

  1. dont say that lol your making me hungry now too bad im having lasagna for dinner tonight ...
  2. WoW thats so convincing im gonna go and get married now NOT! lol One day :) i wanna have a wedding in hawaii if i ever find someone :D Hello Pete ! mish i found a way to quote open another window like this i always do it the hard way
  3. Hahahaha i remember when he was so little & trying to rap Still cant :P Never been in one is it good? I've never been to one either...didn't know we have that in Sydney? I've only seen those in the old american movies.... :P So when is this thing happening? I've watched Xmen 3 last night, the best movie i've seen since Matrix... :) Well thats make 2 of us lol
  4. I dont know what did you miss ? :P
  5. yep just click on reply at the end of a post then when it comes up to the main page select the other quote u wanna reply to and do the same thing it will both go under ur name.......cause u cant post twice in a row........so it'll be 2 quotes under ur name.... :D Thanks mish i just tried for some reason i must be doing somthing wrong?? Oh wait i think i know i know now lol or many be not confused now ahhh ill get it one day lol
  6. Hey does anyone know how to put more than one quote in a post ?? i dont know how to do it lol
  7. WoW that is nice !!! Overall i like inside and out but a diff colour lol
  8. Haha no i cant do that stuff with my car!! i wish though would be fun to do I'll just be in the stands i wanna film some stuff im have a crapy camera but i dont care lol
  9. I was just listening to music and watching tvo haha like aways decided to see if the forums were busy :P
  10. Why do u wanna change? i think you can but u have to ask permission but the dont always agree lol
  11. Someone so has to film the dance then post it up on toca
  12. What place you talking about tom?
  13. i think thats what it should be changed to :P
  14. I was unaware of the gate not functioning properly so it was purely just bad luck and an accident that I got hit with it. If I knew of the electric gate not working I wouldnt have even moved the car nor attempt to get it out! Ahhh thats not good ! i dont trust electric gates
  15. Behind every great man there's a great woman Meaning Literal meaning. Origin This has been adopted as a feminist slogan. The origins are uncertain, but it's certainly much older than the Women's Movement of the 1960s/70s, which spawned other such slogans. For example, ' a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle '. The first printed citation I can find is from the Texas newspaper 'The Port Arthur News', from Feb. 1946. This was headed - "Meryll Frost - 'Most courageous athlete of 1945'": "As he received his trophy, the plucky quarterback unfolded the story of how he 'came back'. He said 'They say behind every great man there's a woman. While I'm not a great man, there's a great woman behind me.'" The use of the phrase in that quotation suggests it was well-known at the time, and may be much older than 1945. The use of the phrase received a boost in 1985 with the release of The Eurythmics' song - Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves: Now, there was a time, when they used to say, that behind ev'ry great man, there had to be a great woman. But oh, in these times of change, you know that it's no longer true. So we're comin' out of the kitchen, 'cause there's something we forgot to say to you. We say, Sisters are doin' it for themselves, I shall Believe this lol ...
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