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Everything posted by ChArMs_RT142

  1. :P dont tel me your going out with darn flip flops again Becca? haha puts some damn ugg boots on Crazy Girl!! I saw the short of that on tv i dont think i could watch it id be gripping the seat hahaha
  2. Still has some few years left i hope!! Where is everyone ?
  3. Haha did you really ?? that would be so funny haha ill do that pete just have to find the ones you posted again lol
  4. jan?? new name change ?? haha yeah i know pete lol 21 year old car bound to happen
  5. Wouldnt it be all newer model cars in there rob ? i could be wrong lol
  6. Ahh i get you know lol u mean queen pete!! Mish........... Pete where do you get ur icons from ? lol there so cute i tried to dl some and i got damn spyware instead haha
  7. Is it pick on pete night again ? Hey peps Hows everyone? Arh my car lol its dieing NNNNNOOOOOOO! Tried to start it today *** damn it sound bad haha i need a tune up quick smart !! lol LoL today at a roundabout in fairfield there was this guy on a bike and a suzuki swift they both went straight through it so the guy on the bike decided to try and race him lol bad cyclest the suzuki planteted it so the cyclest tried to ride faster i didnt see the rest coz i was trying to not cause an accident lol my mum said that the guy on the bike tried to kick the car stupid idiot!!
  8. :lol: Of course i have time to eat and the rest :P hahahaha
  9. LOL i still dont know what martyr means?? Remember you haha *forgerts who blue_rolla is* :P jks well im off to much internet yesterday and today!!
  10. Tis ok lol yeah people go to bed early :P Whoa ive been connexted to dial up for over 11 hours
  11. Nite peps no whoreing today?? lol maybe later on :P
  12. Maybe she fell asleep at the comp hahaha
  13. I think shes reading past posts lol
  14. I have no money right now so how can i join lol hasnt some one new joined ??
  15. Haha yeah i know it is watching people live in a house for 3 months bizzar i say :P
  16. Whats everyone doing? Im watching bb uplate :P haha
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