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Everything posted by ChArMs_RT142

  1. Distance Hehehe yeah nite Jase!
  2. Oh i saw those things on 5th gear i think they seem good but pricey! Ok jase chat 2 ya laters take care Nite...
  3. Range Yes in the carpark :P of the caltex caravan with the famous flashing lights
  4. Is it i didnt know that but still i wouldnt make it ..
  5. Yeah i wanna do some driving to nice places!! Sounds good .. The beach yes cant go without noce beaches Yumm Sticky rice with egg omlete haha i used to eat thai food at my cousins friends place his mum made such nice food!!!
  6. Production Haha yeah theres one up the road at the caltex :P
  7. i wouldnt make it first week! It would take alot out of you for sure coz of that
  8. ive never heard of the place .. Thai food yumms lol
  9. Volume Hehe yes wish there was a pizza place open!!
  10. i guess i could do that if things dont go to plan.. have u gone to any recent local drives?
  11. oh i used to watch that but missed out on few episodes so i stopped watching coz i missed tha action lol i rekon that would be an awesome thing to do!
  12. Industrial I guess you could say that lol midnight snacking
  13. thats not bad ill see anyways i wanna go for sure just car wise .. Yous still going to queensland?
  14. Outlet I dont know more of an appitiete lol
  15. Whoa 2 times in like 1 hour?? lol If i can service my car i should be able to go needs a tune up V8 shaking not good haha Its not that far of a drive is it ? ive been b4 but i wasnt driving
  16. :P if you put it that way Idol is gonna be on after that finished cant wait
  17. Lunch haha ive been eating like no tommorow past week
  18. Give me a T - O - C - A GOOOOO Shims hahahaha jks :P Im sure the girls would love to join in
  19. once haha on the week micheal left obviously it didnt help with my one vote:lol:
  20. Thats what i want to do but cant at the moment lol Yeah its an expensive hobby wish it was cheaper
  21. Yeah i will be should be good!!
  22. im not a die hard fan i just have nothing else better to do
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