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Everything posted by ChArMs_RT142

  1. Photography is awesome if you have the right equipment!!!
  2. Hahaha who told you that?? well bb isnt on today <_< :P but i do genrally stay up late i need to stop .. Cya pete
  3. how many cars line up 2 race?
  4. Mines not the best when its cold hahaha
  5. Its all good that people want things done but some go over the top!! The expect more than u can do...
  6. its all about involvement !!!! ... dont worry .. petes car aint much to look at anyway ! .. ahahhhahaha Yeah i know & thanks again for it!! lol thats not nice jase
  7. Yay ^_^ This is my second mish help with the first now you thanks guy haha
  8. Hahaha *goes and knocks on mishs door* :P jks hmmm wonder if it will work
  9. Sorry guys for blocking you's ;) maybe next photo op!!!!!!!
  10. What i wrote :P i dont really know what LMAO is??
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