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Everything posted by ChArMs_RT142

  1. yep leaving in august...........i have a life long dream to tick of my 'to do' list....................build a snowman!!!! :P Haha its fun doing snowman building but u get to tired lol LoL did u jase wonder how many chickens passed for ur 3 week lasting nuggets
  2. Ahh should be good then? Well im off now chat 2 ya laters or tommorw guys and gals .
  3. Winter Suxs! anyone going to the snow this year lol thats all winter is good 4
  4. tom greens crazy!!! wonder why drew barrymore didnt stay with him!
  5. Jack Black lol wouldnt even consider him in a movie like that
  6. bye tom ill be off to the club soon
  7. damn it was a trap dammit!!!!!!!!!! should have posted abit faster mish u would have gotten it!!
  8. yeah i haven't seen that one either! lets do a movie marathon! I remember the cinema's used to have movie marathons a few years ago but I don't know what happened.. <_< Xmen Fast & Furious The Omen i wanna see them alllll Havent been to one in ages dont know if i could sit through 3 whole movies anymore whats the omen?? Heya mish
  9. Ahhh one post off :P Sir king Corzza
  10. i still need to see xmen damn it lol i wanna watch that too
  11. tis ok i write missed spelling words as well haha
  12. i think u need to clear it up for us! Rob LOL What tis needed to be clear??
  13. Oh lovely topic we have here tone it down G rated here........:P
  14. u missed spelt nest :P next u meant?
  15. i dont know always wanted to be though :P Sounds like this is getting out of hand & people getting wrong impressions
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