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Everything posted by Dead

  1. Ok I've managed to keep Nelson at bay. Well I pretty much knew how my car was going to sit by doing some research and looking at photos. Taking Northy's car as an example, I now know how low it should be put for it to be perfect, as I'm running the same wheels and tyre profile as him (about 1 1/2 fingers gap from tyre to guard on front and back, although I think corey went a tad higher at the front). The wheels are 17x7 and the tyre profile is 215/40. I'm running coilovers shortly (if anyone bugs me about the date when they are being put in [aka MICK] in this thread then I will KILL you). :D
  2. Oh...yay. Tom's thread will never die. Pity tom isn't anywhere in it these days. I went to Peppermint Place today. It's a fun land filled with pigmy pigs and gigantic glow worms that prance and dance with mystical elves. Ralalalalaaalaaa...trippytippyteetahhhhh
  3. Debate! Debate! No close thread...I want to gee up Dylan and make him narcy > : D But Dyl wheels have function to them, they are the central point to a cars functionality. Without them we would be driving on discs and underbody...or cutting holes in the floor ala Fred Flintstone with stone rollers.
  4. That's a good point haha. Mate there is a fella on here with a rolla who was running Tiens, but he's dissapeared :( Might try and hunt him down actually...
  5. Ann owed to a spill checker: Eye have a spelling checker It came with my Pea Sea It plane lee marks four my revue Miss steaks aye can knot sea. Eye ran this poem threw it, Your sure reel glad two no. Its vary polished in it’s weight My checker tolled me sew. A checker is a bless sing, It freeze yew lodes of thyme. It helps me right awl stiles two read, And aides me when aye rime. Each frays comes posed up on my screen Eye trussed too bee a joule The checker pours o’er every word To cheque sum spelling rule. Be fore a veiling checkers Hour spelling mite decline, And it were lacks or have a laps, We wood be maid to wine. Butt now bee cause my spelling Is checked with such grate flare, There are know faults with in my cite, Of nun eye am a wear. Now spelling does knot phase me, It does knot bring a tier. My pay purrs awl due glad den With wrapped words fare as hear. To rite with care is quite a feet Of witch won should be proud. And wee mussed dew the best wee can Sew flaws are knot aloud. Sow ewe can sea why aye dew prays Such soft ware four pea seas, And why I brake in two averse By righting want too pleas.
  6. Far out you're everywhere tonight... Hey wait a second...that's my job being the Forum Feret!
  7. Are you serious mick? lol. I didn't know celica's had 4 doors
  8. ask the canberra boys, i'm actually quite the opposite :P RO114 (aka Richo) - "Robbie what is the go with girl jumping? You hung like a horse or something???"
  9. I've seen your car. You have a lookalike here in the form of Richo, I think he even has the same wheels as you lol.
  10. Fury? You're a warrior aren't you Phil? lol Fury, Arms or Protection Spec'd? They're your talent trees :D
  11. See if the brissy boys are interested mate. Every single member from QLD seems to like beer so yeah they'll be in
  12. Probably grease the pillowball mount a little Andrew?
  13. Put your dumbells on a pillow or something in the study with you dude. It only takes about 20 mins to do your biceps, triceps and side delts as an example ;) Just go afk for a while and come back to it you're fury spec'd aren't you?
  14. when sitting down put the back your arm against the inside of your leg. this braces it (tricep area of the arm should be resting on your inside thigh, eg: right arm = resting on inside of right thigh) then go nuts :D Yeah I recently re-speced from dps (retribution) to protection. I'm the guilds main Area of Effect tank now. Basically instead of just holding one enemy, I can hold sh!tloads now and take the beating while they get mowed down by our Druid/Mage/Warlock dps team The Epics are awesome man, be sure to save heaps and get one lol. I have 123% speed now (crusader aura increases speed by 20% and carrot on a stick by 3%), far out...quicker than the rolla haha
  15. Most likely be coming up 3 more times this year Met a girl in Brissy. Perfect though, I'm after a cruisy relationship not anything full on for the time being (I'm pretty comfy with her though). Long term: Possibility after many years of saving for a deposit on a house and working here, I may buy in Brisbane...'may' lol. Been in talks with Sir Azza on Government work up there. Pros of moving there: Sun...fun...yeahhhh Cons: My car is about to look like a red version of Corey's and you'll all pick on me for it Rob, mine already does look like a red version of Coreys, minus the headers, PFC, Carputer, Buddyclubs, Wing Tips..... Maybe not...... Yours looks like Bren's now Azz, only very 'embarrased' The highways up there are fun to drive on. Roads? YARRGH! :o Woa...thought I was going to dive into China at one point. How do you drive at your height Corey??? the freeway between brisbane and the CG is fantastic, 50-60km of 4 lane motorway :) how do i drive? FLAT OUT that is true...given that I now have driven on it stay away from suburbia? lol
  16. Just stumbled upon this. That looks more like a diagram of a woman lol. d_ice cred to you. you know what you're talking about I hate electricity :(
  17. Dead

    JC's Stroller

    Wait till you drive it before you make that decision mate. . . . ;) Well crafted it is, work it does. :D I get the general idea of how much better it's going to be and everything, it's just I can't justify spending that sort of money. Sportivo will be a buzzy everyday car with handling. I've just had a custom engine back system done up for the escort (plus an LSD from England) fitted into the Escort so...yeahhh... Dad and I went a bit crazy. Nothing is stock anymore. Even the block lol. But...will be interesting to see how yours goes with the complete system from Trev.
  18. Lmao...lvl 65 now with my epic mount dude. You? I use dumbells while I'm at the pc? lol
  19. Most likely be coming up 3 more times this year Met a girl in Brissy. Perfect though, I'm after a cruisy relationship not anything full on for the time being (I'm pretty comfy with her though). Long term: Possibility after many years of saving for a deposit on a house and working here, I may buy in Brisbane...'may' lol. Been in talks with Sir Azza on Government work up there. Pros of moving there: Sun...fun...yeahhhh Cons: My car is about to look like a red version of Corey's and you'll all pick on me for it Rob, mine already does look like a red version of Coreys, minus the headers, PFC, Carputer, Buddyclubs, Wing Tips..... Maybe not...... Yours looks like Bren's now Azz, only very 'embarrased' The highways up there are fun to drive on. Roads? YARRGH! :o Woa...thought I was going to dive into China at one point. How do you drive at your height Corey???
  20. Dead

    JC's Stroller

    We have one down here in Canberra (catback) so we'll see how it goes once it's on. The grapevine spoke to me and said that this is a very well crafted system. I still won't be getting one myself, but it will be interesting to see the results, esp from driving it.
  21. That's what I was thinking. I originally came up with 'anywhere' because I don't tie myself to any specific genres or styles. I play whatever is on my mind. Priceless Ammo sounds good haha Was even thinking of giving the band an individual name, like 'Claude Badger' lol
  22. Take pain killers with you though. My icey Canberra frame couldn't handle the muggy humid conditions of Brisbane, and I recieved a massive headache as soon as I walked out the terminal off the plane
  23. Most likely be coming up 3 more times this year Met a girl in Brissy. Perfect though, I'm after a cruisy relationship not anything full on for the time being (I'm pretty comfy with her though). Long term: Possibility after many years of saving for a deposit on a house and working here, I may buy in Brisbane...'may' lol. Been in talks with Sir Azza on Government work up there. Pros of moving there: Sun...fun...yeahhhh Cons: My car is about to look like a red version of Corey's and you'll all pick on me for it
  24. Ok guys I've been picking band names randomly from the air (that's how they should come anyway lol) so here's a list. Comments welcome Priceless Matter Silent Anywhere Anywhere Nurse Copious Anywhere Fly Cranky Badger Ammo
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