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Everything posted by Dead

  1. Shampoo ish bedda. It goes on and cleans the hair. The Commodore doesn't do that.
  2. I said it before and I'll say it again: "shampoo ish bedda"
  3. Yay for Bec lol I'm out guys. I don't want to sleep in the car so...yeah lol
  4. Yeah! YEAH! And I'll be behind Bill repeating every last word he says in an annoying tone like off the movies! YEAH! So...yeah!
  5. She was... Obviously she didn't think the same way. OH well... OHH BEHAVE!!!
  6. I just had a bombshell dropped on me :( Hang on a tic....THAT MEANS I'M SINGLE AGAIN! OHHHH BEHAVEEEEE!!!
  7. Givin that there hasn't been much going on here in regards to tonight guys I'll be spending the night with my friend and Goddaughter (yes that's right...I became a Godfather on Sunday ;)) I was thinking something during the day tomorrow maybe?
  8. Anna Hornikova, Maria Shagapova I'm sensing a pattern here.
  9. Now that's another thing. Nothing is funnier than Harrison Ford talking to a dude in a Wookie suit and making out he undestands everything he says: "ARR! ROWWW ARRRR HARRO OWOW!" "I know Chewie I know! I can see it!" "ARRWAWWWWWWRRRR!" "Yes yes! The forward stabilizers are up as high as they can go that's all we have!!!" Wouldn't mind giving that ponytail a good yank actually.
  10. Just had a thought lol, Smashing Pumpkins you can make some real sweet sweet love to their music... Tool? I think ol' Shagapova would end up on the ceiling and the entire bedroom would be in tatters
  11. ...with a celica motor, and potential. Potential to suprise and crush many a person :D that is worth it just on it's own.
  12. I'm blind myself. I feel for you dude. No probs get better soon.
  13. Yep gaffa tape. SO SHE SHUTS UP FFS! Either that or just whack on Tool or Smashing Pumpkins and turn it up really really loud.
  14. They've made a chubby hamster. Period. Chubby hamster nftw (not for the win).
  15. Ok...after having a bombshell dropped on me yesterday by...well...yeah anyway... I'm heading to Yass friday night to stay with a friend who is going to be introduced to the Corolla experience in sydney on Saturday. So i'll be away for the weekend. I'm up for something tonight or tomorrow arvo I guess guys so...yeah. PS: Sorry for sounding like a sad sack.
  16. Yeah I can imagine her in bed...with several layers of gaffer tape covering her mouth!!! Even then I actually wouldn't bother as I'm happy with who I'm with :P wouldn't trade her for anyone.
  17. My mate and receptionist at work, "Rob wtf...it's a corolla why?" My response, "You have 20 pairs of shoes...why?"
  18. BAH..wont get to see it. got a 21st in the city DOHH take lots'o piccies ppls i will be there in spirit *OHM* Nelson and I will pray for you *meditates*
  19. My friend in Adelaide works in the Holden Factory there and actually 'makes' these things. Even he was suprised (and doesn't really give two hoots about holdens rofl). Remember guys, it's 'Wheels' we're talking about. They shift with something else besides the gear stick. He said he wouldn't be suprised to find a large surge of money going into Wheels magazine from Holden lol. We all know the Aurion is better ;) People know and they aren't stupid, the sales figures of the Aurion will go through the roof still I reckon :D
  20. BLOODY SHARAPOVA! (Or 'Shagapova' as I now call her). "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..." "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..." "AAAAAAAHHHOOOOOOOOO..." FFS! Someone put tape on her mouth!!!! RAWWWWWWWWR >:(
  21. Classic! That's what I say to people when they say, 'You're wasting money on your car...why are you doing it?' haha Thems moddin' werdssss :D
  22. I still like the quad cams. Friggin fun motor.
  23. :P Actually I wonder which would have better power to weight too, probably the F6 as it weighs around 1700?
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