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Everything posted by Dead

  1. The corolla's owner just got a mod. Pair of Ray Ban Aviators (with reflective silver coating...man I'll have to be careful). I feel the need...the need FORRRRR SPEEEEEDDDDDDDDD!!! (Don't ask how much they were lol)
  2. I like BDL. They're straight shooters. No bull****. Good stuff dude.
  3. That's Mario. Look at his number plate next time :)
  4. hahaha it could be El Vato actually... He has the same sense of humor as me lol.
  5. Ghetto. Sounds about right yeah.
  6. I will gladly admit that I'm a typical male. If a girl looks good, has brains and attitude then I'm locked in. So no-one's owning up to putting the note on your car hmm? ...it's Nelson. Has to be.
  7. HAHA errr no ? lols my name son is ASHY what the ***** is a may ly ? lols do i look viet to u ?! GOSH cut hard Are you Icelandic? I dig chicks with white blonde hair... Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  8. Nahhhh man lol. It's all good. As long as she's happy with the car. Yup. Seedy ones from Mitchell as well. The seedier the better. That seedy that you feel like you're catching something just by looking at them LOL.
  9. "Cruel the fate in that which is dealt. Crueler the fate that cometh to the embroiler." - Assassins motto, circa Elizabethian era, England.
  10. US tv networks: Producing 99% of the worlds ****, right at your fingertips. The 1% belongs to Today Tonight and ACA here in Australia...
  11. sugar Wow, someone as grotty as me. Someone's after my heart <_<
  12. Reverse scenario here: You're a rather nice indonesian chappy. You'd like to see your friends in Darwin so you hop in your Cessna. About 3/4 of the way there you see two FA18's constantly buzzing you and telling you to GTFO lol.
  13. feet You should know me by now. I'm a filthy pig. I'm filthier than a corrupt US politician with a sack full of Arabic funds in his top desk drawer.
  14. Screw that I wanna see some cardiac arrests!
  15. Dead

    Simos 03 Stivo

    Meh so what if it isn't stainless. It still does the job. Sif you'll be looking underneath the car all the time to see the prettyness of a stainless system anyway.
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