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Everything posted by C-rolla

  1. C-rolla


    once again ill say im in, im in W.A so hopefully i can organise postage, cheers
  2. C-rolla


    count me in too.. ill take one if i can get one.. cheers
  3. ahh my dream car always changes, but at the moment it would have to be a big black ford f250 dual cab.. on 24" rims dumped on airbag suspension!!fully sick ahaha but wouldnt mind a detomaso pantera... im not fussy.. haha
  4. hey guys, has anyone on the site here purchased any rims from "Joey Kev" on the firesport.com website.. if so what do you have to say about it.. cause his rim selection is very tempting.. just i have a couple of reservations... i.e quality, shipping etc... any thoughts or opinions?? cheers C-rolla g'day from w.a!
  5. I to have the black rolla, just an ascent but a nice change from seeing all the white rental corollas driving around.. so heres to all the black rollas out there... cheers g'day from W.A
  6. thanks every1 for the replies.. dont think ill ever find a place.. so stuff it.. haha im giving up.. cheers once again for the replies cheers C-rolla
  7. thanks for such a quick response.. ill keep searching, n if i find ill let u know as well.. cheers but still if any1 here knows pls inform me cheers C-rolla
  8. This might be posted in wrong seciton but im a newie so forgive me.. but i wanted to know if anyone here knows where to get custom badges made up. i wanted to get a set for me n a friend. so if anyone knows where i can find a place to make up custom letter's or badge's for the back of a car.. pls help.. im after metal ones like the toyota badge on the back of our cars cheers C-rolla (if wrong thread im sorry.)
  9. cheers, thanks for the push in the right direction much appreciated cheers C-rolla
  10. you guys know of anywhere we can buy them in Perth? n how much are they? n are they hard to install...? cheers C-Rolla
  11. guys are being abit harsh... we all have different tastes, we dont all have the same ideas n as my mum used to say "if you havent got anything nice to say, dont say anything at all." hahaha :P :P my 2c cheers nino_leb - not my cup of tea but schmick all the same :) C-rolla
  12. can sorta get the jist of how it looks, you have a side on pic so we can see it all? but looks schmick :) good stuff cheers c-rolla
  13. sweet ride, wat rims are those..? 17's? n has it been lowered? cheers c-rolla
  14. spotted 2 rollas today one on east boundry road near McKinnon road.. with the strip of shops that has the cheesecake shop.. a black rolla kitted out, lenso muse wheels, chrome rear lights and stickers on rear bumper... looked like a web address couldnt make it out.. this corolla was F*&k'n awsm.. . and the other on Centre Road near a church.. stock silver with custom plates **TIVO white on orange.. both looked sick cheers.. C-Rolla in melb on holiday!
  15. nice.. good stuff :D wat colour u gettin...?
  16. no worries mate.. :) thought i'd wack a pic where u could see the whole car.. cheers
  17. hey mick0082 hope this helps, if not sorry..this is my ascent.. standard everything except lowered on "Low King Springs" to give u some idea of the drop.. hope it helps cheers
  18. holy S*#t they look amazing... real good choice mate.. love the colour.. makes my choice on rims that much harder.. had the heart set on black but seeing ur rims puts a spanner in the works.. great choice again, looks the shizzle! :lol:
  19. WTF...!!! :( :( :( :( :o :o :o how the hell did that happen..??
  20. C-rolla


    those are sick.. they 18's?? or 17's?
  21. I reckon it looks great, classic twin pipes and without the current trend of mufflers that are so low, you can't go over a bridge without scraping the expansion joints! :P ← yeahh.. thanks mate, thats exactly why i went for wat i got.. doesnt look outta place or stupid.. does the job and does it well.. i think so atleast
  22. Hey C-rolla, do you remember which model Lukey you fitted (Ultra Flo, Turbo, etc)? yeah i remember its an ultra flow muffler... i didnt remember at first but i checked and the tips branch out from the middle of the muffler, and that follows the layout of the ultra flow muffler.. ill post a pick to show you wat it looks.... doesnt look bad i dont think, doesnt look out of place compared to ones i have seen, like a big huge f**kn 5inch tip on like a mirage
  23. Ive put on a Lukey muffler, with twin 3inch tips... The sound is deep and nice. Not loud when not pushing it, but when u want some nice deep noise its there. looks phat aswell, a far cry from the standard ascent little black thing . i've had a lot of comments about the sound, all good.. The biggest comment i get is about the note it makes, very nice im extremely happy with lukey..but performance wise im not sure.. as im on my P's performance is not an option... YET
  24. sorry for adding this here, but i was wondering if you had taken out your black covers that sit where you are wanting to put your lights in... n if u had how did you? Cheers C-rolla
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