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Everything posted by 69.NIX

  1. you need to look at the frequency that the sub handles. on my setup I have the the x'over set at 120khz. so the cabin speakers handle everything above 120khz and the sub the rest. also, see what you can change on your head deck in regards to High Pass Filter (HPF). Make sure it is set to 120khz :)
  2. Eclipse AVN 726EA - Running the latest maps by Navteq, its awesome. Also the TMC traffic updates are getting so much better (only tested in Sydney, Melbourne testing this weekend). Just on the the way home last night, i got updates every 2-3 mins. Some might see that as annoying, I see it as informative
  3. 3 sleeps to go 1 sleep till we leave :) .....Tomorrow is gonna be a long day / night / morning :blink:
  4. I suggest everyone looks there ^^^^^^^ for all the info
  5. NEWS HEADLINE: Cork man drowns....his name was bob :o

  6. I had that smell in my old Gen 3 camry. It was the coolant leaking. I can only suggest, flush the cooling system, check for residue down near your drivers pedal's, console and passenger footwell (as suggested), then refill your system with a good quality coolant. If all else fails, get your thermo and heater core checked by a pro.
  7. I have my car camera mount, little camcorder and iMac ready for the drive to Melbourne :)
  8. you missed a spot......over there >>>>>>>>>>
  9. you should see what I got planned while i'm in Melbourne :o
  10. Someone please stop me I Still don't have the youtube posting skills up
  11. Looks like a great turn out. everything going to plan. Me & JV11NL will bring the awesome :whistling::whistling:
  12. I've got one side pretty much nailed inplace. I'll get some pics up within the next 1-2 days :)
  13. 5 more sleeps till that long drive :)

    1. Andrew357


      Where you going PEte?

  14. .... dont know if corolla boot can hold all my awesome
  15. Here is something i knocked up in the new iMovie 11
  16. as a former domino empolyee, I can tell you that dominos Belconnen is one of the busiest stores in Australia. They have 2 make lines, 2 stacks of 2 ovens (4 in total)...maybe more now. It's only fitting they have a car like that :)
  17. This is what we had in mind :o can we put that that on the BBQ?
  18. next friday will be a loooooong day, bu the end result should be worth it

  19. New site looks good on the iPad :)

  20. /pete like this :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
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