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Everything posted by 4ABHGE

  1. Damn you peter! Ive got other commitments and cant go f1 this year... shattered. See you guys in the morning! :)
  2. Actually, thats a better spot to meet up. OK, guys lets meet up at 8am at the caltex on mcintyre road/sunshine on ramp this sunday morning. http://maps.google.com.au/maps/place?ftid=0x6ad65eff935e2fab:0xbeb990356bb53bec&q=corner+sunshine+ave+main+road+east&hl=en&ved=0CA4Q-gswAA&sa=X&ei=d7tiT7-tFcbCkgXxx4njBQ
  3. This. Then this. Then this. Then this. And this.
  4. Less stretch, moar camber and a hell of a lot more low and your job is done! looking good Jeff! :D
  5. 4ABHGE

    dee's daily

    ^^ Dont forget the 4AGE! :)
  6. Private number, I drove past the other night and saw all of you guys at the car wash there, I would've stopped over just to check it out but just wasn't the best night for me. too busy :(
  7. Must be a bad flu if you cant work for 2 days!! hhehe :P
  8. The meet starts at 8.30am and is at epping.. sont blame me for trying to be there on time! :P Is 8am late enough?
  9. Hey guys, shall we have a pre meet in the west for the sunday morning tccav meet? How about 7.45am at the corner of keilor-melton hwy and kings road. behind kfc, in front of bunnings?
  10. Today I put in an AE92 driveshaft on the passengers side, from the same car i got the motor from and i re-polished my wheels :D
  11. End of the day im not too fussed... the seat works and that is enough for me! :P
  12. Well my padding is great just not over 4 hour drives lol Mine are made in japan... so they're the original replicas of the fakes which are technically legit, but are actually better than technically legit ones? very confusion! haha My seats are the plain jane ones, so they dont have the bride logo going all the way up the cushions which doesnt really help at all. All i know is that they supposedly are made in japan which is good enough for me! ^_^ As for the road trip, this explains everything including the kms i covered and why i want to raise my ride height..... ...oh and also the moonshine in the back of my car ;) hahaha jokes. Srsly tho, I went up to Albury/Wodonga for the weekend. drove up, drove around, drove back. :)
  13. Do it :D Come along man. As for the drive, we'll see how i go. My car has spat the dummy like it always does after 4 weeks :P and needs new driveshafts/cv's... Ill see if i can fix it tomorrow, might even do a few things to the suspension and put my KU36's on << this means more poop in the pants than before ;) hahaha but If I dont get around to it, ill be limping there which isnt that much fun for anyone :( We need to organise a cruise/skid session sometime soon aye, ill run it by Peter (when i can be bothered) if we can do that in april or may for the monthly meet
  14. Saw a sportivo with the plates "ROLLAA" in my uni car park
  15. Hey guys, just letting you know there is a TCCAV meet this sunday morning, the 18th of march. Its at Autobarn Epping and starts at around 8.30-9am until we feel like heading home. It has a lot of different cars but mainly old school toyotas. Hope to see a few of you there
  16. (I shouldnt be watching these videos, theyre a bad influence :P )
  17. I went on a 800km or so return road trip this weekend in the mighty lunch box. The car did exceptionally well, no smoking, no overheating, no oil or water consumtion and best of all 6.9L/100km!! Engine has finally settled and is just ticking along nicely :D EDIT: apart from one thing, o-ring in the dizzy has gone... I do need to raise it back up 20-25mm again as its scrubbing very badly on country roads (and handles like crap haha) Seat was a bit harsh and was lacking padding for long trips, so i had to make my own pillow with towels and stuff to avoid getting a numb bum an numb legs LOL!! While talking about my seats, I had a look at my Bride's tag this morning, and Im now not too sure if they are legit or not considering the price i paid. I cant read the japanese on the tag apart from the english saying "Bride" and "Made in Japan"... made in Japan is a good sign right? :D Heres a couple of photos and a photo of the rear window before the return trip :P
  18. ^^fixed Also dobt forget to mention to roys wheels!! Lolol
  19. I have seen AE92 FXGT's online somewhere. Im still looking for an AE82 FXGT myself
  20. Photos of the meet last night, they didnt come out the best but ehh... +1 on white_jet :P
  21. and isnt it going to rain tomorrow or something ? My car needs a wash aswell but the rain is making me hesitate... And Ill be there in my red lunch box just after 9 :)
  22. Jeff, could you text me the location of said usual spot?
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