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Rukus Son

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Status Replies posted by Rukus Son

  1. Driving my  2011 Toyota Rukus Halo has been one amazing Journey after another,

    thought i would share this with you guys.Thank You for the memories.. Life is definitely way too short, do what makes you happy.!!

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      Att - TRD Rukus, Thank you so much my friend for accepting me as part of your " Rukus Australia Group on Facebook ". means a lot. When i first laid eyes's on a Rukus i was completely blown away, when i think back all those years i still remember the feeling. To me this is more than just a car, or a piece of metal & don't forget plastic, it's apart of me now, it represents me as a human being, Sadly i never have owned a car of my own it has always been other peoples or family members, so this is the very first car that i have called my own. I have always been about being unique & being who you are. What brings a smile to my face is when people give me the thumbs up that always makes my day & seeing the little kiddies smile that is what keeps me going. I just purchased a very special sticker for the rear of my boxy babe found it on E-Bay in which i like to get a lot of my car needs from, since the new toy story movie came out i thought i would get something that represents in a certain way. A few years back i used to call my boxy babe My ToyBox thought it was appropriate at the time, that was before i got my beloved Tiger's. So Thank you for accepting my membership my friend. 


      Rukus Son 


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Driving my  2011 Toyota Rukus Halo has been one amazing Journey after another,

    thought i would share this with you guys.Thank You for the memories.. Life is definitely way too short, do what makes you happy.!!

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      Hey thanks for letting me & everyone know. for as long as i can remember i have yearned for the companionship of other Rukus enthusiast like yourself, But in saying that i haven't logged into my Facebook for quite a while & i probably needed something a little special to get me back. I am definitely interested. Appreciate the call in. They may no longer produce The Toyota Rukus, but i can honestly say that i am still here after 8 years & hope to still be here in another 8 years. It has been a hell of a road trip, God knows how many times my baby has been up & down the coast, This video is only a small sample compared to what i have experienced & cherished in the 8 wonderful & memorable years of owning a Toyota Rukus Halo 2011. Thank you TRD Rukus, Hope to see you soon my friend.  Happy & Safe Driving 

      Sonia AKA Rukus Son

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. taking bags out on the weekend....

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      Hi, I'm back & yes it has been a while, boy am i so happy to be here cheers :)

  4. Hey all I'm a newbie here just wanting some other rukus lovers to talk with!

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      hi Lynette, how is your Rukus going.? my Halo was 3 years old in April can't believe where the time went ;) i couldn't stop laughing see how you found the Toyota Owners group. i am having a You Tube Channel i hope you will take a look at when u r having time my id ~ SK4869 you will see a few Rukus Videos in their & a few Music videos i do like to make. Hope u will enjoy them let me know. Thanks :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Headunit installed yayyy :)

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      what type of head unit did you get & are you happy with it.?

  6. heading into town next Tuesday to discuss the Designs for my Halo, just wondering do you guys have any suggestions would love to know before the 19th

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      @Juvenile... Yep and here i present to you the Spirit of the Tiger ;)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. My ****ing roof just sagged in.. You think Toyota will be able to fix it for free?

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      Just wondering did you get that ****ing roof fixed yet ;)

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hey all I'm a newbie here just wanting some other rukus lovers to talk with!

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      hi Lynette, so nice to meet another Female Rukus Fan ;) thought i was all alone, i am here to talk & listen & would love to catch up & maybe get some ideas we can both share. Welcome to the Club.!!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Recently heard Big Pete passed..RIP up the heavens my man..

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      OMG i knew there was something wrong as he wasn't updating his status like he used to ;'( i hope he didn't suffer, RIP Big Pete We Will all Miss you ;'(

  10. Need some opinions - had to get my rear bumper respraye due to someone rolling into the back of my car. The whites are off. Told to accept it and that plastics r always a different colour??

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      What is it with people, rolling in other people's rear bumper ;) if i was You i wouldn't accept it not if it is a totally different color & not the original colour that you are having now. No Way they have not done the Job Properly & are trying to get rid of you coz they did such a bad job they don't care. OMG why is it when you take your car into a repair shop that surprisingly something else gets damaged, Pray to God that nothing else happens ;) when in trouble seek rea...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      please be careful when giving your baby any type of penicillin, as there could be any kind of adverse reaction, as it can be fatal if you don't monitor the babies health, i am only saying this as i am allergic to Penicillin & all types of penicillin as i break out also into a rash & become quite itchy all over my body & there are many other side effects. i would highly advise to everyone not to administer Penicillin in Children under 12 months of age due to the many health ris...

  11. wheels look good!

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      hmmm that's what i too Looovee when the Wheels Look Gooood ;)

  12. What is is about hot ladies eating bananas #discuss

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      just wondering while you were accidentally staring at the woman eating her Banana did she by any chance notice you staring at her while seductively eating her Banana ;)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. The reason why i am not a TOC supporter is that i forgot that i had changed my debit card i will be back =]

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      @ Bangtown... maybe later on down the track they may decide to have a 5 year subscription just like our drivers license, just a thought, i would prefer that what about you.??

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. The reason why i am not a TOC supporter is that i forgot that i had changed my debit card i will be back =]

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      @ Kenshin X sadly i wasn't here for such long time, is why i wasn't a TOC supporter. it is your Choice weather you want to renew or just stay the way you are. is not that expensive if you think about it. maybe we can Change your mind ;)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. Everything was great....until she put a ciggy in her mouth #epicturnoff

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      that to me is definitely a turn off imagine Kissing that after the puff ;)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. Choo choo choo!

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      OMG that was Awesome if only My Boxy Babe sounded like that, what am i saying i mean went that fast is only a 4 Cylinder you know ;'(

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. Everything was great....until she put a ciggy in her mouth #epicturnoff

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      Oooh that is so Disgusting, reading your Comment was enough to put me off my dinner ;) & you will be happy to know that i am not a Smoker & nor will i ever be a Smoker Thank God I Value my Life.. Give up or Give in..

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)


    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      a little elbow grease didn't Kill anybody, make sure you do a good Job while your at it ;) come on i love to see a man get a little elbow grease ;)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. Why is it, if you Choose to be different you will have the toughest fight of your Life to Survive.

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      @ Kenshin X... Just because you haven't been pulled over as yet, just remember this there is always a first time, i think the police have been waiting to pull me over for a very long time ;) but like i sais before i wasn't knowing having blue light on the rear was illegal i am new at this remember plzz be gentle with me as my Heart can only take so much ^_*

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  20. Why is it, if you Choose to be different you will have the toughest fight of your Life to Survive.

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      @Hiro.. OMG Why not Toyota here have the count underneath telling you how many Letters are left remaining so you are not Writing & then finding out the rest of your message was not posted ;( i will be saying Goodbye to Cairns & they will never ever see or my Boxy Babe ever again. My Halo was made Just for me & it is my very first Car that i have owned to call my own. to me that is Priceless, Thank You =]

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  21. Why is it, if you Choose to be different you will have the toughest fight of your Life to Survive.

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      @Hiro. there is a really sad story, as i work Job of evening, it is stopping me from getting my Car with all it's designs on the outside in which the guy that did my Halo on the Back, is now waiting for me to give him the go ahead. will be getting the design on outside after 27th November & if you think my Halo attracts attention now, Just wait until that is complete, i am so looking forward to that & a few extra things Before i Leave Cairns & then i will be saying Goodbye to...

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  22. Why is it, if you Choose to be different you will have the toughest fight of your Life to Survive.

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      @ Hiro. Yes i do take the blame where my Halo is concerned i am not denying that, but what gives other people the right to damage or vandalize what you have worked so hard for. Sadly even my friends with whom i work with of an evening have said the exact same thing what you are saying. i have every right to make my car how i want it to look & that is nobody else's business, my Car is now Legal WooHoo until next time, also i am not complaining just trying to find answers. My Car Repres...

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  23. Note to self - running 21W bulbs as parker lights in a housing designed to be an indicator will melt the bulb-holder....and the lens....

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      OMG So your Birthday is the 3rd February hmm did you know mine is the 4th of February, ;) maybe one day we can Celebrate our Birthdays Together in Style... you only Live once you know ^_*

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  24. Why is it, if you Choose to be different you will have the toughest fight of your Life to Survive.

    1. Rukus Son

      Rukus Son

      @Hiro..Oooohhh Laaa Laaa i see what you mean, Yes you are right you do not have much Choice in the Skin Colour you were Born. Well i can honestly tell you i am not one to Cry out for attention rather than pointing out the facts & what is really going on. my friends at work said to me.. it is my Fault my Car is Targeted coz i made it Stand, out. now tell me is it a Crime to be Different.?? i rest my Case ;)

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

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