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Everything posted by Hiro

  1. Out of curiousity, what makes my opinion worthless? The fact that I disagree with you?
  2. Dude, get down off your high horse. You've obviously got some kind of grudge against dealerships (I'm guessing one has rubbed you up the wrong way in the past), the average corner mechanic is just as likely to use poor quality oil if not more, as they are less likely to have a multi-million dollar contract with a big-name oil company (I believe Toyota uses Castrol for instance, not Joe Bloggs Motor Oil). Dealerships aren't this big bad enemy like you make them out to believe, thousands of people get their car serviced by dealerships every single day without any problems (yes there are bad ones and good ones, but that is true of every market, and also true of home mechanics as well). Hell, my Corolla was dealer-serviced for the first ~250,000km of it's life and it is still perfectly fine, 363,000km and the engine has never been opened ONCE. If anything, I've probably caused more damage to the health of my car by sometimes being a bit lazy with the servicing (air filter really needs a change for instance, and the oil is a bit overdue).
  3. No, not in ANY way - unless other states RWCs are markedly different from NSW's pink slips, they basically just check the lights and tyres, make sure nothing leaks, the brakes work, no rust etc etc. Nothing should be touched, adjusted, removed or replaced in carrying out a roadworth, so it is about as far from a proper service as you can possibly have.
  4. Hiro

    V6 wheelspin

    FWD V6 + wet roads + heavy car + open-diff = very easy to get wheelspin.
  5. Considering this thread has been inactive since September 2008 (and the member hasn't even been online since Nov '08) I doubt you're going to get an answer...
  6. The mudflaps are usually a good indicator, in my experience the tray manufacturers almost always fit their own branded mudflaps (around Newcastle the predominant one is Dutch for instance, Sydney is often Bocar)
  7. Day or night meet? Time still says 8pm, also still says June :P
  8. Cars are far from airtight you know, and they spend a lot of time sitting around not being driven before you buy it, so plenty of time for a creepy crawly to find an air vent or some such and sneak inside...
  9. Tradition goes a loooong way. Plenty of traditional things around the world would not be allowed on safety or sanity reasons if they hadn't already been going on for hundreds of years. Classic case of Grandfather Clause. The Monaco GP is another example, if it were to leave the grand prix calendar it wouldn't be allowed to return because the circuit would be deemed unsafe under current regulations. The amazing thing is that only 15 people have died in the Bull Run in the last 90 years...
  10. Last Saturday of the month Thread should be updated soon with what is going to happen this month, a cruise to Bathurst was floated but nothing set in stone yet.
  11. Only if it will have a diesel engine, which is what the partnership is about. http://smh.drive.com.au/motor-news/bmw-toyota-to-codevelop-sports-car-20120630-2190i.html "BMW and Toyota confirmed plans that will see the two car makers jointly conceive, engineer and produce a new sports car as part of a broad reaching technical partnership that is also set to centre around lightweight constructions, fuel cell development and hybrid powertrains. The announcement of the partnership, which builds on an existing agreement for the supply of BMW diesel engines for various Toyota models from 2014 onwards, follows the signing of a memorandum by BMW boss Norbert Reithofer and Toyota chairman Akio Toyoda in Munich, Germany." Partnership includes hybrid and fuel-cell technology, and the new Supra has been touted for ages to have a hybrid drivetrain (conventional power to the rear wheels, electric to the front), so it doesn't have to be a diesel...
  12. :P at the moment it is still cheaper to get it from overseas (including shipping to my door it's about $170 at current bid) :D If it falls through then I'd definitely consider it
  13. Ohh, and if you still want a strut brace, I'm currently bidding on a 3-point 3-bar TRD one on YahooJP, so if I win that you can have my Levin one.
  14. You can usually find them on eBay, Toyota can probably get you a set too but expect to pay more. Wreckers is still probably your best bet though.
  15. That's the swaybar drop-link, nothing to do with camber (I assume the seal you are referring to is for the ball-joint on the link). Easy to get a new pair (always get a pair, because chances are the other side will be pretty bad too) or a second-hand set from the wreckers (they'll only be like $20), just be careful taking them off as you need a ring spanner and an Allen key (key to hold the ball joint shaft in place, ring spanner to undo the nut), and the Allen key hex is very easy to strip/round.
  16. Great night out guys, could have used a few more at dinner though :P Nice to see so many people rock up to the Greenacre meet though, catch up with old friends and meet some new faces too. Highlight of the night was definitely Duy managing to lock his car inside a apartment block secure carpark when trying to get a park for the dinner :P
  17. Why are you storing oil filters anyway? Unless you did a bulk order or something you should only buy a filter right before you are about to install it
  18. From the NSW Gov't website: Note this is not a Toyota-specific thing, is not a recall, nor is it industry-wide, nor an issue with factory-supplied or fitted accesories. It is simply an internal directive to government fleets about not potentially overloading a vehicle by adding further accessories than recommended by the manufacturer.
  19. Dude is there any details on this cruise as would definitely be up for this http://forum.twincam.org.au/topic/2726-bathurst-cruise-2012/ 8:30am meet for a 9:30am start from McGraths Hill
  20. Single group? Website says that for groups greater than 10 then you have to go for the set menu...
  21. There's no such thing as a TRD Hilux single-cab, that just looks like a normal single-cab SR with a TRD front bumper...
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