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Everything posted by MR22ZZ

  1. get off the interwebz and pick up a phone for starters!!! call and good clutch mob and they'll be able to order a Fidanza one for you and CJ, talking 2ZZ here, not sure if flywheels are compatible between the 2, I think clutches might be though, at least the disc...
  2. MR22ZZ

    buying an AW11 ??

    finished working on it and it was dark... pics to come later :P
  3. Yep... Chris is the most Un-asian looking person in Australia I reakon...
  4. baaaaahahahaha simple chemistry combustion by definaition is Hydrocarbon + oxygen ----> Carbon Dioxide + WATER!!!! When the engine is hot, this comes out as steam, when it is cold (or the exhaust pipe is) the water condenses on the pipe. Inertia does the rest (under acceleration) and the water drips out the pipe.
  5. They probably clocked the car in front of you
  6. MR22ZZ


    Just bought my dream car, now to build it to the spec I want too :D
  7. it's similar weight to the Fidanza flywheel (just slightly heavier) and that copes with 1-2 shifts with no issues.
  8. A few guys have used saddle oil with great results.
  9. MR22ZZ

    buying an AW11 ??

    will clean it up after I've had some sleep, I've been up since 4am!!!
  10. C-One or Fidanza Flywheel would be my pick. Tom's haven't made Flywheels for over 12 months.
  11. MR22ZZ

    buying an AW11 ??

    ......... bought AW11
  12. The Sydney Launch is at Stewart Toyota in Sutherland, next weekend I think They are looking for all year model corollas (stock) to help with the promotion There is a thread about it on SRC forums
  13. it's pre 1986 I think, coinciding with the introduction of unleaded fuel
  14. 50 is a massive offset, I suggest test fitting them and see what you think (check the clearance to the suspension strut on the front in particular) mine are +42 offset and that's about perfect for a 16x7 rim.
  15. Depends entirely on where to go and who installs it. Personally I'd only trust 1 person in Australia to do it, you should pm Xoom and Northy for details.
  16. Contact Eaton and see what they say?
  17. your f'n what? Pete!!! spill it!!!
  18. http://www.nengun.com $830 delivered... though it will take several weeks
  19. baaaaaaaaaahahahahaha doesn't quite match up the Bush and Cheney though :P
  20. need info... pm Mark ;) I may be doing the same trip soon, all the good cars seem to be down there right now, or in WA
  21. yes, we certainly don't want it to be tomb... :o
  22. Women aren't so expensive... you just have to find the right ones ;) I've only ever had 1 g/f that cost me a packet, all others have been easy to please. The saying, 'the best things in life are free' really does ring true. If you have to spend to entertain/accommodate/keep a female interested, they aren't the right one, because they certainly aren't hanging around for the person you really are if that's the case...
  23. Can't be proven it was Sam either, he could just be saying it is...
  24. car colour? I may be up for this, the pics from last year were great and reviews from people I know who went were better... just depends what car I have at the time as to what I bring...
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