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Everything posted by SILVABULLIT

  1. C'mon Danthuyer you know Thursday night is night out with the Stivo boy's... Put the girl on ice... She'll still be the same thing in the morning :P :P Should be there with a few in tow :D
  2. I would but pay day is ohh so far away... and the pile of bills is getting biggger :(
  3. I thought it was a going away party for the EVO. I could have come and remembered that near fatal night with one nice little white Excel.... Ooh the memories... But it's only for you going on a holiday so I'm not coming cause I have to work. See if you can get a " Cruising Europe".com sticker for the EVO while you're away!
  4. If you have lots of patience with toyota dealers and money to burn on tyres then I suppose you could follow Imek's methods. But you can launch hard from 3500 to 4000 rpm with a small slip of the clutch to get moving.


    Can't post pics cause you're a forum hog! ;) By the way I've hit the 400 mark Craig's biatch :P
  6. Always thought they were a bit "dodgy". Just the link to their website was enough for me not to deal with them.
  7. Nino-leb can you type in english and full words so I don't have to decifer what the hell your trying to say please!
  8. A freak out put for a stocko. Best we have seen in Brisbane is 104kw by Hames' car. Most of the stock cars i've seen are around the 94 - 100kw atw. But the differences in dyno's go a long way to answer the question of the big variance in output. Please don't start the dyno differences again. B)
  9. Just looked at my avator and noticed i've just clocked over 400 posts. Well who would of thought...
  10. The other difference between Poland and Australia as I've already mentioned is humidity! If something is going to kill the performance of a car then that'll do it. Plus Imek you mentioned that you run on a new drag strip that was more like a road? Drag Strips over here are very grippy and while you can easily get wheelspin it's when it stops that the problems occur. It bogs the engine down or worse case scenario your gearbox case decides to part company and makes a mess of your teeth.(Ask hames he'll tell you) We can't compare cars on different sides of the planet as ther are just far too many variables to consider so lets just call apples apples and we'll believe your cars performance for what it is and vice versa. Cool.
  11. I'm sorry but the only good thing I like form Germany is the mighty VOLKSWAGEN!!!!
  12. had "relations" with his mother because
  13. and is owned by Nino-leb
  14. Dyno costs will probably be the same as last time (around $20 I think)but will check though. Remember limited spaces(10) so book in early to avoid missing out!
  15. 5th gear - 240kph. That was it wasn't it Northy? Or something close!!
  16. It's my party and I'll cry if I want to.... (I can just see Danthuyer singing right now ;) )
  17. Not only do I sometimes question Kyle's sanity but Azza i think I have to start questioning yours! Hey lay off those hard drugs man they'll screw you up ;) Stand back and have a good look at Kyle........... there's where your heading! :P :P
  18. Atmospheric pressure and quality of fuel play a big part in a car's performance and the difference between Poland and Australia would probably be substantial enough to warrant the differences in times.
  19. Coming from a motorsport background and the fact my uncle builds race engines(circuit) if you run an engine in gently and never get up it it will turn out to be a bit of a slug. On the other hand you don't go and thrash the crap out of it banging it off the limiter with 100km's on the clock. when running in a race engine, the method used is the same as I use on a road going car but over a slightly longer period. Apon on of my uncle's customers getting an engine built it gets run in the car first. Fast idle usually for about 30 mins to run cam in if cam is new. Otherwise it gets run in for a short period of time with some minor tuning and adjustments. From there it goes to the track where the owner does anywhere from an hour to two hours of track work not flat out but at varying speeds. Starting off keeping revs to half, short shifting for a good handful of laps then pitting for a check for leaks, timing, fuel adjustments etc. After that the driver goes out and increases rev shift point for another half hour or so until they physically feel the engine start to loosen up. At this point they then begin to use full throttle for short bursts on the straights obviously monitoring all guages etc. By the time 2 odd hours have passed they are lapping under full throttle but at the same time not pushing it to it's limits. From there it goes back on the trailer to the dyno where the fine tuning and set is completed and the car is now ready to race. This can be applied to driving your street car but you use the kilometres travelled as a guide. Break it in gently but varying your pace. Hitting lift is fine(I know I did!!) but not bouncing it off the limiter. I did about 500k's before i started to really open it up. With the way modern engines are built these days run in times are a lot shorter than say a holden red motor out of an EH. By the time 500km were on the clock I was hittng lift regulary as well as just driving normal and car feels fine. Ultimately if you could get on a race track and just do lap after lap increasing your pace as time goes it would probably be the best and easiest way to run a car in in a controlled environment. You would then feel when your car starts to loosen up and then start to push it that little bit harder. That's my way, if you like it then great if not then do it your way. Not twisting any body's arm here or say this way's right or wrong but merely offering my opinion! Cheers SILVABULLIT :D :D
  20. Happy birthday Boris I mean danthuyer, I mean snowflake, i mean any of the alias' you go by with all the women you attend to! Sorry but can't make it so have a couple for me.(I did say just a couple. You know what happened last time!!!)
  21. He also stops in a hurry for ordinary ones as well!!!!(beggers can't be choosers eh?) ;)
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