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Everything posted by SILVABULLIT

  1. Or a crappy box and dodgy install and a big a55ed tocau stricker on the back window? Takers anyone? :D :D :D :D
  2. Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne which one's he going to be at? Rough idea on price would be nice.
  3. Danhtuyer hit 126kw atw yesterday on the dyno. See his garage for the list of mods. :D
  4. Again we ask what it is that you drive?
  5. How about you tell us what it is if it's as fast as you say ;)
  6. Next time the "Phantom" is planning a piccy shoot spread the word around and we'll get some shots of all the sweet rides in Brisvegas. (we have enough of them!) We are all only a phone call away.................
  7. With the amount of money that I've spent on the bullit plus the price that I paid for it I'm still under what you would pay for a SP23. i've driven both and while the torque is nice in the Mazda you can feel that it's not a sports orientated engine. But just an easy way for Mazda to make a sporty car; Take the 2.3 out of the Mazda 6 and put it in a lighter car. Of course it would go better(lighter etc) but it doesn't lend itself to have the feeling of "rev the ring out of me baby!" cause it just gets really harsh with vibration. Don't get me wrong I think the Mazda has some points that I do like and wish Toyota would include in the Stivo but when it comes to the driving sensation then the Stivo wins hands down. With the substantially cheaper price tag then the mods that some of us have made are economically viable.
  8. Expressions of interest to see how many want to meet up for a leisurely trundle to the Gold Coast on Saturday night 2nd April. B) I've got some international visitors who want to see the coast at night as well as BWCP for all the "fast and the furious" action. :P If you're interested we'll meet at the BP at Yatala at about 8pm. PM me or post your intention to come below... ;)
  9. Well if all goes well then I should have the cooling panels by the end of the week. For those who would like one then please contact SILVABULLIT or DANTHUYER with your intention and how you will pay(cause that would be nice!!) First in best dressed! We will order according to demand so please let us know by the 31st of March. COST; $80aud Postage depends on where you live but about the $10 - $25 mark in Australia.
  10. Place my vote in the Blade Hunter's box. That's pretty much how i ran mine in and for that matter every car I've owned or with a new engine.
  11. You're just used to the noise. But if you want more noise can I suggest a crow bar through the exhaust system. Then the surrounding 3 suburbs will hear you coming! I have it on good authority that this mod is very popular with Gemini owner's in Woodridge. They say it has something to do with back pressure!
  12. It's a bit too close to the Jeep owner's w@nk factor sticker... It's a jeep thing.. you wouldn't understand. Damm right I wouldn't understand why anybody would buy one of those things with possibly the worst depreciation rate of any 4wd on the market.
  13. spotted a red 05 Stivo over the week end on the way to my holiday. Today I spotted a silver Stivo in the car park of the Albany creek specialist centre where the physio, doctors and chemist's are. Number plates TUX 05(i think). Lady driver who eyed the bullit off as i drove past...
  14. Spotted burgandy corolla this morning on Kingston rd at about 7.40am. Sportivo grille, lowered with chrome 5 spoke mags. Looked neat!
  15. I've spoken to a few sales people from toyota about the price on the new Stivo. The guy I spoken to at the motor show told me $28990 plus orc. I thought cool with my fleet discount even better. But after speaking to the sales peolple at dealerships I'm getting a different story. Mate same price as the previous model at $29990 plus orc. I know they are basically the same car BUT I want to know if toyota has pulled their finger out of their a55 and built the facelift model without the probs of the previous models. I've been pretty lucky with the bullit as it doesn't seem to have the problems some have but I don't want to push my luck too far and hope to get a facelift as good as what I've got now. There is simply all I want to know about the 05 model. Plus I'd like to go to a dealership and get a test drive of one. When I bought the Bullit I went to 9 dealerships before finally getting a drive of one. Toyota- want to give a car cult status? Let people take them for a drive then the car can talk for itself; not just a sales guy reading off a sales brochure. I see no reason why the Stivo can't be a cult car like the Suzuki GTI swift was of the late eighties/early nineties.
  16. Hey All As the title suggests toyota dealers know absolutely squat about the 05 stivo. called into a toyota dealership on the northside of Brissy yesterday to see if they had one to look at and(it was a long shot!) to test drive. Sales manager told me that they weren't out yet and would be out at the end of the month possibly.(dumb as dog s**t). He then asked another guy who said they think they may have got one in a shipment this week. He checked and they had a white one but it was at their holding yard. What good is it sitting there? Sales manager then said that they only just arrived in the country and nobody had one. I said "aaarrrnnnnntttt!" wrong answer; seen pics on the net of one registered and delivered about 2 weeks ago. Still didn't believe me. I then told of others down south who were getting one in the next couple of weeks. he then admitted that I knew more than he did and walked off a little embarrased! This other sales man who the sales manager told me knew all the facts and figures about the Stivo started to talk to me about the car and he knew squat as well. He proceeded to tell me about the recall on the 03/04 models for ecu etc upgrade but wasn't sure as to why they did it.I filled him in on the reasons and then told him about the gearbox/clutch issue, selector cables and gear knob and on some cars strut issues. He then jokingly offered me a job as my product knowledge was better than his. I then wanted to know(another long shot) if these problems with the past models had been rectified with the 05 model. Just got a blank stare and a shrug of the shoulders. I should of guessed that response. He was surpisingly interested in the SILVABULLIT and what it had done to it. Filled him in roughly as to what was done and the gains. He was surprised at the gains and said that sound like it would be awesome to drive over a stocko. A vast improvement I told him and he then stood there as I got in and drove off so I couldn't resist giving it a bit. I watched in the mirror as he stood there and watched me dissapear in the distance. Good thing was that before I left he told me to come around during the week and ask for him and he'd take me down to the where the car was for a look and possibly a drive. So if all goes well and I can get off work early enough I'll take on for a drive this week. This just goes to show that Toyota has lot to answer for in the way their dealers are kept up to speed with details about the products they are trying to sell. At laest the second sales guy I spoke to had an interest in what I told him and actually expressed some thanks for the info I gave him. He was by no means a dumb a55 as he knew that the Celica had the same engine and drivetrain and asked if the Celica had the same issues with the gearbox. I told him they did but it was a different group of people buying Celica's. He laughed and then said " yeah gay hairdressers who wanted the sporty image or some one in their 50's going through a mid life crisis". I had a good laugh at that one with him and agreed that they probably weren't experiencing the same spirited driving as the Stivo was. Anybody else had the same experience? Post it here for a good read and a bit of a laugh!!! :D :D
  17. Awaiting supply of the relevant stainless steel that it will be made of. Suppliers to the company that are producing the cooling panels are out of stock(some lame excuse). We are one of many customers awaiting for the stainless to arrive and once it's there then it would only be about a week or so to have them ready for sale. Sorry for the delay guys but the problem is out of our hands but will let you know as soon as things start to roll! cheers SILVABULLIT
  18. Trade it in on a silver car AZZA!!!!! Have the least amount of problems and If i'm correct the fastest???LOL :P :P :P
  19. Obviously all computer and IT nerds will be awol tonight to play games. Ha HA. I don't play games(very sarcastic tone applied) I play for real!! (another load of sarcasm and smugness) Might be out tonight depending on an early finish to some appointments.
  20. Nah silver is going to out sell black!!!! Already happening see. (plus they go faster)
  21. If this car is a rocket then why have we heard nothing about it? No times,results etc. It's got a lot of stuff done to it but in all honesty the car doesn't really have a reputation at least not on this forum. A few pics maybe but I think Shao stands more of a chance of getting 40 for the Phantom...
  22. If that weight is correct then it's about 14kg lighter than the previous model? Anybody verify that?
  23. Could be a possibility!! Just remember to take the lens cap off :P
  24. Shaohaok has slotted rotors on his Stivo. bought them on his shopping spree in Hong Kong? I think. Look awesome and work awesome as well.
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