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Everything posted by SILVABULLIT

  1. Maybe the dude with the back stivo with pink bits should hook up with rollagrl. combined with her blue bits - who knows what could be the outcome? :P
  2. Firstly sorry to influx that you feel that way but please see my predicament from where I'm standing and I'm sure you would be pi**ed as well. Anyway CES has got the first porduction run finished and they are now available for sale. Anybody in QLD who's interested come to the dyno day on saturday(20th) to see the finished product on and off a car. We will have a display stand with the standard system and the CES system side by side for comparison as well as the system on my car and also Danthuyers car. So for those who have been patient it's only 4 sleeps away until all will be seen and heard, touched, sniffed, rubbed and whatever else tickles your fancy. So come to CES' workshop and check it out as well as the show and shine that will be happening as well. PM me if you want more details or check out club meets and events for more info. Cheers SILVABULLIT :D
  3. Hi all Just a short note to tell you that AUTOBARN Logan City has donated some prizes for the dyno day/show and shine, and at this stage we may have some goodies from JB HI FI at Kedron as well. David from Jb will possibly be there on Saturday with a new sub box enclosure designed specifically for Corolla's. I've seen the sub box in it's design stage and i think it's what most of you are after. A sub box that doesn't fill up your boot. So come along on saturday and check out everyone's car on the dyno as well as the cars on display. CES will have exhaust systems on display as well. If you're planning to go PM me ASAP. Also there are only a couple of spots left for the dyno so if you want to see your car on the dyno for $25 then tell me straight away. Again a big thanks to those businesses who are sponsoring or donating prizes for this day. Please suppotr those who support us. Cheers Silvabullit. :D
  4. Hey all No need to crucify me because I don't have a gearbox problem. I feel for you guys who do and for those who don't like me were lucky! As i stated in my post I didn't say that those who had a gearbox problem were pedantic, but more so those who were chasing a little squeak or something trivial. Believe me i know rattles and squeaks as my work van is a 1976 VW Kombi that's severly lowered and rides fairly rough. So My stivo is a dream to drive apart from the lack of torque compared to my van! Well as for going to the govt departments it was only an idea. Nobody has ever mentioned doing it or exploring that avenue. I understand some are pretty cheesed off at this problem but no need to take it out on me. I am only trying to help and offer a solution. Good luck all and hope you find a solution. Cheers SILVABULLIT :D
  5. Boys if I offened SORRY but I was just haiving a bit of a joke. the main reason that I am not letting to much more out of the bag until the dyno day is due to a moderator of this forum (xt****x) took the pics off the forum and pestered for infinite details about construction of mufflers and resonators so he could then go and get one made himself. A VERY lame gesture on his behalf considering that I thought that a moderator should show a little more common sense when someone spendes their hard earned cash on developing something for our cars and then offers it to benefit everyone else. It's just a low act that he couldn't get off his behind and design it himself but instead rips off someone who is trying to help the majority and not being greedy. As Derryn Hinch would say "shame on you xt****x" for a low act considering that you're supposed to moderate this site for the good of everyone involved but instead got caught up in your own agenda and used your position for your own gain. So if I have seen to be a bit abrupt with some of you over the last week or so now you know why and I do apologise for my comments if they offended. But please put yourself in my shoes and think about how you'd feel if someone ripped off your hard work? All pics have been removed etc due to this incident and obviously this is of a disadvantage to everyone involved due to one person's selfish actions. If you have a problem with this take it up with the person who offended and see just what excuse they offer as to why they did it. Obviously didn't think of anyone else. Anyway the dyno day and show and shine is only a week away and we will post pictures of cars etc and sound clips for those genuinely interested. As i have posted in the past the dyno we are using is the latest and greatest hence some hand written values. We have to work them out out using relevant equipment and please remember that the soul purpose of a dyno is to show if there is a gain and just how much. Other dyno sheets will be posted from other dyno shops showing results for those interested when available. Good things come to those who wait and what goes around comes around those who can't wait and rip off other peoples ideas. Feel much better now (haaa big breath!!) Cheers SILVABULLIT :D
  6. I have to agree with ilivforrx8!!! and Lucio on this one. Not all of us have the problems mentioned and I do think that some are being a little bit pedantic over some rattle or squeak. Again for those who love to misquote me there is a certain number of cars who do have this gearbox trouble but is totally the cars fault? When I got my Stivo I went over it with a fine tooth comb checking the paint for blemishes etc. Found a couple and reported them. I got told that they would fix them but the possibility of getting the finish the same as the rest of the car was not guaranteed. So I fixed them myself. Problem solved. Sometimes you just have to do things yourself then you have the satisfaction that the problem/defect is fix to your level of satisfaction. AGAIN for those with this gearbox issue LISTEN AND READ before you go replying to me and telling me I know nothing. If Toyota is not giving you any satisfaction get a second opinion from an gearbox specialist. get him to report his findings in writing then front Toyota with the issue. Lawyer's don't front up to court without any evidence so neither should you. Next step- give Toyota a chance to respond with a solution to the problem. If the solution is unsatisfactory then ask for another. If you get nowhere then you go the Department of Consumer Affairs. They will then mediate between you and Toyota to solve the problem until you're happy with the outcome. Then Toyota will take notice when you involve a Government department. Bad PR is not what they want and done in the right way will see the result we or some of you want to see - the problem solved properly once and for all. So gather your evidence, front Toyota with it, see what they want to do to help. Then if nothing is achieved, everyone contact Consumer Affairs and watch what happens then. It only takes a couple of complaints and they all over them like ants at a picnic! Hope this helps those who have a problem and gives some new directon to those who think they have run out of options. Cheers SILVABULLIT :D :D PS. Think silver cars were made by the Lexus side of the factory!!! ( just joking for those of you who think to seriously!)
  7. Dude try a panel shop or someone in your area that fits body kits etc. Will be a damn side cheaper the getting toyota to do it.
  8. I wouldn't say nice... I'd say sporty,sleek,slashing,smart,superb,sensational and the other word to start with S....... SPORTIVO. hehehehehehehe :P :P :P
  9. Duck Tape - holds the world together ← Craig if you come from Ipswich then obviously you would own 1 shoe so go looking for a partner for it. Check parks, drains etc (info from a reliable source!)
  10. By the way guys and gals production has begun on the system so if you want one then get your order in early or might have to wait till next year!!! Don't forget dyno day on the 20th. $25 for dyno run and show and shine is free. Trophies will be awarded for best interior,exterior,engine bay,underbody and car of the day. Guidelines have been set to allow a level playing field between a modified car and a standard car.PM me of your intent to come etc and remember you need enclosed footwear to enter the workshop.(go and buy some northy!). Cheers SILVABULLIT
  11. As I've said the system is great and if you want to know how it feels... then buy one! Or you could go and buy a length of stainless, a stainless muffler etc and rub your hands all over it! Feels so smooth,so glossy! :P :P :P
  12. hey guys and gals Cadence have good subs and amps that are realisticly priced and are an orange/ red colour. Cerwin vega have an orange/red as well. Fusion is the flavour of the moment with the Jonah Lomu series subs and amps. Autobarn at Logan city are the place to go and check them out and other brands. Fusion JL series crank. Autobarn did a custom install in a WRX and I had to detail it when it was finished. It had 3 15' JL series subs and 4 JL series amps.(big power!) What type of music you listen to depends on what sub/ amp combo you go with. The other telling factor is how much money have you got to play with. Everyone has their favourite brand for one reason or another but if you have time go and see the guys at Autobarn Slacks Creek and they can point you in the right direction. They have good fitters who do quality work and have a proven track record of sound off winners for SPL and for custom fitout and design. Call in and see the guys and tell them that Brennden from RBT Detailing sent you there. Cheers SILVABULLIT :D
  13. Ive seen you driving around in your red Stivo but you wouldn't have noticed me in my work car. Welcome to the forum and I'll meet you on Thursday night. Don't forget the Dyno day on the 20th November. If you are coming then PM me to let me know. Cheers SILVABULLIT. PS. Anyone know who owns a blue Levin with rear skirt,lowered wheels etc on the northside? Gave him a sporting lesson the other night on the difference between a 1 and a 2zz! Nice car though...
  14. If I'm available then I'll see you at Milton on thursday night.
  15. hey guys and girls dyno day is only 2 weekends away so get your car clean and tuned up for a great day at CES' workshop. Can everyone who is thinking of attending PM me so we have an idea of numbers. Also if you want to put your car on the dyno there is only a couple of spots left. So if you have already told me you were going to then tell me again so I can have exact numbers as some weren't sure, then we can sort out how many cars and the order in which we do them as some people can't turn up till a certain time. So get polishing and tuning up your rockets and let me know ASAP. Remember there is trophies for the Show and Shine:- Best interior, Best exterior, Best engine bay, Best underbody and Car of the day. Talk to you all soon or see you on the day!!! Cheers SILVABULLIT. :D
  16. At the end of the day I'm not going to argue over who is better,cheaper does more whatever! But i will say this - I've put a lot of hard work and money into getting this exhaust system done and making it work. if you don't like the price then don't bloody buy it. SIMPLE. But by the same account if I find out that people are going to take my system to someone else to produce then I'm sorry to say that I will never ever offer my services to any person on this forum again. As it is obvious that the biggest whingers are those who are so pro active (severe sarcasim) about helping Sportivo owners as a whole obtain products or equipment to make their cars performance better or cosmetically or whatever the thing may be. Imagine the performance gains to be made if some of you put your money where your mouth is... 300kw stivos!!! So if you are one of the people reading this and are offended then I'm talking to you. If you ain't got something better to offer then shut the hell up. I'm sick to death of the bitching, whinging and whining over prices, quality etc. If you think you can do a better job then get off your ***** and prove us all wrong. Till then stop having a go at those of us who are trying to offer something to benefit all concerned. After all I could have just kept this system to myself and let the rest of you spend a lot more than the asking price of this system on getting something to work. Sometimes I wonder why I go to the trouble to help people I don't even know... SILVABULLIT PS to those of you who have been supportive(you know who you are!) a big thanks and hope you enjoy the benefits gained with this exhaust system.
  17. hey rollamods It's a shame that places like gonzo's don't have ethics. CES' WRX system with twin dump pipes is patented etc so copying it is I think ILLEGAL! As for gonzo's work hmmm I know of too many very unhappy customers of his who were promised the earth but got a sparkly shiny exhaust that didn't perform to the level of performance promised. You only have to compare workshops to see who really is the professional and who the "wanna be' really is. As for proven results why is it that CES export to USA constantly to supply WRX pipes? Don't see Gonzo doing that. Yeah he may be cheaper and it may kinda look the same but DOES it actually work!!! I know for a fact in seeing both parties workmanship that I would prefer CES over Gonzo's as CES have proven dyno results for systems(sportivo) and if that's not worth paying a little more for than you may as well go and roll your hard earned $$$ and smoke it. At least that way you'll get some satisfaction out of it.(if wasting money is your thing then don't let me stop you :D )
  18. hey chris pressed bends using stainless are very hard to do as it doesn't stretch like mild steel. it actually ripples then tears. Hence why maundrel bends are used not only for better flow but also for the reason mentioned above. I have read an article testing pressed bends versus maundrel bends and basically maundrel bend remains the same id fo the pipe and pressed bends actually decrease the inside diameter thus creating some restriction. A maundrel bend will also last longer as the wall thickness of the pipe is thicker compared to pressed which actually when stretched thins the wall out of the pipe out somewhat and will erode a lot quicker due to it being thinner. Hope this helps Cheers Silvabullit :D
  19. Unichip does improve performance but exhaust system is cheaper and gets nearly the same gains for some $300-$400 cheaper. Combine it with unichip(if you've got deep pockets!!) and you'll have plenty of nice usable power to educate that wrx or type r owner!!
  20. OK I admit that some cars obviously have this problem. As I mentioned in my earlier post (some may learn to read!) I said that the car or cars in question may have this problem. I'm not saying you can't drive(as I mentioned) but just offering a another angle with which to look at this problem. To me the problem could be driver related but it seems that some are machinery related. Why replace the clutch,flywheel etc when the problem still exists? It sounds like the gearbox in some cars have a real problem with the actual gear selectors not releasing quickly enough. Toyota mechanics say they have no idea because they probably don't. I don't have the problem(cause it's silver :P ) but if some one does then why not force Toyota to go to a gearbox specialist to solve what sounds like an internal problem? You don't go to the dentist with a sore back. You go to a chiropractor. Guys what I'm saying is force Toyota to get an opinion from a gearbox specialist someone who doesn't work for them and tells them what they want to hear! As for anyone who disagrees with my opinion get over it. I'm not telling you what to do but merely offering another angle with which to solve what seems to be a problem. Cheers SILVABULLIT. :D :D
  21. Dyno sheet has been posted for this system some weeks ago showing before and after runs thus comparing the difference the system makes to the performance of the car. Check it out and I guess you obviously don't realise the cost of quality workmanship on a product that has dyno proven gains. Go to your local exhaust shop and they may be able to do a cheapie but there's nowhere near the quality and they aren't going to guarantee any improvement in power just an improvement in the amount of noise that bellows from the back of your car. Obviously please don't whinge about the price if you have no idea what things cost. Peekay and ilivfor6 will have their system within the next couple of weeks. Do you think they would buy it if it wasn't going to work? Imagine what an exhaust system would've cost if Bates' had of done the development and production work? Probably a lot more i'd say...
  22. Must be something that doesn't affect silver cars. I've never missed 1st to 2nd change but have sometimes missed 2nd to 3rd. i haven't had selector cable recall done yet but I think some of the trouble could be that you are trying to force it through too hard. It's not a race box. There's a difference between changing quickly and just reefing it through. I'm not saying that you don't have a problem but i've seen the way some Stivo drivers absolutely punish their gearbox with flat changing etc but the clutch is there for a reason. It's not there for decoration you just have to push it in before changing gears. I have missed 2nd to 3rd sometimes due to not pushing the clutch in far enough and actually hitting the gate between 3rd and 5th. You can change quickly but it takes a little practice and some finesse. Try it some time it might just work. If you guy's think the box in the stivo is bad then go and drive an early 911 Porsche. It's almost agricultural and it takes some skill to master a quick change.As for giving the throttle a little rev between gears all it does is spin the engine speed up to be closer to the speed that the gearbox is turning at. There are many cars out there that this is a necessity especially on a down change due to the design of the gearbox itself or generally it's got crook syncro's. Cheers SILVABULLIT. :D PS. I'm not saying that you guys can't drive but you can't always blame the equipment when sometimes it's the operator at fault. We all do it at sometimes don't we!
  23. Look at previous posts regarding this topic to find the info you require.
  24. Hey guys and of course ladies(which ever one is suitable) CES have the prices set for the exhaust system. They are as follows:- 1 cat back system with mild steel flanges(painted), stainless resonator, stainless piping, custom rear stainless muffler, 2 three bolt flange gaskets and revelant bolts and nuts, 1 three bolt flange to be fitted to back of cat and your choice of either a single stainless tip or a dual stainless tip(fitting of tip to be done by installer) PRICE $960.00 Or all of the above but with stainless flanges tig welded instead of mild steel PRICE$1060.00 This system is only sold as listed above and will not be sold individually. eg without rear muffler etc. The system is designed as a package and altering it may see a decrease in kw gain as well as a possible increase in noise output making your car illegal.If you have an enquiry contact Brennden at RBT on 0412 559 592 or to order contact CES direct on 07 3200 2333 8am to 4.30pm Mon to Fri. Please only contact Trevor with a legit question as he is extremely busy at this point in time. Cheers SILVABULLIT. :D
  25. Hey mtbrider check with ppq about plates. I think 14 IKW is already gone. I know of a black stivo with 141 kw. Get on the ppq website and check your options. If it's available get it straight away or someone else will!! Or get your mods done and then pick your plate. My plates are already wrong so maybe I'll try for 141 at the wheels.(C'mon Craig the race is on :P :P :P ) cheers SILVABULLIT.
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