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Everything posted by sinan

  1. yeah i was there with the black sportivo facelift lowered. didnt end up going on the cruise though. my plates are EDM-13R
  2. i think when they say flared out guards they mean the inside so the wheels dont rub when goin over bumps.
  3. talkin from what ive seen the sportivo and levin kit is the same except the side skirts are a little different but the front bar is the same.
  4. spotted a black 05 stivo on wellington road yesterday at around 12:30pm. also beeped at me but only noticed you after you passed me. anyone on here?
  5. yeah cant wait. i just hope mine and everyone elses kits come without any problems.
  6. sinan


    nah trust me mate thats alot of work. even if its just a bit of painting.
  7. FARKKK. this sound system project you got going on is pretty big. good luck with it and i just hope your not dissapointed with the end result.
  8. that peice of info is very interesting. so my theory is that with a 1ZZ 5 speed box on a 2ZZ would give you better quater mile times due to the fact that the gears are longer. i could be wrong though. just a theory.
  9. they look so good. i'm gonna be out of sydney by the end of this month so kenneth do you reckon ill receive them before i leave?
  10. jeremy have you received your set yet? how are they if you have received.
  11. yeah thanx for the update jeremy. cant wait for these. were abouts is the seller himself located. incase something goes wrong if you get my drift.
  12. sinan

    Eid Mubarak

    i was just thinking of putting a topic up this morning on my way back home from the Mosque. Happy Eid to every one. have a wonderfull day on this special day.
  13. that thing has literally got SEX written all over it. looks as good as a 300C on chromes.
  14. thats some sickkkk ****. would definately hit that
  15. come on guys. i really want this kit ASAP. is there a deadline when every1 has to pay or they miss out. maybe setting a date will hurry the payments up.
  16. i dont think any1 has asked this question before. is this kit a straight plug and play? and has the seller said what the postage time would be like?
  17. thanx alot JEREMY AND KENNETH. now everyone else pay up. I WANT MY HID'S. im so in patient. i wanna put the integra boys on show. they think there fullY JDM with there hid's. haha
  18. saw a trd aurion on the way to the cop shop on vaughan street Auburn. had all the stickers and blings on it. woudnt mind gettin pulled over by that.
  19. HEY MATE. will have the payment sent to you this monday. banks all closed. sorry
  20. hey guys im ordering a set of h4's for a friend but i dont understand the 9000 number thingy. i need some clarification. thanks
  21. is there different types of H4 globes. i want to get a set for my cousins AE92 but dont kno which one?
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