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Everything posted by sinan

  1. CONGRATS MAN. If i was to trade in the sportivo for anything it would most likely be this. lil pcket rockets. have fun with it mate.
  2. yep heard azza's car with the CES exhaust. in the middle of the shopping centres with brick walls every were and were you would expect it to be loud, i was SHOCKEEDDDDD big time. i could not believe how quite it was. even while revving. i have just my stock exhaust and a aftermarket sports muffler and it is way louder then what the CES system is. so i think this topic should end rite here. thanks for that lil show azza with the red rocket. MODS PLEASE CLOSE.
  3. yeah from all the info i heard about the CES exhaust it sounds great. im so convinced its the best. so convinced its the best that to who ever says its **** i disagree and i havent got a CES exhaust yet. and how loud is it roughly. i mean like DB ratings. anyone tested it yet?
  4. SPOTTED MRROLA GEETING INKED - hahahah and sat there sucking on a Coke bottle watching his squirm like a baby... Good seeing you guys again.... and my lord was it what I needed that night...although I froze my a$$ off walking back to my car - thanks Sinan That explains why I got from your shop back to the army barracks so quick, hey???? hahah Anyone seeing me around, it is mee if I wave my arm at you like a nutcase.... no worries AZZA. always a pleasure to feed you a kebab in the middle of the night. was good meeting you. have a safe drive home.
  5. the other deal sounds aigh but something tells me that bigger well known companys HID kit is better so im still up for a HID kit if we can get a cheap group buy happening.
  6. well i cant give you an exact number on how many years it will reduce its like but expect it to reduce. and for the power output were ever your getting your information from its not true. if that was the true case everyone would put gas on there cars. save money and more power. for example look at the police highway petrols. they have there normal BA falcons on gas but for highway patrols they use petrol for more power.
  7. well for starters its good if you wanna save some money on fuel. but the disadvantages are also big. it reduces the life span of your engine. it also reduces a very big and noticable amount of power from the engine output. and it will also loose responsiveness. for example look at the taxi's. when they turn off the engine and want to restart it they have to crank the engine for a while before it starts up. now you need to compare the advantages and disadvantages and decide. but i certaintly woudnt do it. not even to a fuel munching commodore ss
  8. im interested but whats the postage time like? i live in auburn sydney.
  9. spotted azza in his red stivo driving on parra road bout 4ish. waved to you btw.
  10. spotted bill and his rocket at the creek
  11. i saw the same corolla goin on wellington road in auburntoday around 4pm i think. looks pretty good.
  13. i've got a question about my cousins ride. hes got an AE92 corolla sx with the standard brakes. he's looking at upgrading his rotors but wants to get some calipers first. and the most popular thing to do was getting AE101 calipers. but he wants to know if the nomrmal 2003-2005 corolla calipers fit cause just from a quick look the calipers look bigger then the AE101 and also do the sportivos and conquest, acsent ....etc have the same brake calipers at the front? thanx alot people. sinan
  14. Dude, double that yeah double that for sure. i buy a packet of dunhill blues 25 for $10.70 at my corner shop. i buy roughly 5 packets per week. so do the maths. thats alot of modifications money spent on durries.
  15. good luck with your mate qkslvr. thats really bad expecially having a 2yr old daughter. stories like this makes me wanna quit but i end up goin outside and lighting one up again. i seriously envy the guys that just go cold turkey after smoking for half their lives. they really got patience.
  16. im goin to WSID this wednesday comming up. gonna go with a few friends and gonna try and get bill to come aswell. so anyone that wants race rolla with rolla this wednesday will be the day. would be great to see a few rollas out there. enough with the skylines, wrx, and the evos.
  17. i know its not good to race on streets. not that I do.lol with my "MATES" black sportivo we raced 2 monaro cv8 and we got ripped. lol it was funny.
  18. im really excited about going. is anyone from here goin to it? everyone put ur names down please.
  19. my name is sinan. ive been a smoko for close to 3 years. lol this reminds me of the big circle thingy were a person would stand up and talk and everyone would listen. ye well been smoking dunyhills blues eversince. tried quitting when ma dad was gonna kick me out of the house but neva happend and he got over it. everyone around me is a smoko so its very hard.
  20. i really wanna join toyfest but just didnt wanna be the only person there with a sportivo. so if there is gonna be a few people joining from ATOC then im definately gona be there. how many people gonna join it.
  21. very impressive lucas. i see u went with the liverpool CAI. u got some good power.
  22. thats slack. woudnt wish it upon my worst enemy.
  23. OR BILL MAYBE I COULD SWAP RIDES WITH YOU. cmon i got an 05 model but im still willing to swap. i dont think any1 else will make an offer like this. so do we have a done deal???
  24. hey bill i reckon we can change it to next week if everyones is ok with it. would be great to see northy's ride. or i just came up with a better plan. how bout we have 2 meets.
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