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Whip Cracker

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Everything posted by Whip Cracker

  1. I remember this coming up on Camcrew once... ask LittleDavey83 on Camcrew and he'll be able to tell ya if needed. That procedure ^^ from what I know works...
  2. Here's the aftermarket lights for the rear on the Gen 3 camry. You CAN get the clear front Depo Headlights too... you can buy the whole lot from Ebay mate.
  3. Under load, being pulling weight with a trailer, or having lots of accessories in use? If it's load, as in weight... would be the transmission... if so, and it's an Auto, you'd need to make sure that it's on "Power" rather than "Economy"... I noticed the transmission wasn't able to cope with a heavy load and would just rev out when you put the foot on the accelerator... came good when you took it off for a few secs and placed on... ended up putting it on Power, and problem disappeared.
  4. Straight from Toyota Nation mate... http://www.camrymanuals.com/ I ended up buyin the Haynes Manual... but this might help anyway.
  5. Well... I'd be checkin that there's power going to the distributor...
  6. Looks sweet mate... hope to see this thing in Byron next week champ :)
  7. Go the V6 mate... And make sure you're not payin 175k for one, coz I'd be goin a nice Porsche instead :P
  8. Hmmm... I used to own a 4 banger... EFI.. but never had a problem with the IAC, so I never really got to locate it honestly. I believe they do have one... just nothing like my 3VZ engine mate.
  9. Well... I'm guessin they use a part of the regulator... what part is actually broken though? I mean... worst case scenario, you go to a wrecker and get it installed by a mechanic... should only look at $100-$130 to repair inc the regulator (we ended up snappin one... that's what we did... works fine). Probably has dry joints or sumfin mate. Don't know anything about Canberra though mate... never been... let alone NSW, lol.
  10. I'll vouch that the Haynes manual is THE BEST BOOK for fixin the ol' Camma mate. Got pics, detailed info... everything. I have my Haynes manual and a special toolbox kept in the boot next to the sub when I'm on Camry cruises with the rest of the club... comes in handy mate. Most mechanics in this part of the world mate... you ask around... mates... work colleauges... see who they'd recommend (that's what we do up here anyway). There's normally a top knotch mech or panel beater... someone like that in the local area that everyone goes to. You're best off trying that first... if ya don't like em, go to Toyota.
  11. $300 sounds... fair. Can get it cheaper from somewhere else, but when you deal with Toyota, you'll get Toyota Service. Some people don't even like em, or touch em with a 10 foot freakin barge pole, some others just go to Toyota as a normal routine. my mechanic's an ex-toyota tech/mech... he buys his parts through Toyota really cheap and uses them... I guess you can say I get BETTER than Toyota, lol.
  12. Man... definetely sounds like the IAC... but the 4 bangers... not sure ay... As stated, you're best off going to Toyota, or a Mech who's capable of reading the OBDII diagnostics on the car. Might throw up something straight away? The mechanic's covered everything I can think of... Made sure the intake's fully cleaned out?? airhose... airfilter not clogged with crap... you can drive it (sucks in more air), but when you're idling (not as much air) it's stalling. Unusual for sure though.
  13. In other words... it's middle range... one of the kinds you don't see many on the road though. The CSi is the base model, and things like Grandes... Ultimas... Touring Series... they're further up the chain mate.
  14. Well... why would ya need that? it replaces the whole thing?? The kit gets installed, the old regulators are taken out, and a cap is placed over the hole where the winder thingy is, and yeah... the window buttons are either put next to the centre console, or on the doors (or both)
  15. Well, considering you're swapping the engine... not worth repairing the old one mate. Radiator? Meh... new one around $250-300. If you try and do this mostly by yourself, you'll save lots of money. When you chuck the 3SGTE in, you'll need a decent set of shocks and springs in the front AT LEAST because it's a much heavier engine. The tail light you can sort out yourself (if you're electronically minded, if not, Auto-Sparkie can help)... Dash? A new HU... ***** easy. You're best off trying to find a well looked after Camma that already has lots of major mods done to it (resell value stays around the same, stock or not)... you're then best off transplanting a 3SGTE into that instead. Hope this helps
  16. From what I know, you can only stay with the 60/55 bulbs... I know someone with a Gen 3 Camry that has 110/90 or sumfin... not sure if it blinds anyone though. You can custom make your own projectors and go HID... I've seen a set on a Gen 4 Camry... look nice.
  17. I've heard from a Toyota dealer... they're rolling out over 200 TRD Aurions... mainly Eastern Coast/ South Australia... none the less, we'll be seeing plenty of em!
  18. 95 Vienta Touring... Bought November 06... had 117k... 1 year later... 139k. Got a mate in a Camry club... owns an ex taxi... over 550k... lol... and another dude with close to 380k?? Those engines just keep on freakin goin!
  19. I wouldn't say it's common, but i'm part of a Camry club and from time to time, i've heard it does happen mate. I had a CSi 94 model and broke the regulator in the front passenger door... wound it down too fast, and sorta kept goin... make sure you're not goin too quick... also check that the joints aren't all dry and stuff. I have power windows in my other 95 Tourer (aftermarket of course)... you'll spend around 300-500 bucks, but you won't have this issue, and it's more stylish
  20. Make sure it's ok with your insurance company too... some compaies will void your insurance come claim time if you do ANY modifications to your car... even swiss cheese airbox, lol.
  21. Should do the trick nicely... make sure it's MP3 compatible. I've seen time and time again that if I didn't get "that extra bit"... you always end up usin that extra bit mate.
  22. I have the exact same car... and I had a CSi... I never noticed any difference May I suggest calling North Coast Corollas and Camrys? They're in Coolum, here on the Sunshine Coast. They have these cars comin in and out all the time. North Coast Corolla & CamrysMarcoola U2/ 6 Runaway Drv 4564(07) 5448 8366 OR...(07) 5448 8306 Just a thought... you're best off googling Toyota Wreckers mate.
  23. No one's havin a go at ya... but crikey, you'd have to PAY ME to take one and put it back in my car. The quality's crapola, and it's a tape deck. Unless you have heaps of tapes... and haven't replaced them with CDs over the last 20 years, then stick with the tape deck. I'm sure there's someone willing to GIVE you their tape deck... Seriously, as guys have said, just go buy a Sony/Pioneer/Panasonic/Kenwood/Alpine Head Unit... prob get at the right time a decent price... these mainstream common brands are pretty easy to get ahold of... a lot of competition in selling them too. May as well splash out and get an MP3 player Head Unit. You'll fit all your tapes onto one CD... and if you get the HU from like, JB or WOW or sumfin... they'll do a decent price in the install part too (like $80 with lifetime install warranty). Can't get much better than that mate! I ended up buying a Panasonic HU with mechanical face on special for like $220 from $450... go huntin :)
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