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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. water now? home.. installing my mates stereo :P gotta love wireless
  2. i think thats true to an extent, and a definately agree that speed limits are too low 90% of the time.. i think 50 in suburban areas is too slow.. it used to be 60, way before i started driving, and i think that was fine. i dont know the figures, but i dont think that 50 instead of 60 has caused that many less incidents... i dunno it just gets ridiculous seeing as all of us would have gone a considerable amount of 50 in a 50 zone and been very comfortable with the speed... and school zones.. dont get me started on school zones...
  3. yep i just got home... aqua golf was alot of fun... the cruise there was even better :) weather was great for it. it didnt rain at all the whole time we were there or at aqua golf.. pete - i love your taillights.
  4. i havent heard of it, but it sounds alot like eclipse, which is a good brand... maybe its a cheap ripoff of eclipse... go to http://www.caraudioaustralia.com and ask them, they know everything about car audio..
  5. skitzo's bonnet looked awesome... do a seach for bonnets or something on here and you will come across his thread he made when he first got it done. plenty of pics... i was so impressed. it cost him 1200 i think all up, 600 for labour, and he got stuffed over by some panel beaters and parts ended up costing 600 or something like that... so thats 1200 for a custom scoop to be made into an existing bonnet... and it looks good. if i had the money i'd get one for sure.
  6. i will be there too - with my new wheels... oh man ive had them for like 5 days and i already chipped the paint off 2 of them from driving down this gravel road to get to the beach... so ****** off... anyway i hope we do aqua golf on saturday night - itd be awesome, take some back roads out to penrith.. you guys can see my new ICE at the meet too... i think its original for a corolla...
  7. anyone got any cascade blue painting to do? I got a front bar, and i'm looking to buy eyelids and side skirts soon...
  8. i had this monster truck R/C... worth about $1000, and i broke the engine in slowly and according to the instructions... on the first glorious day when i could take it to the track and race it and belt it over jumps and all that, i went down to the bmx track in castle hill with my mate... i had my turn and then gave him a turn. about 30 seconds later, i was carrying the truck back to the car, front left axle in about 4 pieces, wheel just hanging on... full speed into a pole will rip one of these things apart... it was a sad day for me.
  9. yeah thats pretty impressive... i just got rid of my nitro RC, but they are pretty hard to control at speed. they are so sensitive too!
  10. give me about a week, and you may get one more...
  11. ship (i just remembered it was command and conquer, if anyone cared)
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