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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. hahaha i'd buy a blow dart... Blow Dart Pretty cool page though...
  2. that sounds like the most sensible thing.. if we get other cars im sure people (not necessarily from our forum) would get into arguments about which car is better... at least when its all corollas we have a mutual respect cos its the same car, and we only have different power because of the hours and money we've put into the cars... also, thornleigh maccas is the best maccas in the world. if you ever go there at like 2-3am on a weeknight, its almost empty and the food is always great. anyone for a 2am cruise? :P
  3. yeah i'll do cat back... but im buying the muffler, and ill get whoever installs that to put new piping from cat to muffler... are they different widths? do you know the figures? anyone?
  4. yeah so im thinking of buying a new muffler for my ascent, and im wondering if anyone knows the piping size for sure... i did a search and found answers from 1.75" to 2.5"... so which one is it? its been narrowed down to 2 or 2.25"... anyone know? i can buy it in 2 or 2.25 so i figure i may as well buy the one that is going to fit the best rahter than trying to customise it to fit...
  5. period... (the one you put at the end of a sentence <_< ..)
  6. yeah i get the same problem... doesnt happen all the time... but every now and then it will idle really low and start knocking... theres not alot you can do really... i find putting the aircon on raises the revs just enough to keep it from knocking... is it really a problem with the car, or does it just idle low...
  7. ah you got the square ones. awesome! how is it in your opinion? do you feel performance gain? is yours the 5x8 or the bigger lower offset one? i heard it at the last meet and it sounded great (met you at showground maccas)... if you can tell me it performs well im getting it :P
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