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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. i wish i could afford HIDs... whats the cheapest they go for these days?
  2. oh wow yeah you're right... i thought the only thing available in aus was the toyota parts, which are cheapo bits of plastic that they charge too much for... thats interesting to know, i might see what these bits are like.. thanks buddha B)
  3. i just came across this on eBay... it says its a part to fit a single DIN head unit in a 2003+ corolla... as far as i know the US corollas have the same interior as us, and it looks like it would fit... its $9 + $25 shipping to AUS... looks like a good buy... i was rorted by my dealer for the HU bits - $80 in total for the spacers and a pocket... can someone shed some light on whether this is a great buy, or it wouldnt fit... EDIT: (helps to add a link: SINGLE DIN ADAPTER LINK! cheers fellas, Tom
  4. i think i just shat myself when i failed....
  5. wow... thats unreal!! i used to play drums, but i never quite got used to double kick... this kid is a freak. theres nothing else to it.
  6. so how many people want to do this cruise? there is the cruise to robertsons pies organised for the same day, meeting at homebush at 9.30... as i suggested in that thread, we could either go on that cruise only, or we could head down there and then continue on to canberra... the idea of heading down to robertsons and then towards jamberoo sounds good too, so i'd be happy to do either. lets get a show of hands to see what people want to do.. robertsons pies or canberra ... either way i reckon we should get back to villawood by 8pm for our normal saturday meet. (not that ive ever been to one, but this is going to be my first! - itll be good to meet you guys finally!)
  7. well on the 25th is that cruise to canberra that was suggested a while back... we could either go to robertsons in the morning, then head down to canberra after that... then maybe we would be able to get back for our meet at villawood... ive never driven to canberra so i dont know how long it takes.. otherwise we could just do canberra another time and go on this cruise... which one do we want to do?
  8. Mazda RX-8 for me... wish i was a ferrari or something though. dont get me wrong i love the RX-8, but i just want to be exotic for a while...
  9. well, pics as promised. the ride is a little bumpier, but so much tighter in corners. i love walking outside and seeing her sitting so low. i need wheels next..
  10. i worked solidly from about 1.30 to 6.00 pm... it was my first time installing springs.. actually the first time doing anything major to a car. i dont have any special tools, just a set of multigrips, a socket set and a couple of alan keys and it was enough. the only thing i would have preferred is something to get some of those ridiculously tight nuts off. with enough balls and straining they all came off though. the hatch is slightly different to their description, and you basically have to remove all the carpet and plastic panels from your boot so its just bare chassis and undo the nuts holding the shocks in place. i drove up the street without replacing the nut that connects the rear shock to the wheel. i got back and saw it on the bench and was like 'oh crap that was lucky' anyway i would say if i can do this modification, most people can. ive never worked on a car before like that. only ever done stereo installs, and popped my sports grille on.
  11. i am pleased to announce that my ascent is the proud bearer of new springs. actually they aren't new, they are wei wei's old ones... but the kings are on, and it looks so much better than before. i did the install myself, with alot of sweat and time, but it was fun and worth it. she drives like a dream too, so much less body roll in corners. if anyone else is considering doing their own install, go to the following link, its a great step-by-step to installing springs (for an american corolla, but they are pretty much the same car) HOW TO INSTALL SPRINGS ill put some pics up tomorrow...
  12. dammit how did i miss this one?! i dont check this thread for like 3 days and ive missed a meet... whens the next? last saturday of february?
  13. depending on which part of castle hill... on a good day you can get up james ruse drive and up windsor road and be in castle hill in like 10 mins...
  14. wow thats amazing... did we know they existed before that?
  15. was bought second hand in march 2005 with 13000 on the clock, its sitting at about 28000 now i think...
  16. Hey people I had my enrolment for uni yesterday. i'm headed to UWS parramatta campus to do my business degree. i remember a while back there were a few people saying they are studying to UWS. can i get a show of hands? is anyone starting a degree there this year?
  17. do you know when you'll be in canberra? cos if you're able to tell us a bit in advance, then we'll schedule the trip so we can meet up with you and you can show us some places (if thats ok with you, of course)... i reckon this should happen... we need to set a date a few weeks from now and then people can organise whether theyre coming or not.. how does end of feb sound? uni goes back early march so i know alot of people won't be able to come. so end of feb gives us about a month to organise things. just for a basic idea, who would come along if it was last saturday of february. thats the 25th. i wanted to have my rims by then, but i dunno if thats going to happen :P
  18. there is a place in Sydney called Lifestyle Store. They sell a bit of boston stuff. I was going to buy some boston splits, but i couldnt afford them. LIFESTYLE WEBSITE
  19. hey that looks really cool - i'd be tempted to try that one day, if i could be bothered :P i like the white on my ascent though...
  20. well im a professional juice maker and i just received an offer to study marketing at UWS (parramatta campus) which i will be taking up this year... there seems to be a lot of us at parramatta campus.. we should all get the TOCAU stickers on our cars so when we see each other we'll know...
  21. you are the best. thanks heaps for that tip - i guess the problem was that the car was only jacked up on one side... i also didnt realise how that nut with the allen socket thing worked... you gotta hold the allen socket in place and screw the nut around it... but once i worked that out it was smooth sailing until tight :) i am so relieved now - i didnt wanna take it toyota to have them tell me something was broken and it would cost $12,000 to fix... i'll have to buy you a drink silva!!
  22. ok i need some help... i took my front driver's side suspension setup apart today (stock), and i got the spring and shock out easily enough (actually it caused alot of frustration, but lets not go there)... but when it came to putting it together, i managed to get it on, but when i went for a drive to make sure things were fine, i hear this clunking sound coming from that corner... does anyone have any idea what this could be? i took the wheel off again and everything seems to be in place and fine... the only thing that isnt quite the same is that bar (runs parallel to the shock below the spring) didnt go on the way it came. well it did, but the bolt just wouldnt tighten completely. i kept twisting it for ages and it never got hard to tighten, but it is definately screwed almost the whole way on... im really freaked out that im going to drive along and somethings going to pop off and snap and cause me to crash or something... any ideas?
  23. lol i just bought wei wei's king springs from him - they're very nice... just gotta fit them :P
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