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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. ok so i read some other posts on here about there being a weird smell coming from the A/C.. i've had this problem for a few weeks now. usually (but not always), when turn on the a/c, i get this bad smell coming from my vents.. i cant really explain the smell... anyway some posts said to pull out the filter which is located behind the glove box.. i just pulled a white tray thing out from behind my glove box, which im assuming is the 'filter' ... now there is nothing attached to this white 'tray'.. its just a bit of plastic with 12 rectangular holes... i would assume if its a filter there would be some sort of mesh or spongy stuff, but there is nothing... here's the question of the hour - should there be something on my tray? or is it just a useless piece of removable plastic and i havent found the filter yet?
  2. i hate those massive chrome plates, so number three. Vote #3!!!
  3. as ic3man said, it can be done with an rca converter, but the sound quality won't be as good as RCA. If you're not after top notch sound and you really wanna stick with your deck, then this is the way to go. Otherwise as mello said, i would suggest that you update your deck first, then add your other stuff like amps and subs... you can pick up a decent head unit with MP3 capability and CD changer support for pretty cheap these days. Apart from cost, the only real advantage to keeping the stock unit is that it will look like a stock stereo system.. if you're putting an alpine sub and a monoblock amp in your car, i reckon you should just go all out and get yourself a nice deck first.
  4. yeah i bought toyota one and the strathfield one... i still have the strathfield one, but i dont see any reason why it wouldnt fit... if anything it might not fit as flush as the toyota one cos those side spacers and the pocket are made for each other... i got mine from Pennant Hills Toyota (rip-off merchants) for just under $50... the spacers cost me $13 per side... ask around at different dealers though, they all seem to have extremely varied pricing on parts.
  5. ... you'll find many P platers have a greater understanding of what the rules are than most people who have had their licenses for a few years. they have to learn the rules for their license test... when was the last time you read any road rules? get a life and leave evl alone - ive seen him contribute more to the forum than you have.
  6. yeah this sounds awesome! i think it would be the best time for a mega-meet... i'll be there for sure... hopefully ill have the ol' ascent sorted out by then.. also, i like this new metallic interface thing we have going in the page where you post messages... whatever thats called...
  7. hahaha sounds like you guys had an awesome time- wish i'd come along.. i had a few things to do today, including working apparently, but my boss cancelled my shift just before i went in.. stupid casual work :P ah well give us a date for the next one, ill try and promise to be there! anyone got more pics? theres nothing sexier than a bunch of corollas lined up...
  8. Hey mate, I don't know if this will work for the Prado, but it worked for me and has seemed to work for all the other people here... Wiring diagram hope that helps
  9. I second that. ← I've heard nightmare stories of pretty much every wheel/tyre store in Sydney... Some people swear by Tempe's quality, others bag it... same thing goes for stores like ozzy and big-o... i guess you just have to take your chance and hope you get some good service and some good rims... but personally i like number 3, but i wouldnt go chrome... i was thinking of getting that set in white or silver myself, but went off it cos it was a bit complex looking... other than that i will be a sheep and say #1, coz they do look pretty nice. I've always been a fan of the multi-spoke rims...
  10. hahaha this is fantastic!! im only 5 mins through and its great!
  11. ok who wants to get their car washed at castle hill? ill go sometime and meet some of you fellas there... anyone in?
  12. how many points did you lose for that?! thats a ridiculous law... i take my shoes (especially my school/work ones) off cos theyre too heavy and i cant control the pedals as well... how can they pull you for making your driving safer?
  13. i normally use vortex... if i can afford it at the time... pretty much just cos theres the caltex just up the road from me...
  14. yeah aussie here... but parents are both poms... i dont think i have an accent, noone has picked up on it yet... my alleigence lies with australia though.
  15. what sort of weird scent is it? ive been noticing mine smell like vacuum cleaner sometimes... im sure you know what that smells like...
  16. those seat covers look like real buckets!! i was seriously impressed for a moment... now im only a bit impressed cos they are cool seat covers... thats a clean, sharp sedan you got going there, keep up the mods... (HOW CRAP IS NO MONEY!!)
  17. now that is my kind of car!!! i love screens... theyre the best mod EVER. bit overkill.. .just a bit..
  18. if that fails, check out lifestyle store - theyre my local :P located in north parramatta with a pretty nice workshop close-by... they are pretty pricey though, but you pay for quality i guess... www.lifestylestore.com.au - i dunno the phone number.
  19. the thing with sound quality is, you can have the most expensive, amazing head unit on the market, and still have a crappy sound system... i have a clarion head unit (pretty high end of the line), and its awesome... but i dont use it to its potential because i have a cheap amp... i guess the thing is i can get everything out of the amp with a good head unit... the point is, i like clarion units, and i have heard good JVC, and Pioneer stereos. I'm actually yet to hear an alpine head unit in person! But they are known for their quality. and with the spacers - SHOP AROUND!!! I was ripped off by Pennant Hills Toyota - $30 FOR THE SPACERS!!! Friggen hell what a ripoff! I was in a rush to get them cos I was dying to get my system in when my head unit arrived. I ordered mine on ebay - got it for about 65% of the retail price, with shipping, but i dont get a warranty... so im hoping it wont break in the next 9 months or so :P .. in my opinion, its worth getting something online, specially on ebay, cos you can get it WAY cheaper... but you gotta be careful and you're taking a risk with the warranty...
  20. its a small world... and they are HOT photos! lucky to have a photographer for a mate.
  21. i guess if you're going for a tv screen setup, you're going to want one thats a solid screen over 2 dins... or a pop out screen... personally i like the popout screens, and i would suggest an alpine IVA-D310... that does pretty much everything... or maybe a clarion fold out unit... most units dont have everything included, but you can add other units and control them through your touchscreen interface. I know the alpine GPS unit is separate... it all depends on what you want to spend really... you could get something basic for maybe 1000 on ebay, or you could heap up towards the 5000 dollar range for a fantastic multimedia system... i have seen that kenwood though, for a solid double din screen, i think thats got great bang for buck. its got heaps of features (but alas, no gps), and it looks the goods... you could always just buy a separate GPS unit for the car if you desperately want it. thats my 2 cents.
  22. i MAY come tomorrow... im going on a post-HSC cruise with a couple of mates.. if i do it wont be my rolla, itll be my dads car (9-3 saab)... is that ok?
  23. things made in germany are expensive... anything from europe is expensive...
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