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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. man i got a similar problem with my aftermarket deck. I have a clarion unit and if i have it playing music with the key on acc or on, but without the engine on... then turn the engine on, sound just stops coming out... i have to pull the face off and put it back on again (i guess cutting the power to it and replacing it) for it to work... mighty annoying since its a top of the line deck.. ergh..
  2. saturdays and thursdays are great for me... thursdays more so, but im sure more people are available for a meet on saturday nights... so yeah how bout in 2 weeks time? that would make it the... 12th of november... who's free that night? If not, how bout the thursday before that... the 10th? i reckon every second week for sure.. i cant wait a month! its great to finally see some tocau action happening in SYdney!! keep it up!!
  3. so how was it fellas? so ****** i couldnt make it tonight, but i am booking in next months meet right now and everything else can get stuffed :P i think we need to do more than a monthly meet... i reckon once every 2 weeks or something... brisbane meets every thursday but they have more... i just cant wait for a month... got any pics to put up?
  4. clutch (no not the car type, the holding type :P)
  5. I DUNNO IF I CAN MAKE IT ANYMORE!!! :( :( i gotta be in the city late afternoon or early evening to pick up my lady and i dont think ill be able to get back by 8... are you guys going for a cruise? or just sitting there and chatting? coz if you're staying at maccas i might be able to come later. women are more trouble than theyre worth :P
  6. blue_rolla


    HAHAHA its not a funny topic but that managed to turn it around... well i thought it was funny :P seriously though that sucks so bad! Man if you ever find them promise me you'll crack them into the pavement or something. I HATE little ****s who vandalise things. Cars are so expensive and even the slightest blemish can cost hundreds to fix. But still, just because they were dropped on their heads at birth, they think its funny to go and throw an egg at someones car and cause them hundreds of dollars of damage! Thats such crap! I hope they are struck by leprosy or something. bastards.
  7. lol yeah i hope so too... i havent paid him yet so we'll see what he says... i asked i could do a pickup, but he hasnt replied... i dunno he doesnt seem to know what he's talking about in the titles, but he got back to my question pretty fast... apparently he will be putting another sportivo front bar on ebay on monday... but this time it will be BLACK!
  8. ok i just found this on ebay... its apparently a front spoiler for a 2004 corolla... i havent seen anything like it though... what is it? Front Bar? same guy who was selling the last front spoiler...
  9. that front spoiler is gone now.. won by yours truly :) $167.50... good price? wish it was blue, then that would be fantastic...
  10. ahh well... shows how often i come to the events thread :(... ill have to check back more regularly...
  11. and i won... bid in the last 5 seconds... $167.50... now... where do i get it painted? :P
  12. SWEET! lol shhhhh dont tell him... im in with a chance for this one...
  13. well im bidding on the front spoiler on ebay... only like 40 mins to go so if you know the answer to this question please reply right now... i have a pre facelift ascent... will it fit? PLEASE reply now if you know... actually unless someone bids over me theres no rush but id like to know...
  14. I've always liked the AE102 model corolla... it can look really mean with a nice body kit... to me, they seem like the perfect car to do up like a rally car... id say keep what you have and spend that 10 grand or whatever on it and you'll have yourself a sweet car! *wishes for 10 grand to spend on own car*
  15. WHAT THE HELL I MISSED THIS CRUISE!!! ARRGHHH who went?? how was it?? i wish id known about it, i would have been there for sure!
  16. lol i know that experience all too well :P im in for the 29th for sure... you'll all get to see my monster.. stock ascent actually its not entirely stock, it has a... SPORTS GRILLE!!! and a decent stereo...
  17. I have splits in my 03 corolla, and my tweeters are mounted in those round air vents in the dash (perfect fit, might i add...). It all depends on where you mount the tweeters as to what sound you get... Because theyre so small, they are highly directional so you want them to be facing as much towards you as possible. my other suggestion would be to maybe change the settings on your crossover... I dont know if all crossovers have this, but on mine, you can wire the tweeters into different sensitivity levels... so the (-) goes into its part, then you can wire the (+) into 3 different levels... i dunno take a look at your crossovers and where the tweeters are mounted. good luck with it all.
  18. how much did it cost you to get that done? what do the prices range from/to? if he's good, i might give it a go, cos im getting mine tinted in the next couple of weeks.
  19. i did it with 5 mins to spare... i guessed the last bit... red or black... how were you sposed to work that one out? if you dont want to give away the game you can PM me...
  20. yeah ive been thinking of getting a set of those taillights... theyre damn hot... too bad i missed the cruise!! i didnt check the events forum for a while and it completely shot over my head!! ill try my hardest to make the monthy meet though.. 29th sounds great for me... see you there hopefully...
  21. you know what that really makes sense... if i get an alarm then who cares if they have my keys... they wouldnt be able to start the car if the alarm is armed... i was looking at getting an alarm anyway.. thanks for that idea ill look into it...
  22. heres some advice for you all: DONT LOSE YOUR KEYS!!! i just called up 2 toyota dealerships... one said it would cost about $2000-$3000 all up... the other said about $1200, but i dont think they included the ignition locks too... i guess insurance will cover it... far out it sucks though... anyone know of another way i can get my locks changed? im beginning to learn toyota is the biggest rip off company ever...
  23. hey everyone... i had my house broken into the other day and my spare set of car keys were stolen from the drawer... this means i have to get the locks changed on my car... its an 03' rolla ascent... anyone know how much its roughly going to cost and would i be able to claim it on insurance? and if so.. would it be car insurance or house and contents insurance? i know its going to cost me a few hundred bucks and that is so crap i hate theives...
  24. its right smack bang in the middle of my hsc exams... BUT... i will come and meet you guys at homebush and come maybe for a part of a cruise if you guys are doing it... its only maths the monday after... she'll be right... itd be good to meet some of you guys and get some ideas for what im going to do with my limited savings :P keep up the communication and lets organise something...
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