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Everything posted by blue_rolla

  1. obviously mark.. do you even realise you're going to be a mod any moment now?
  2. if people are worried about kids seeing it... for starters why are kids watching it at 4am? and i garuantee if these kids can navigate their way to bb videos, they can navigate their way to porn...
  3. hey yeah im good... congrats to our new mods!! :D
  4. oh my *** if you want to complain about post whoring, AT LEAST DO IT IN THE RIGHT PLACE... far out...
  5. haha its not even! there's still gross marks all over my car... i havent been bothered to wash it all off properly...
  6. but you do have some of the bird crap that landed on my car about 10 mins after i washed it... i was carpet bombed so bad... :(
  7. that would actually be really good... as you can jump in and out of the chatroom and talk to everyone at once... and there would be no need for whoring... and if you actually have a question or comment or whatever, you can start up a thread and everyone is able to see if forever... good idea george... i like it... dylan, you're completely right about cleaning things up a bit and keeping things condensed... and as jason said, we'll keep it in the right places from now on...
  8. That's ridiculous! if there are NO whoring threads, we're still going to find somewhere to post... its not like we do it to p!ss you people off... its often unintended that a topic will get off track, but it just happens... the smart thing is to have a place for fun and games (i.e whoring), and we will not bother you... i even started a thread a few weeks back in the "forum suggestions" area regarding starting up a section for whoring, because i know some people on here get annoyed with whoring... and if i wasnt one of the post whores, maybe i too would be upset at all the irrelevant posts... And what the hell is that about "it is never in the right threads"... what is the "king of the hill" thread about... what is the "have the final say" thread about... they certainly aren't about tech questions about a corolla... that's why we have a "GENERAL DISCUSSION" and a "GENERAL CHAT" section of the boards, for CHAT... Good on you... Why is it such a problem that some of us have become good friends by following a different route? some people aren't very technical when it comes to cars, so they don't need to ask or respond to tech questions, but they do want to meet and talk to people about their cars and share their enthusiasm I think you're missing the point... we don't have to post constantly to be friends, and we know that... i CAN just not post in here, and come along to meets, and be friends with people... there's no issue there with my people skills... but surely its a little more convenient to be sociable on the forums and chat to people and muck around with people on the forum than arrange a meet every day? So is the forum? and like jason said, more people can access the forum as its simply web based... its harder for people in tight networks using business computers to access msn... now that i have made my point... how bout we give up the whinging at people, and find something better in life to think about... and wait for the mods to make a decision about what to do with the situation...
  9. lol ok sweet... we're going to the self car wash thing in dural... its umm... near a hungry jacks... oh wow you just popped up on msn...
  10. lol what's happening today? well i just got back from dyno day... my car ran 90.6kw at the dirty white wheels... and now im going to go help a mate install some hectic mesh in his car... and then go car washing with jason... thats my day... what are YOU doing today? wanna come meet us for car washing?
  11. agreed. this thread sucks... i cannot BELIEVE england is out!! :( :( :(
  12. oh WHAT!! i was reading JUST as you posted! and i thought i was king... and then i wasnt... point is... DAMN YOU WOMAN!!!
  13. yeah EVERYONE uses MSN... who uses yahoo, or icq? that's right... nobody :P
  14. yeah it all depends on the cop... a mate of mine got pulled over for neg driving (he took a corner too fast and crossed some double lines) and the cop said he'd lose 3 points and $xxx fine... he never got the letter and he's still got all his points... i think the cop just didnt bother putting it through the system or something...
  15. ok i agree that whoring shouldnt be done in useful threads... but we have threads like king of the hill and the chicks thread and word association for a bit of fun... what is with people on here whinging all the time? far out just lighten up people! .. without the whoring threads, i wouldnt be half the friends i am with some people on here... i honestly can't see why some of you are so upset with having whoring threads... "if you wanna whore use msn!!" ... WHY?! if you don't want to read pages upon pages of irrelevant dribble, stay out of those threads! some of us have a different perspective on this forum and how we operate on it than you... that doesnt make us wrong or bad people... it means we are just different to you! some people see it as a place strictly for information gathering and question asking... others see it as a fun place to hang out online, and a place to make friends... does it really ruin your life if there are people on here having fun and joking around with each other? without silly whoring (and only in the right threads), the community wouldnt be anything like it is... people wouldnt actually be close friends with each other as they are now... some people wouldnt feel comfortable coming along to meets, as they wouldn't know anyone... but after they come and join in some fun in king of the hill or something, they realise that we're all nice people and they wanna come out and meet us... is that so bad?! if you want examples, PM me or something... i can think of a bunch of examples where members of the community have helped each other out in various issues in their lives through getting to know someone on here, and becoming friends with them on here, and then taking the conversation to msn... i can think of a number of people who wouldnt come to a sydney meet because they aren't the sort of people who will just go join a group, but they have felt comfortable doing that, because they can see the sorts of people we are, and that we just love to have fun... so having said that, i thing the whores should keep their whoring out of threads that are for information... also stay out of meets threads, unless what you have to say will contribute to what's actually going on at the meet, like routes and directions and suggestions... apparently the mods are looking into putting the "whoring" threads into a new section, and we will simply keep our whoring in there...
  16. your point? there's alot of us from sydney bill! .... ok i admit it we're whores :(
  17. freaky... mish you have to read till the end of a thread before you post... that caramel walnut whatever business was sooooo 5 hours ago....
  18. true that!! it better be as cold as the other night... although i dunno if i can handle being that cold :P im really just hoping there's no rain... rain eats it... oh and re: going to the city... yes. and yes i will drive you in... and yes, you are all coming along... don't be pansys with your "oh but i have work the next morning" excuses... we've all had times where we only get 4 or 5 hours sleep... you're not going to die!!! thats right jason, im looking at you buddy! :D
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