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Everything posted by SecaBoy

  1. so sooooooo tasty... :D
  2. your car is looking very sexual... all it needs now is some rims, suspension and eyelids... but knowing you, you'll have most 'custom' plans instead... any advancement on the brakes?
  3. imo, unless you had the whole ts01 front end, then the little grey strip on the grill would look outta place... fully colour coded is my vote.. :)
  4. thats cause snorlax needs his sleep.. its 5:45pm and i've just hit 12hrs at work today... leaving here about 6.30 i think.. so when 10pm comes around, my eyes close by themselves...
  5. i shall attempt to come... two weeks in a row may put stress on my body though... :P
  6. jason, you need to be a distributor yourself... then you'll be able to distribute to yourself and cut out the middle man... i think you qualify with the number of sales so far... :P
  7. OHHHH HHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! its harsh... but funny... very very harsh...
  8. brendan, do you offer a buy back option? :P i have three stickers and no toyota to put it on... just kidding...
  9. well done mate... thats a great looking old school rolla! :D
  10. if its raining, then even you can do a skid... :P haha if its raining, then i'm assuming it'll be dee's work... but i'm not gonna give the address cause last time i did that, i sent matt in the wrong direction...
  11. I was wondering what happened there. I thought Ash was acting a little strange. split personality.. lol mick: picsorban!!! yaris.....skid???? commeeonnnn!!! stop pulling my 3rd leg... :P did someone say skids tonight!?!?
  12. im in... maybe... oh who the fuq knows with me!! meanwhile, talks have started with hi-torque...
  13. <sensitive guy> the annual meet in brisbane has a real special place in my heart... it was my first TOCAU meet and everyone was very welcoming and very friendly... to all the lurkers out there, COME TO THE MEET!!! its a great way to meet everyone... </sensitive guy> fuqn hell... that means its been almost 3yrs i've been hanging around you losers!!! :P
  14. i've obviously been living up to my nickname....oOOOOKKKKKKAAaaaayy!!!! lol i will try my best to come next week... work is just really taking its toll on me... i made a decision to only work my set hours from after easter... that lasted for wednesday and then last night i was at work to 6 again... this body/brain is really not made to do 12hr days... i'm thinking a government job might be the solution... 9-5 FTW!!! :D oh and that present better be chocolate and it better be of the topdeck easter egg variety!!! hahaha
  15. Dad hit a kangaroo. So I had to go help him. So next time I'll come out. R.I.P kanga. :(
  16. still at Dee's work i thought? unless thats not okay anymore... WAY better than the train!
  17. oh i thought this was Brad's car after seeing it on facebook... shoulda known better that you were behind the madness... :P looks good man... :)
  18. this car needs more boost... dont worry about being able to stop, cause a brick wall, other cars, light poles or trees will take care of that for you... :P hehe
  19. That's because when you sped past at 200kmph they didn't see which house you pulled into :P my car lives outside (:(), so they would've seen it... :) i think its just cause i live on a street with some dodgy fuqs... i've seen cop cars pull up outside my house (yes, i shat myself! lol) and they jumped out of their cars and ran down the street to a house a few doors down... hahaha
  20. i will make the effort of a lifetime and actually come out... be nice... its been a while... please dont bite!
  21. coffee square is a great place to eat... but it takes me like 6hrs to decide what to order!! seriously, like 4,000,000 items on the menu!!
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