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Everything posted by ELEGNT

  1. if your other car is ready corey bring that mate, wouldnt mind having a squirt
  2. for those who i msged and would like to come for a cruise tonihgt here are the details new springwood ikea at 7:30. leave 7:45 wet and wild carpark at 8:15 leave 8:30 Up mt tamborine (this one will be good cos there is no traffic at night like the last cruise some of us went on)dont know time have a bbq up there. dont know what is provided i think organisers are bringing snags but have a graze on something before u go. go over the mountain and down to Mudgeeraba see use there, i msged about 4 of use sorry other if i didnt have your number
  3. fattest aurion skid ever man chris put some pics up spoilerless, looks horny i always wanted to do that
  4. last time you where on here i still had my aurion sheeeeeeet too loooong
  5. evan, anthonys is the loudest by far now mate lylee what turbo does the kit have?
  6. colt is getting new front rims so its on stands i would run stockos but its a 1yr anniversary of a family death so defs wont be out :(
  7. wasnt planning on it but may make it, was looking forward to going shotgun in the blue peg leggin coon corey...............u bringing the ss..............if its got more mods ill defs be there???
  8. I ended up selling my Corolla and the 250... enough to buy a new toy. :-) But welding the diff wouldn't be such a bad idea!! i have a VX SS LSD if that fits, you can buy it off me if you like :) what the f*ck do you think this is, boostcruising? BUMP! price drop, come on people show me what you got will take anything of interest
  9. welcome dude, whats done to the KE?
  10. I ended up selling my Corolla and the 250... enough to buy a new toy. :-) But welding the diff wouldn't be such a bad idea!! i have a VX SS LSD if that fits, you can buy it off me if you like :)
  11. nate how come your keeping the commy now? must weld the diff if you keep it
  12. rolling, select N then rev like BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM then select D for maximum respect?
  13. how did you skid an aurion, did you put park break on max? there is no way you can do a big skid rolling in the aurion
  14. like: in preperation for this engine upgrade, you MUST buy rattle cans in matt black and unleash on your car. after this step is done, keep people guessing and run mixed wheels and inverted angle exhaust....backyard FTW
  15. there is a bbq and a mountain run so you better be there, you can drive my car to the spit like last time if you wish
  16. my gf was about to buy a cube like pictured, they are really cool to drive actually!
  17. TIME IS 8:45am at RED ROOSTER HYPERDOME. http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=2-4+Leda+Dr,+Loganholme+QLD+4129&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=45.870499,93.076172&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=2-4+Leda+Dr,+Shailer+Park+Queensland+4128&z=16
  18. you still looking for some zze headlight protectors???? nar dont have any lol
  19. good write up!!!!
  20. i cant see pics at work but im sure it would be awesome :)
  21. hahahahahahahahaahahhahahaha oh sh|t i love a good laugh in the morn even tho i wont be there id say the loop, it wont rain
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