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Everything posted by ELEGNT

  1. LIKE: black headlights HIDs pod exhaust holden banner engine cover SO SO: suspension is ok, should be lower tinted taillight are too tryhard, would be ok if you had black wheels DISLIKE: spoiler, take it off run no spoiler gear stick, wtf are you thinking its red, buy a black one HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Neons, are you 5 years old mate, i thought you would have learned on your last car, noone likes them, noone thinks they are cool, everyone will laugh at you, you will look back on them in a few years and hate yourself for it
  2. looks like drive down from brissy is going to be pretty dull....no ash, no daryl, no andrew, no brenden looks like its just me, mick, guni, ingres and north
  3. eat my *****, its just a daily.. plus they were uber cheap true boostcruiser :P
  4. i use nulon in my car seems to be ok. better that the motal i used to use, end up getting the wheels on man?
  5. are they genuine cr kai's or rotas LOLOLOL
  6. old boys like you SD and north and bren are good to hear from once and a wile, and good to attend a meet with. wish it was more often tho
  7. so mick you putting them on down there on friday arv wile we sh|t around before check in?? i have some parts for my car i need to pick up to hehe going by the looks they are 17x7 with about a low 30 offset?
  8. win!!!!! the kid is MIA anyway, noone is getting violated by noob questions anymore mods suspend guni please hehe
  9. how the **** do you fire your boss? how is that possible lol im at uni wed nights man u will just have to wait till the meet mate :P
  10. Confirmed Fri morning departure? Would be sicker if I have someone to do it with me .... :clap: has to be we have to be there by friday arvo for check in. but thats what most people are doing , should be good mate get keen
  11. brah its way hectic already, just scrolling down the latest threads and its one big blur of the same thing. back in the day of when northy used to post and people like thegourou and hiro used to be the only posters in a whole afternoon, the miss.sportivo flaming thread was great and simo the ruff bugga used to lay down the aussie slang that was good ol TOCAU unlike now :(
  12. is it just me or is TOCAU getting a bit boostcruising like? endless new members, so many noobs, heaps of repeated thread, same old every day, good ol members not posting anymore......
  13. no way that was accurate i had an exhaust and intake and i got 199hp atw if u beat my 14.2 or daryls 14.1 at the quarter i may rethink
  14. ELEGNT

    Project 5S-GTE

    yeh your luck would be get it just going, drive down to sydney then.................mad defect station, loose heaps of points, get a sick fine, ruin your whole weekend etc. not cool if you get bored of the yaris, i will kindly let you borrow the colt for one of the cruises :)
  15. ELEGNT

    Project 5S-GTE

    a week, yeh thats fine! im down (and im sure D and maybe someone else) for helping you make this work ie. getting your crank next and us boys GTFOver your house and help with the install. we can do this man i wanna be driving with this down to syd and i know how much you do too
  16. ELEGNT

    Project 5S-GTE

    peruse it man you will get it done champ
  17. ELEGNT

    Project 5S-GTE

    another fail has risen its head whats the plan now mate?
  18. guan your awesome!!! driving down with you is going to be sick. bris crew are leaving early friday morning
  19. thats effin hot mate, would sound insane with the intake
  20. state you live in should probly be mentioned, nice car btw GL on sale
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