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Everything posted by ELEGNT

  1. I have been in asians :D i was just about to say, mick loves getting asian, hes got the sh|t on tap
  2. I haven't been in Asians either. I wouldn't complain but they aren't my first choice, I prefer Caucasians myself. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  3. ray ray how many people expected not inc tocau on sunday? and are we going springbrook? looking forward to spit havnt been in asians
  4. hahahahahah mick remember at the round about at coffs........................."falcons for live" huge cloud of water and smoke haha BAGS 1ST SHOTGUN
  5. ah shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit......from hsv to f6 to xr6t lol but mate imho you made the best decision by far!! car is half the price of the f6 it has the old f6 motor, you spend 2k on that motor and you will have 350kw+++atw. you have any question about modding ask ive been involved with my mate doing up his ba and his mates bf. his making 380hpatw other one making 490hp atw manual or auto? both equally as good, if manual only prob you will have is clutch when you get up near the 300kwatw mark. auto handles anything. the xr6t forum are hardcore, you will think your car is the fastest ever.....until you go on a cruise with them lol elite where we went for the dyno that time is one of the best tuners too dude

    Evo's 1zz

    possibly....man on man tho haha
  7. come down to brisbane so i can buy your car off you lol did u end up getting a 1/4mile time? or is it 1/8 mile up there

    Evo's 1zz

    purple.....queer ftw
  9. stop changing plans man, keep it as one, i have to tell everyone that ive invited now
  10. ELEGNT

    Project 5S-GTE

    how did you get the score out mate?
  11. 2 things u dont say in one sentance dont worry about it skirts, there is another bbq area about 2km down the road, also on the water, we will relocate there
  12. good choice on the white babe
  13. sunday the 11th guys which is this sunday coming, ill be there no doubt
  14. Looks alright? Looks heaps good man! Keep the goodies coming! Peter. thats not his car keep them back mick
  15. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaybe.............
  16. yeh hes not scared! you should hurry up and get some phil
  17. have a look at the inside of my enkeis, they are not black they are between a bronze and a gunmetal. i think you should do it that colour
  18. leave them mick, just do what jeff did on the photoshop
  19. looks good mate, manual or auto?
  20. WOW john your garage is awesome!!!! colt is left in the shed for 6.5 days a week
  21. mick..............you didnt did you? just get straight pipe for it it will cost 40$
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