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Everything posted by kelvin33

  1. hahhaha!!! damn funny!! feel so much at home now!! :)
  2. Welcome!!! Enjoy your stay and make yourself at home!! BTW boys!!! BEHAVE
  3. hahhaha!!! :D its a never ending story..... There are always tons of cars that we love but not that affordable :) Thats the difference between reality and fairy tale.... I always wonder even if can afford the cash, would you go for a house of equal value?? Why did I ever start to learn driving :(
  4. Greetings!! Most importantly, what is it your are after.... LOOKS or POWER?? It is very difficult to get in the mid of both as you will find money will run dry fast :) And enjoy your stay!!
  5. Damn!! thats nice for a moning read!! I reckon we are damn good at looking for "beautiful" cars
  6. :( Guys.. there will always be a difference in pricing Baseline is that: We are satisfied owners :D
  7. the price is hilarious for Extreme :D seriously Extreme
  8. Welcome to Australia!! Enjoy your stay!! :P :D :P Word of advise :) :D :) Always maximise the magical "search" button located on the top right!! B)
  9. Geez.. it looks sweet... wonder how much is it gonna cost?? :D
  10. if im not mistaken... its AZZA...
  11. comeon guys!! as long as no one is hurt... eventually it still boils down to $$$!!! :) work harder, save more and $$$$ will be back again :)
  12. Congrats!! the picx were great!!
  13. seriously saying... who knows!! its complex!! juz hope there will not be a second one!! :)
  14. LMAO!! Least to say, they fought hard but Kewell was a let off, not a single decent cross..... Schwazer was the man of the match not because of penalties but on the normal and extra time... save the SH&^ for australia!!! To make it to the world cup stage is already a reward...winning a game there is bonus :)
  15. are you removing the immobiliser for remote starters?? if so juz get a bypass relay... however if you are not, why do u wanaa remove the immobiliser??
  16. hehehe!! here comes the bigger the better analogy on wheels :P mate!! welcome and have fun!!
  17. kelvin33

    Hi Guys!

    welcome!! and of cos enjoy the ride!! :)
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