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Everything posted by juvenile

  1. 1. m.C 2. ooh it's still warm...juvenile 3. VF-X 4. ZR6XY 5. Brendan 6. Seby123 7. cruzer (maybe) 8. Synthetic05 (maybe)
  2. Thanks Mick :) ^^^ True, but arnt almost all your mods temporary? ^_^ Ah Touche <_<
  3. I know someone that has that look! (a part from the stockies) ah yes and when you see him, remind him it's update time :)chrome garnish pictured isn't nice at all..
  4. I hesitated a few months ago on a used pair in Japan for my facelift bar, they sold for $40 oh yeah, they were black too
  5. Congrats on the new car, better start saving for services and parts ;) awesome car, love a hot hatch.... Any pics of it yet ?
  6. I just wanted a quick fix , first I thought sand them a bit but Dutchie said all they really need is a wire brush,a clean with metho,dry and then a quick spray with cheap flat black,it'll come back but not for a while I hope.. Was going to plastidip them but because I had never used it before I didn't know the thickness of it, incase the hub rings wouldn't fit over the hub.. Happy with result, need to do the rears but ran out of time..
  7. Quick touch up of my rusty hubs, fronts only for now.. .... Plastidip rear badges, glad it's temporary ;)
  8. I'm not really a fan of thrashing, oops I mean "drifting" but I really found this entertaining, I think all those cars were destroyed before they had even started...
  9. Then twins for a while Today.... more mods to come I believe ;)
  10. Finally :D Where it all started, bit naked to begin with compared to today, Cuong,Wy and myself
  11. Congrats Andy on the new car, and yes I will be looking ;)
  12. Red stitching always looks good Not sure of thread size, they also have 2012 Camry duck tails http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/260933061540?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  13. Ok so not the warranty as well, just service... Who said they saved $10 ? not me
  14. Yes the shoes, must be Dunlop Volleys! Haha, kidding, they've got to be either Christian Louboutin, Jimmy Choo,....... ah yes, you didn't hear it from me but Rachel Zoe has a sexy collection shame all you see now are thongs
  15. 1. juvenile 2. master.Cuong 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
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