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Since we all have at least one thing in common (Toyota vehicles), and that we all love each other (stop laughing), could it be a reasonable idea to have a forum category where we list what it is that we do (or can do). Thusly we can support each other when a service is needed.

Similar to the buy/sell section, but rather a Provide/Need section, where we can ask if someone can provide a service, or alternatively if someone needs a service, they can ask and see who responds.

For instance, if I were a mechanic that specialised in induction parts and installation, and that is what you are looking for, then if you were happy to, you could support me. Perhaps I would even offer you a discount for the favour...

Whadda ya thunk?

PS: No, I'm not a mechanic.


Do you mean like a skills depository ?


For instance, I am a podiatrist (amongst other things), so if you need foot care, why not consider me if it suits you?


Sounds like a great idea.... :clap:


Great idea!

Even if you aren't strictly a proffessional you can still offer your skills... for example, blue_stivo has installed CAIs for other members


Hi I'm a molecular virologist specializing in DNA vaccines for infectious diseases;

and currently finishing my PhD.

Oh and i know how to install CAI and DIY doof doof :D

Gimme a PM


where do I start

Audio installs and Advice - Alarum can back me up on that

Computer bits man - have wholesale accounts with heaps of distrubutors, advise giver

Printer man - I work for a cartridge world, go figure :D

Pizza Cook - not just dominos anymore! Turish pide, kebab (xoom i'm looking at you :ph34r: )

BBQ Marster - no-one he has yet to sample my BBQ'ing here, but i'll have something soon to backup these claims

Beer expert - just dont ask me after 8pm on a friday for advise :P

I'm sure there is more


Well for now, start up a new thread in the Club Lounge. If people start participating in it, we can then pin it up. :)


If anyone ever needs any backing music or soundtracks then Simo or myself could help?


Come onnnnnn film buffs hit us haha


new club lounge topic setup to replace this topic.

Close thread time?

(and thanks for your support, all)

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