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Help, needing a spraypainter.


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Hey, is there a spraypainter that can perfectly spray in 2pac paint. I have the paint and the car is all ready for paint just need a booth and a person to paint it. Help! Anyone?

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Hey, is there a spraypainter that can perfectly spray in 2pac paint. I have the paint and the car is all ready for paint just need a booth and a person to paint it. Help! Anyone?

ahhh you mean any of the 55,000 spray painters in perth?!

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Hey, is there a spraypainter that can perfectly spray in 2pac paint. I have the paint and the car is all ready for paint just need a booth and a person to paint it. Help! Anyone?

ahhh you mean any of the 55,000 spray painters in perth?!

Ah yes, BUT who can do it for me, cheap.... say around 300

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Hey, is there a spraypainter that can perfectly spray in 2pac paint. I have the paint and the car is all ready for paint just need a booth and a person to paint it. Help! Anyone?

ahhh you mean any of the 55,000 spray painters in perth?!

Ah yes, BUT who can do it for me, cheap.... say around 300

see there you go we get it now!

and my opion?

WHY THE **** would you waste your money (and your car) on a 300 spray job? :rolleyes::huh:

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Hey, is there a spraypainter that can perfectly spray in 2pac paint. I have the paint and the car is all ready for paint just need a booth and a person to paint it. Help! Anyone?

ahhh you mean any of the 55,000 spray painters in perth?!

Ah yes, BUT who can do it for me, cheap.... say around 300

see there you go we get it now!

and my opion?

WHY THE **** would you waste your money (and your car) on a 300 spray job? :rolleyes::huh:

Well said. Look around for reputable painters if you're that keen, you get what you pay for.

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yes i know but i dont have that type of money as a dont have a bloomin job no more.

then wait untill you do! and get a job quick! we all have to make sacrifises for our cars...

WAITING is one of them!

Yeah ive been waiting over, aaaahh what 6 months to get it done. And its not al that easy to get a job my end.

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yes i know but i dont have that type of money as a dont have a bloomin job no more.

then wait untill you do! and get a job quick! we all have to make sacrifises for our cars...

WAITING is one of them!

Yeah ive been waiting over, aaaahh what 6 months to get it done. And its not al that easy to get a job my end.

YOUR END? you've been without a job for 6months and you wan tto respray your car?!!!

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yes i know but i dont have that type of money as a dont have a bloomin job no more.

then wait untill you do! and get a job quick! we all have to make sacrifises for our cars...

WAITING is one of them!

Yeah ive been waiting over, aaaahh what 6 months to get it done. And its not al that easy to get a job my end.

YOUR END? you've been without a job for 6months and you wan tto respray your car?!!!

I think she said she has been waiting 6 months to get the car done, not 6 months without a job.

Guys, ease off, its obvious that the owner just wants the car finished. I do agree though, you will get what you pay for.

Having said that, how many hours is there in painting a car? The reason I ask is that its noted above that the car is prepped and ready for paint (I'm assuming the owner already has the paint). So I wouldn't think simply spraying the car would be a job that takes THAT long? Does someone with some experience in this area actually have some good advice here, or are we all going to stand around, point and laugh?

Edited by -JC-
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For a good job it will take about that long

-pulling out windows

-sanding, fixing dents

-primering (2-3 coates with drying time between coats)

-sanding again

-painting (2-3 coates)

-drying (baking)

-putting everything back together

Its a lot of work, not to mention all the masking that needs to be done, making sure your happy with the finished product and buffing. Sorry if i came over a bit harsh but there is a crap load of work involved.

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For a good job it will take about that long

-pulling out windows

-sanding, fixing dents

-primering (2-3 coates with drying time between coats)

-sanding again

-painting (2-3 coates)

-drying (baking)

-putting everything back together

Its a lot of work, not to mention all the masking that needs to be done, making sure your happy with the finished product and buffing. Sorry if i came over a bit harsh but there is a crap load of work involved.

dude, all the panel work and primering has been done! Windows cant come out besides the front one, that is damaged. Ill even do the wet n dry before the paint goes on.... i just need someone to paint the car... i can put the car back together myself.... i was the one that pulled it apart in the first place to get painted...

Im not a dumb blonde.... i know my car industry...

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For a good job it will take about that long

-pulling out windows

-sanding, fixing dents

-primering (2-3 coates with drying time between coats)

-sanding again

-painting (2-3 coates)

-drying (baking)

-putting everything back together

Its a lot of work, not to mention all the masking that needs to be done, making sure your happy with the finished product and buffing. Sorry if i came over a bit harsh but there is a crap load of work involved.

dude, all the panel work and primering has been done! Windows cant come out besides the front one, that is damaged. Ill even do the wet n dry before the paint goes on.... i just need someone to paint the car... i can put the car back together myself.... i was the one that pulled it apart in the first place to get painted...

Im not a dumb blonde.... i know my car industry...

dude if you already know you car industry wouldnt you knwo someone who can do what you wanted?! just a thought? :whistling:

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I think maybe you kids need to find something else to do. Seriously, if you can't help, why even post?

Someone wants a $300 paint job, so fcuking what? Its not like they are painting your car.

For the record, I know of a VH Commodore that was painted for $150 about 8 years ago, exactly the same situation, prep was done, all that was needed was someone to jam the paint on it. The paintjob was faultless, and still is to this day. In fact, I would say it was a better job than the factory managed on my Sportivo. So you never know your luck in the big city.

If anyone can tell me what you are actually achieving by forcing your opinion on someone and taking the ****, please enlighten me.

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she asked for my help, my help is that any job worth $300 would be a waste of her money and her car!


and i didnt think that someone who knew the automotive industry would post asking for a $300 spray job is all!

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Not forcing a opinion champ, 4 of my mates are painters and its not worth the hassle doin that cheap...as in person comin back and winging it not good enough, and for the record, everything was cheaper 8 years ago.

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I think maybe you kids need to find something else to do. Seriously, if you can't help, why even post?

Someone wants a $300 paint job, so fcuking what? Its not like they are painting your car.

For the record, I know of a VH Commodore that was painted for $150 about 8 years ago, exactly the same situation, prep was done, all that was needed was someone to jam the paint on it. The paintjob was faultless, and still is to this day. In fact, I would say it was a better job than the factory managed on my Sportivo. So you never know your luck in the big city.

If anyone can tell me what you are actually achieving by forcing your opinion on someone and taking the ****, please enlighten me.

Sorry to be appearing to diss her, but I'm not sure how much can $300 get you this time and day.

Presuming everything is primed and ready to paint, it'll still cost more than $300 alone with paint and clear coat. Also, you do realise painting one layer of paint finish isn't exactly ideal, as one slightly forced scratch and you'll see bare metal...which in turn will rust.

Just a thought though, if you can find a fella asking only $300, go for your life. The end result will be something that I won't guarantee.

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aaah i have the paint, the hardner and everything i just want it painted.... mates rate..but i guess **** not.... im not even going to bother with you guys. some of you seem like complete jack bums

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  • 4 weeks later...

hello scetra $300 for paintjob id do it for u, if u helped mask it up with me, but your in perth im in sydney....i used to do paintjobs for $500 but thats rub, mask and paint only takes 3-4hours total lol for people that want to get rid of there cars, i dont think any one will paint your car for $300 unless u know them really well but good luck, and dont worry bout jaaaasssseeee hes rude to evey one....ouch

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hello scetra $300 for paintjob id do it for u, if u helped mask it up with me, but your in perth im in sydney....i used to do paintjobs for $500 but thats rub, mask and paint only takes 3-4hours total lol for people that want to get rid of there cars, i dont think any one will paint your car for $300 unless u know them really well but good luck, and dont worry bout jaaaasssseeee hes rude to evey one....ouch

only you mate :)

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hello scetra $300 for paintjob id do it for u, if u helped mask it up with me, but your in perth im in sydney....i used to do paintjobs for $500 but thats rub, mask and paint only takes 3-4hours total lol for people that want to get rid of there cars, i dont think any one will paint your car for $300 unless u know them really well but good luck, and dont worry bout jaaaasssseeee hes rude to evey one....ouch

only you mate :)

Hmmm.... jaseeee hes rude to every one? LOL... dont think so ey.... LOL....

i know him and met him... hes not rude? well, spillage havent meet jaseee yet hehehehhehehhe LOL

well, spectra can judge when he meet jasseee :)

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hello scetra $300 for paintjob id do it for u, if u helped mask it up with me, but your in perth im in sydney....i used to do paintjobs for $500 but thats rub, mask and paint only takes 3-4hours total lol for people that want to get rid of there cars, i dont think any one will paint your car for $300 unless u know them really well but good luck, and dont worry bout jaaaasssseeee hes rude to evey one....ouch

will u paint my 3 piece kit for $300?? 040 white..

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