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"WOW" Toyota Prado 5VZ engine "BLOWN at 58,000km's"


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i came accross classic dealership bull**** the other day when my mum came to me after her 140,000k service on her 2000 astina. The dealership were excelent until a change of owners a few years back. I read the run down after seing the 300 dollar bill and noted quite a few intersting things:

**Car requires four new tyres**

**Wheel rotation completed**

**general check over** 100$$$ ???

etc etc and so on so forth

my mum freaked over the tyres as she was travelling today to sydney and was concerned about the saftey of her and passengers, upon inspection the tyres were absolutly mint , i dare say 95% tread , that noted why rotate ****** tyres? what was checked to cost 100 bucks?

the car was only at the dealer a few hours for it's service.

my opinion - bull**** is smelt from miles away


These are the stories that need to be exposed even to the point where dealerships should be named to educate us the "CUSTOMERS" and keep the dealerships on their toes. Why should dealerships get away with these scenario's!!!!! Do they have the right to rip people off?????

In your mums case Why rotate tyres that need replacing? "GENERAL CHECK OVER" I would ask the dealership to give you a breakdown!!! I read this as "We (dealership) dont really know why we are charging"



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Maba, I do all my own maintenance work on my cars and in general i fix my friends cars and what not purely to save them from being sent anywhere these things can happen. In my mums case she would allow me to work on the car but wishes to for full the cars service history at the dealership and in general i understand where she is coming from. I was really angry and wanted to go and speak to them about it and tell them exactly how i felt because i felt insulted that someone would attempt to con my mother. She reasoned with me and told me to just leave it for this one but the next service i have informed her i will be taking her down to super cheap to purchase the correct viscosity oil and a filter for the car to provide them with after they charged her 40 dollars for ****house generic crap from the workshop.

My father owns a Mercedes 190e he bought a little rough around the edges cheap and we have fixed up almost every single fault on the car and it is taken to a 65 year old mechanic who has owned his little workshop on the corner for as long as my parents can even remeber , services are cheap as chips , he uses good oil and he knows what he is talking about , breaks down every bit of work he does and gets on the phone if he finds something else wrong that could be repaired while it's there and states a cost - thats how it should be , but then again he is an old fashioned tradesman and thats all going down the drain these days.

When i first got my AE82 twincam the mechanic that first did an oil and filter change actually asked me where the filter was and then told me it was impossible to remove , now i know they arent easy on a 4AGE motor but thats pathetic - to be honest everyones had bad experiences i know of - and this is why i ask lots of questions , learn as i go and do it all myself because afterall , knowing whats been done and how you have done it will always be a mega advantage.

All in all the next time a family member gets some stupid bill i will be down there with my fighting gloves on and a highlighter to ask them to state every cost and show me on the car so i can see where to money goes.

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My mum got ripped off badly getting her car servced from a place she had a free $100 service voucher with (which I think she had to pay for in the first place...). Somehow she still managed to get charged over $400! They told her she needed a new driveshaft, even though it wasn't clunking or exhiting any signs of worn CVs etc... Mum didn't call me to discuss until after she had allowed them to do the work and had committed her money. I was furious! HTF does a single driveshaft with labour cost $400 anyhow? I can buy a pair of them from eBay for $130!

I can't really talk about it anymore, it makes me so angry... :angry:


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I am interuged by your story although it sounds like the dealer may be at fault here. I had a simular one with my Mistubishi that needed a transmission at 65,000 klms. it was 3 months out of the new car warranty, although Mitsubishi came to the party and fitted a new one as a "good will gesture", that car was recently written off, but because of Mitsubishis service to me i did not hesitate in buying another one. Sometimes that little bit of extra sevice goes a long way in retaining their customers.

Good luck with it all


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Sorry to here about your car. I thought I'd post my horror story.

My Wife owns a Ford Cougar and all of a sudden her central locking and boot release on her key was not working. So I asumed it was a flat battery and went out and bought one as you do with any other device powered by batteries that stops working.

Anyway I changed the battery but nothing still worked. So i advised her to past the local for dealership and get them to check it out.

Just to paint the picture for you all, my wife was about 7 months pregnant at the time and went to the local ford dealership "BAYFORD EPPING". She asked the girl at the service center counter if a technician can have a quick look at the problem. The tech came to the counter and said to her you will need to pay $170 and leave your car for about 4 hours. At this time he also spun some bull crap about how sensitive these cars are and that he will diagnose the problem. She explained to him it was working one day and then it wasn't so we replaced the battery. He then stated that that was the problem. Apparently in the cougers you need to replace the battery within 3 seconds otherwise the memory is lost and it needs to be reprogrammed all at a cost of $250.

Now no one in their right mind can replace those batteries in 3 seconds. One you need to open the contol and once you do the batteries lose contact. Secondly if and when the betteries go flat isn'that the same as not replacing the batteries within 3 seconds. Anyway my called me to check whether it was alright to leave the car, and I quickly said no way, they must be on drugs saying that.

So that night I got home and started looking around and opened the fuse box and just replaced the central locking fuse with a spare I had lying around. Guess what .................. the central locking began to work. I was so furious with the way they treated my pregnant wife and about all crap they said about reprogramming etc, I wrote Ford Australiaa letter about this dealership. I didn't think much would get done but a week later the service department manager at the dealership rang my wife to apologise about the whole situation.

My wife basically let loose on him and told him everything she thought of that dealership. He began blaming the car and that particular car give all the Ford techs a headache as it is an American made car and things on it a complicated etc. My siad what s so complicatde about a fuse that my husband found within 10 minuites and he ain't even close to a mechanic or tecnician. My wife also said how can you say that this car is difficult to work on and they are a pain in the butt when your dealership promotes them and sells them.

Anyway at the end of the day we used to get the car serviced their all the time. as from that day we have never taken it there again. We actually hat that dealership so much now that we travel 20 min more to buy any ford part or get the car looked at.



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Hi All,

I have kicked off stage two "Contact Toyota Japan" I first contacted via phone which was very successful and explained my situation, They were interested to follow up with the dealership as well as TMCA. They requested further detail which I provided pics and all. I will keep you all in all in the loop as progress takes place.

Thanks Ontrak for your story...My suggestion..replace the spare fuse for future use!!!! Did you have a boy or girl??????



I had a boy............thanks for asking.

It sounds a little promising, considering they requested further information. Lets hope they are really looking at it and not just blowing wind up your ***** to make you feel they are doing something. They really need to do something about a component failure. You can't simply have engines failing due to component failures.

What would a new engine cost...just out of curiosity??? They should be able to fit the bill for that at least considering they fessed up to the component failure. It just seems logical.

Anyway keep us posted.

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Hi All,

I have kicked off stage two "Contact Toyota Japan" I first contacted via phone which was very successful and explained my situation, They were interested to follow up with the dealership as well as TMCA. They requested further detail which I provided pics and all. I will keep you all in all in the loop as progress takes place.

Thanks Ontrak for your story...My suggestion..replace the spare fuse for future use!!!! Did you have a boy or girl??????



I had a boy............thanks for asking.

It sounds a little promising, considering they requested further information. Lets hope they are really looking at it and not just blowing wind up your ***** to make you feel they are doing something. They really need to do something about a component failure. You can't simply have engines failing due to component failures.

What would a new engine cost...just out of curiosity??? They should be able to fit the bill for that at least considering they fessed up to the component failure. It just seems logical.

Hi Ontrak,

New engine was quoted at $15,000. New bottom half at $10,100 and second hand at $7,000 with 150,000or so k's almost 100,000k's more than my motor.



Anyway keep us posted.

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I have received an email from Anthony Smith Toyota stipulating that Toyota Australia has come to the conclusion that although there has been a

:clap::clap:"COMPONENT FAILURE" :clap::clap:

no assistance will be given to cover cost of repair due to vehicle being out of warranty as well as service history not being up to scratch.

I can assure all readers that my service history has all been completed every 10,000klm's by Toyota dealerships and at no time did Toyota stipulate that I am incorrectly sevicing my vehicle. EXCEPT when something went wrong and they needed to cover themselves. In this case "IT JUST DOESN'T MAKE SENSE"

I will continue to pursue my case and post updates periodically.

Thanks to all that have assisted me to this point.


hi maba just read your story and smiled to myself cos ive just come over from the uk where i worked for truck dealerships for over 15 years and seen every trick in the book to avoid a POLICY CLAIM ( out of warranty by date or mileage ) my advice to win this is to get a good solicitor who can emphasise the component failure issue in court going overseas will only cloud the issue and drag it out longer with no guarantee of success

good luck in your quest

ps ive just bought an 2002 3.4 with 246000 kms on the clock no service history but 2 careful owners and its as sweet as new draw your own conclusion

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Just thought I'd stop by to see how things are traveling Maba. This has been handled extremely poorly, especially by the dealer. The dealer asking why wasn't the vehicle serviced every 5000kms is an absolute joke. Every 5000km is only for severe operating conditions (i.e. constant bush bashing, driving through floodwater, towing max capacity). And forgetting to stamp the book?!? What a bunch of dropkicks... I hope TMC Japan kick TMCA up the bum (for not honouring some sort of warranty assistance) and in the process kick the dealer up the bum as well (repeat - for being a bunch of dropkicks).

Good luck!

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TMCA is ruining TMC's reputation very well alright...

they just dont understand reputation is a hard thing to build upon and the goodwill of the customer is paramount...

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This is getting increasing annoying!

Its their fault for a 'lemon' engine they should fix it, maybe ACA or TT should pick up this story to gloat them into action...

i just hope karma bites them back sooner or later...

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This is getting increasing annoying!

Its their fault for a 'lemon' engine they should fix it, maybe ACA or TT should pick up this story to gloat them into action...

i just hope karma bites them back sooner or later...

Hi Speedz,

Just been reviewing some of Toyota's philosophy on the web regarding customer satisfaction. Interesting, I ask the public have any of these points below been incorporated in my case? Your thoughts!!!

> "Taking into account our responsibility to meet our customers' desires, we shall aim to provide value that exceeds customer expectations"

> "Working with a high sense of purpose, we shall, proactively and of our own self-initiative, seek personal growth and problem resolution"

> "We shall strive to maintain a professional state of mind that requires us to have a grasp of world-class, high-level specialized knowledge, technology and technical skills. We shall work with thoroughness at the actual location using actual materials (genchi genbutsu), and address all issues with frankness"

>"people are our greatest asset",

ACA or TT if they want a good story then here it is!!!! Its just a matter of time This story will get good exposure!!!



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I thought I'd pop in and see how you are going??? Dealerships are driving me up the wall as well.

I can not beleive these absolute tossers. They keep handballing the issue back and forth. We all know dealerships are always ripping customers off but this is beyond the joke. TMCA need to put a foot down an clearly practise what they preach. All this customer satisfaction horse s.h.i.t.

What are they still doing with your Prado? Are their dumb mechanics still trying to work out what the hell is going.

Same thing with my car.

They still don't know what is going on with the electric seat. There are buttons on the side to operate it but they don't work. They assumed its missing a motor fixed to a correct base, but they can't seem to work it out. They ordeed a part which was incorrect and now they are saying it my be an incorrect seat houseing from a different model that has electric seats that some how accidently they fitted when the car was getting built.

Absolute t.u.r.d.s.

Enough about my problems, I can't wait to hear what TMCA say now after TMC contacted them.

Hopefully better news this time.

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Hi Maba,

I live in a small country town in SE QLD, and I am starting to believe we must have the best Toyota Dealership in AU. I own a 2004 V6 Camry Sportivo, that is now 5 years old and has done 70K. Ken Mills Toyota does all the servicing on it and HAS told us because it is only used on long trips to Brisbane and the like, we should have it serviced every 7500klm. I also have a 2006 RAV4, as a work car, Ken Mills Toyota services this car also, and every time I pick it up or it is delivered back to my home after a service, it is washed, sometimes they even give it a vucum.

I have an 18 year old daughter that has a Mazda Astina 1994 model. And Ken Mills Toyota has been very understanding with any repairs she needs done. Not so long ago a boot on the drive shaft was damaged, Ken Mills Toyota made arrangements to get the car to them, they fixed it, and returned the car, for the sum of $110.00. To and 18 year old girl of minimum wages saving to go to Uni, this kind of customer support and focus is invaluable.

So I guess what I am trying to point out, first of all is I do understand your pain and frustration, however I dont think we should bag all local dealers. I do believe after following this thread almost from the start, is that;

Your local dealer could have made this whole thing go away a lot quicker, if they had just thought about YOU the customer. I would not be too quick to blame TMCA, because if the initial response from Anthony Smith Toyota was a little more sympathetic that I would hope the follow through from TMCA would have been supportive to you and the local dealer.

I think this dealer needs a good kick up the ar$e from all the other dealers that are doing the right thing.

Maybe a new thread on "Dealerships? The Good, The Bad" and inform others as to where to take thier much loved motor vehicles.


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I was under the impression that regular servicing to that degree is for vehicles which travel in dusty enviroments or tow heavy loads etc. Correct me if I am wrong!!!

You mean extra servicing for "severe conditions"?

I think Toyota need to pull their heads in. Saying you should've had 14 services is an absolute load of bull$hit! You've had it serviced every 10K, within a resonable timeframe. Conrods don't pop out the side of motors at 58K (unless they've being flogged the ring out of, not in your case of course). At least TMCA have now decided to offer some assistance. 50% parts is better than nothing. When you receive the quote maba, do a scan and upload it here so we can have a look and see if they're ripping you off.

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