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HELPPPP squeeking noise of metal !!!

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hey guys ,

just curious of whether n e 1's have this, but everytime i reverse into my drive way or do fish tails over a very deep dip, i hear metal noise going offf from under neath the car :( sighhh .. when i took to my mechanic he used a rubber hammer and banged along under neath the car and he couldnt find n e noise to match wat he had heard :( im suspecting its my shockies dieing or so >< coz it only happens when i make my sussy go up n down .

thanks for the help guys !!


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hey dude... fish tails ?lol can u plz explain this !!?

yeah its probs ur shocks man iv got super lows on mine and every time i go realy fast over a dip it sounds like this metaly noise.. just sus out if ur shocks are stuffed or not... i got mine changed got some heavy duty shocks and now no more crap metal noice lol haha

hope u figure it out dude

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hey dude... fish tails ?lol can u plz explain this !!?

yeah its probs ur shocks man iv got super lows on mine and every time i go realy fast over a dip it sounds like this metaly noise.. just sus out if ur shocks are stuffed or not... i got mine changed got some heavy duty shocks and now no more crap metal noice lol haha

hope u figure it out dude

what are these heavy duty shocks you speak of?

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yeh its more like a metal clunking noise or wateva ... its like a noise where it sounds like if u bank 2 rods together or something .. buh yeh i always thought it might be the shockies... what do shockies go for these days that are like near coilovers lol

thanks guys great help !!!


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i had the exact problem like u few months ago. All u need to do is to ask your mechanic to tighten the screws on the lower arm of the suspension. There should be 3 screws on each side of the suspension. i thinks i happen over time where the screw come loss especially if you like to go hard on the corner. Beware: it requires a lot of energy to tighthen up the screw. watch out your back or else you will end up hurting your back

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