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whats important is you get your foot in the door. some people do it though tafe, UWS had UNISTART which was basically a part time load for 1-2 semesters before they consider accepting you fulltime, which overall add up to only 1 extra semester of uni.

good luck with the 2nd round though! 2nd round is pretty much foreign territory for me as ive never met anyone in my uni life that refused their first offer in hope of being accepted somewhere else in the 2nd round... but i hope your plan works out but i really wish you just accepted the UWS offer.

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and the reason why i dont wanna go there and transfer after the first year is because i heard its much harder to transfer university's rather than transfering courses. But anyways :) i applied for Insearch, and i havent accepted the offer at UWS im trying to see if ill get a better offer in the 2nd round of offers coming in Feb

Dangerous move with the second round thing... like I said earlier, you risk getting nothing at all. And doing INSEARCH is just the long way around... not only are you doing extra subjects JUST TO GET IN to your course, but they are so boring you will probably do your head in.

As for transferring uni's vs transferring courses... that's not entirely true.

Transferring courses is simply some internal paperwork within the university - you just go to the office, tell them you want to switch degrees, and the forms will be sent to the course convenor - who is the same guy that signs off on the new applications anyway.

Transferring uni's generally involves reapplying to UAC (unless the uni you want is taking direct applications - which is more common in second semester if they need the numbers), and paying the application fee again.

Having actual uni grades will improve your chances of being successful. It will be you vs all the other school leavers - and if their UAIs are similar to yours, then you win because you already have (hopefully) a decent academic record.

I know we don't like each other mrs.sportivo... but seriously, I implore you, do not waste an opportunity to make progress on your degree just because you don't like where you will do the first few subjects.

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lols i can still accept the UWS offer later, it wont be "too late" but the thing with UWS and INSEARCH is its pretty much the same amount of time, i actually think UWS is taking the longer way since ill need to transfer uni's whereas INSEARCH i get in straight away to the 2nd year of uni. I dont think you do extra subjects ? u pretty much do your course at the college and transfer to UTS into the 2nd year of your course =\

But yes ill just go with whatever comes, but right now i see INSEARCH as the better option on the table

Ill keep you guys posted when the 2nd round of offers come :)

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You only get to transfer from Insearch into the actual UTS, IF you do well in Insearch. If you don't meet the requirements still then you're going to remain in there until you do.

Not to mention Insearch costs a lot more than going to UWS for a year. There are a lot of students who transfer into MQ from UWS.. I don't think it's that hard, as long as you do well.

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well said KT. come to think of it... if you didnt work hard enough in yr12 to get into the course you really wanted, imagine how much higher expectations will be by going through something like insearch in order to get into UTS. anyhoo.. although i admit i gotta read more into it, im assuming insearch does not automatically = 1st yr of uni.

edit: i just checked.

"Straight to second year

Since our Diploma courses are the academic equivalent to first year at UTS you can go straight into second year studies or be awarded up to one year credit.

These courses are designed by UTS to seamlessly lead on to UTS courses, making it easier for you to cope with your second year studies.

It’s almost as if you had gone straight to UTS in the first place. "

its a bit funny.. youll probebly be in there with a bunch of foreign students with rich parents who are still trying to learn English! but yea by the looks of you, youll fit right in then lol

thats actually pretty cool that the uni has offered this in the first place. UNISTART at UWS was basically 4 subjects in a year.. which = 1 semester of fulltime study @ UWS.

geez how much is this INSEARCH going to cost? and are your parents willing to pay for that?

Edited by J_J
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I haven't read it (so it may well be as good as it sounds), but it says "up to one year credit". Are the units done in INSEARCH the same units done by a regular first year? If not, then you're not likely to get your year's worth of credit...

Edited by Leroy
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i read that too until i went clicked to find out more. "upto a year credit" suggests (to me) that there may be an option to do less than a full time load of study. surely Ash has done her research and knows exactly what shes hoping to get into... right Ash? you researched this particular option thoroughly... right?

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haha relax :) INSEARCH is pretty cool huh ? HAHA but yeah its gunna cost $7500 per semester - i already told the mother and well lols its pretty much fine by her so moneys not really an issue. Dont worry lols when im rich and shes old :) ill pay it all back HAHA.

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Very risky... its easier to accept the offer than transfer. or at least try it out than the place u already have. May be harder in NSW but yeah it's not that hard up here in ACT but yeah, give it a shot and then see how you go.

P.S. if u dont want to go to UWS why did you even have it as one of your choices ?!?

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I say hit up UWS and then transfer after a year I have quite a few friends that did that, UWS-->UTS,SYD,UNSW

* INSEARCH cost heaps more, 7500 a semester. My Eng degree at UNSW cost me 4000 a year, but that was about 5 years ago, I'm old.

* There is the possibility that you can credit all your studies and enter uni as a second year student, depends on what course your doing at uni and how well you do at insearch.

* You will graduate Insearch with a diploma, but certain courses will only be available based on your performance.

Besides if you do well at first year uni, transferring shouldn't be hard at all. So why pay all that extra money to only possibly put yourself in the same friggin situation again??

Also going to uni, you will meet more friends etc and people doing different courses. First year uni is more or less just testing the water. I think out of all the high school friends that I still keep contact with, about 70% of them changed course after first year cause it wasn't what they expected or they didn't like it. I found this with alot of first year students.

If your still not 100% sure what you are doing, go to uni and spend a year to find out. Rather then going to Insearch, then entering uni, then not liking it, then changing again. Wasting time and money.

haha relax :) INSEARCH is pretty cool huh ? HAHA but yeah its gunna cost $7500 per semester - i already told the mother and well lols its pretty much fine by her so moneys not really an issue. Dont worry lols when im rich and shes old :) ill pay it all back HAHA.

And if your not rich?? Not trying to be negative, and there is no such thing as paying parents back. Give them all the love that they deserve and I am sure it will keep them happy.

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how bout explore this option if you dont get in the insearch thing, since you might have already missed the boat with your offer from UWS - get a job, wait til your 21 and enter UTS as a mature age student.

7000+ per semester is really steep and i cant help but think that youre only trying this insearch thing because youre being too picky and/or a bit selfish. making your parents pay that kind of money for insearch when you had the opportunity to enter UWS, which would most probebly wouldnt have cost your parents a cent since id assume youd qualify for HECS (or is it called HELP now?), so you could pay your fees back later when you earn enough after your degree.

from what ive read on the posts in here.. looks like most dont agree with your choice. furthermore you havent really justified your decision for refusing the UWS offer other than to say that youd just rather be at UTS.

for heavens sake, if its not too late to get into the UWS course, ACCEPT THE OFFER ALREADY! and if youre still not happy, take the time to figure out how to properly transfer. it may take more time but youve got a lot more time than money, and your parents shouldnt have to put up that kind of money when they dont have to. sometimes you gotta be thankful for whatever life gives you.

please use common sense and listen to the advice others have given you here - go to UWS, then find out how to transfer.

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how bout explore this option if you dont get in the insearch thing, since you might have already missed the boat with your offer from UWS - get a job, wait til your 21 and enter UTS as a mature age student.

7000+ per semester is really steep and i cant help but think that youre only trying this insearch thing because youre being too picky and/or a bit selfish. making your parents pay that kind of money for insearch when you had the opportunity to enter UWS, which would most probebly wouldnt have cost your parents a cent since id assume youd qualify for HECS (or is it called HELP now?), so you could pay your fees back later when you earn enough after your degree.

from what ive read on the posts in here.. looks like most dont agree with your choice. furthermore you havent really justified your decision for refusing the UWS offer other than to say that youd just rather be at UTS.

for heavens sake, if its not too late to get into the UWS course, ACCEPT THE OFFER ALREADY! and if youre still not happy, take the time to figure out how to properly transfer. it may take more time but youve got a lot more time than money, and your parents shouldnt have to put up that kind of money when they dont have to. sometimes you gotta be thankful for whatever life gives you.

please use common sense and listen to the advice others have given you here - go to UWS, then find out how to transfer.

good idea. i plan to do that and int he mean time ill get my cert iv and diploma in information technology networking

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hey its not that im trying to be too serious about it- i wouldnt know you from a can of paint but at the same time, would be a shame to hear you missed out on an opportunity that was handed too you cos you thought you were too good for the uni.

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