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Last night I've been trying to find an AEM or BLITZ CAI for my stivo but could not find any on the internet. However, I accidentally ended upin this website.


Hiclone is a simple non-moving and maintenance-free device made of stainless steel, which fits inside the air filter housing of a carburetor or in the air induction hose on EFI, turbo, LPG or diesel engines. Which creates a swirling cyclone or tornado like effect to the airflow into the intake manifold and combustion chamber of any engine.

Hiclone has No moving parts and will therefore out last the life expectancy of any engine.

Hiclone maximizes the airflow and gathers fuel to the center of the air stream, then rapidly moves it to the combustion chamber preventing the adhering of particles to the wall of the intake system. Swirling fast-burn, near-complete combustion increases power output.

after reading the info on the website, i was very impressed. Much better gain (surely will not void your warranty) and better feul economy.

now my question is that would it have a synergistic effect with the CAI?

if so, will it make much different?

or if I don't want to void my warranty, I think I might get 2 Hiclones and either a TRD or TOM's drop in filter???

it'd be very nice if some of the guys who can access to the dyno machine test this thing out.


its cheap and harmelss thing to try, but i dought it makes a noticalble diffrence. :) hmmm im thinking of puting an air con in the engine bay which flows to the CAI LOL


Definantely does not work.

Topic been covered before approximately a year ago, along with fuelstar and also fitch systems.

<search and you shall find>.


do we have any guy here who have been using this system on thier cars?

i'd love to hear some verdict from the owner of this device. i don't think it'd harm our cars but because it's quite pricey from small tools, i need to justify paying for them.

is peekay still on the forum? your comment'll be appreciated.


Posted (edited)
Last night I've been trying to find an AEM or BLITZ CAI for my stivo

if i am not wrong blitz (japanese) dont have cai only srs. anything american like aem, injen, trd look up www.2003corolla.org but if that is down go to www.vvti.net hope this helps

Edited by kcorro
Posted (edited)
do we have any guy here who have been using this system on thier cars?

i'd love to hear some verdict from the owner of this device. i don't think it'd harm our cars but because it's quite pricey from small tools, i need to justify paying for them.

is peekay still on the forum? your comment'll be appreciated.


Peekay had a TRD CAI with an ITG filter with awesome results; nothing else.....

Edited by sport1vo
I have something simular Fuelsaver The hiclone with the CAI it does not make a huge difference. But every little bit helps counts when you want to maximise performance.

arr..or this is someone else? i am confused :blink:


Hiclone and other crap like it are just that... crap.

Take your 40 dollars and get a lap dance my friend..

:D :D :D :D


Hiclone and other crap like it are just that... crap.

Take your 40 dollars and get a lap dance my friend..

:D  :D  :D  :D


Excellent answer dude.


I beg to differ Yes they do work....I have one in my Honda Accord now. On the Sportivo with a decent filter and CAI no difference and yes a waste of time. Other wise on a standard setup ..I would get the ITG panel filter first though they make a nice difference. The Hilclone has improved my fuel economy by approx 50km a tank in combination with the filter. On my mitsubishi challenger they made a huge difference.

I beg to differ Yes they do work....I have one in my Honda Accord now. On the Sportivo with a decent filter and CAI no difference and yes a waste of time. Other wise on a standard setup ..I would get the ITG panel filter first though they make a nice difference. The Hilclone has improved my fuel economy by approx 50km a tank in combination with the filter. On my mitsubishi challenger they made a huge difference.

have u dynoed it...

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