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Need help guys, clutch died.. qq


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I bought 2000 Camry Touring V6 manual about month ago(drove ~1200km so far).

Did RACV inspection before buying the car and also paid $200 extra for 1 year National Warranty Company Drive Plus warranty.(http://nwco.com.au/w...mponents_O1.pdf)

Could smell some buring smell from the bonnet when i drove the car, but it got much worse today and i could see the smoke coming out of the bonnet and i also had to rev to ~3000-4000rpm on each gear to get the car moving slowly.. :(

So i called roadside assistance and was told that clutch is dead/burnt(?) and need to be replaced, he advised i should contact the dealer first cos according to him its it should be covered under dealer warranty since i bought the car less than two months ago.

I'm gonna call the dealer tomorrow, but could you give me some advice on this matter? Thank you.

RACV Vehicle Inspection Report

Date: 27/02/2012

Make/Model: Toyota Camry

Speedo: 164,667

Fuel System: Petrol Transmission: Manual

Charge (incl. GST): $225.00 Compliance Plate Date: 04/1999


The purchase recommendation for this vehicle is: Good for age - Vehicle rated still in reasonably good condition, taking age and odometer reading into consideration, with various items outlined below.

Engine Rating: Green = Go

Severity Section Part/Location Fault/Comment

Observation OIL LEAKS General engine area, Lower oil staining evident, steering pump and C/V boots all weeping.

Observation DADIATOR & HEATER HOSES Various hoses. Various generally aged/perished.

Trans/Drive Rating: Green = Go

Severity Section Part/Location Fault/Comment

Early CLUTCH Clutch take up. Not Applicable drive pick up point high, clutch assy. nearing end of its serviceable life.

Steer/Susp Rating: Green = Go

Severity Section Part/Location Fault/Comment

Observation OTHER ITEMS Suspension/bushes, Various minor wear & tear,

Body Rating: Green = Go

Severity Section Part/Location Fault/Comment

Observation PAINTWORK/PANELS Various Panels, Various minor dents/chips/scratches evident. some window tint peeling and oil spill at left side boot area, and bonnet struts weak.

Breaks Rating: Green = Go

Severity Section Part/Location Fault/Comment

Observation VIBRATION/PULSATION Steering Various vibration, slight vibration noted.,,,pads approx 2.5mm.. re-torque all wheelnuts and confirm RWC compliance.

Tyres Rating: Green = Go

Wheels Rating: Green = Go

Electrical Rating: Green = Go

Mise Rating: Green = Go

Severity Section Part/Location Fault/Comment

Observation UPHOLSTERY AND TRIM General condition, Various general wear and tear. headlining dropping in places and interior light inoperative.

Test Rating: Green = Go

*** End of Report ***

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In the inspection it does state the clutch is close to replacement. Used car warranties can be very deceptive, make sure you read it properly as they usually dont cover wear and tear items such as brakes, clutches, tyres etc. If they dont you will be up for a 700-$1000 bill. I think for a car over 10 years old and 130,000kms they dont have to give you any warranty at all.

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Just called the dealer but the shifty dealer(cos he told me there won't be ANY problem with the car for at least a year, AND i also asked dealer to contact me asap when RACV inspector arrvies so i can go meet the inspector, etc, but the dealer contacted me after RACV inspector left, and im pretty sure he did something shifty with RACV inspector(cos somehow he already knew all of the results and RACV report was in sealed envelope, i.e. sweet talk or bribe, etc. (its a very small car dealer but apparently hes been running business for 20 years)

I don't blame the dealer for repeatly telling me you won't have any problem with the car for at least a year, cos im sure used car dealers lie all the time. But im ****** off at the fact that he pulled shifty on RACV inspection(i was very unhappy that day cos i was waiting the phone call and got there ~10mins after the call but still missed the inspector)

Anyway dealer basically told me to contact the National Warranty Company and they can only cover upto $200 for clutch(but apparently pressure plate must be to be faulty to be eligible for warranty, and cause for the faulty pressure plate determines how much they can pay, so i have to get a mechanic to send the report/quote).

I need to replace the clutch asap, but i got 3 different prices from 3 different Toyota dealers.

City Toyota - $850 to $900 installed

Chadstone Toyota - can't do it, told me there are no genuine clutch kits for my Camry left in Australia(?) and they don't deal with non genuine parts so told me to contact Repco.

Footscray Toyota - $1330-$1450 installed, $450(aftermarket clutch kit) + $880(8hrs labour) + $120(fly wheel if needed)

Metro Motor Mechanic - ~$1200 installed, genuine clutch kit(~$400) + installation(~$800).

Repco - $380(aftermarket clutch kit) + installation(waiting for quote from Repco authorized mechanic)

According to National Warranty Company authorized repairer, they won't pay if its just worn cos its not covered by warranty, so unless somethings gone wrong(i.e. transmission, pressure plate collapsed, etc).

So not sure if i'll be eligible for any of the $200 clutch warranty. :(

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Why bad mouth the dealer, do you have any proof that he did anything illegal? If not, deal with it, the RACV report CLEARLY details that the clutch is near the end of it's servicable life, YOU HAD FAIR WARNING!

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sometimes used car warranties are not worth the money their printed on, sorry to hear that dude. Hope you get sorted out soon.

Thanks dude.

Why bad mouth the dealer, do you have any proof that he did anything illegal? If not, deal with it, the RACV report CLEARLY details that the clutch is near the end of it's servicable life, YOU HAD FAIR WARNING!

Cos that dealer pulled shifty and deliberately contacted late so i missed the RACV inspector.

When the RACV roadside assistant looked at the car yesterday, he could tell it was involved in an accident front and back straight away, he also said paint on one side is slightly darker, so one side has been repaired/repainted. Well i didnt know any of these until yesterday cos dealer told me its never been involved in major accident.

However i would have known all these if i met the RACV inspector and many other information which would have definitely effected purchased decision of the car. (who knows maybe i wouldn't have bought it, i didn't want preupdate MCV20R but manual ones are rare and this one was cheap so i just thought the clutch will be ok for at least 6-12mths etc cos wear/tear is kinda normal for a car 12 year old car, and since dealer assured me that car be fine for at least a year.

As i mentioned i told the dealer to contact me ASAP when RACV inspector arrives, and i was ready from early morning and waiting to drive to the dealer to meet the RACV inspector, took me ~10mins to drive to dealer after the phone call but he told me RACV inspector just left when i got there, so i was like wtf?!?

Anyway the loser dealer kept on telling me he called me straight away when full $225(with member discount) RACV inspection take ~45-60mins, and he kept on telling me today that new clutch will cost $500-$600(i think) etc. Well i just cant stand people talking total retarded bs all the time.

RACV roadside assistant dude told me he can fix the clutch for very cheap cos he buys parts directly from supplier and does all the repairs himself and even gave me his personal no.

According to him it should be covered under dealer warranty(?) cos its under 2mths old, and he even offered to talk to dealer directly on behalf of me if i had trouble dealing with em, etc.

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The Warranty doesnt cover wear and tear items such as tyres, brakepads, wipers, clutch etc.....

The car will last you for years but you need to get a few things fixed first.

Im guessing it will cost you approx $3,000 in repairs (including Clutch)

Looks like you wont be working on the power for a while.

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Im guessing it will cost you approx $3,000 in repairs (including Clutch)

umm so im gonna need $3000 in repairs on this $5000 car? :(

sounds like i got totally ripped off and $225(inc member discount)+$200 for Full RACV inspection+1yr Warranty was total waste of money too. it sucks cos there is 2003 Camry MCV36R Sportivo V6 manual (142,418km) for $7350 on carsales.

http://www.carsales....eapi=2&__N=1246 1247 1252 1282 4294962861 4294962464 903 1216 1622&silo=Stock&Range=Price:7500,7500~0.5&sort=default

What would be other ~$2000 besides the clutch? and do i need to fix any of em urgently cos i thought the car would be ok without any repair(just service only) for a year since i won't be driving that much, but if its urgent i'll probably get it done at same time when i get the clutch fixed from Toyota.

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Replacing clutch including all parts, fluids and labour will be around $800 for an Exedy OEM replacement clutch. Add $200-$250 for an Exedy Heavy Duty and and $400-500 for an Exedy Sports Cushion Button.

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I think if the RACV inspector did something dodgy or misleading, you would not have received the report you did. That report clearly highlights a number of areas that require attention, including the clutch. A warranty is useless for cases of wear and tear. If the gearbox failed, for example, the story might be different but not even new car warranties appear to cover the clutch as there are too many variables and it is a consumable part.

Breaks Rating: Green = Go

Severity Section Part/Location Fault/Comment

Observation VIBRATION/PULSATION Steering Various vibration, slight vibration noted.,,,pads approx 2.5mm.. re-torque all wheelnuts and confirm RWC compliance.

The steering vibration might be something as simple as an out of balance wheel if it is occuring whilst driving. A balance and wheel alignment will set you back around $70-90 depending on where you go.

If the vibration is under braking, your brakes might be warped slightly which can be corrected by machining if the rotors are still a sufficient width or by replacing the rotors. Genuine ones are about $500 for a set of two.

Engine Rating: Green = Go

Severity Section Part/Location Fault/Comment

Observation OIL LEAKS General engine area, Lower oil staining evident, steering pump and C/V boots all weeping.

Observation DADIATOR & HEATER HOSES Various hoses. Various generally aged/perished.

I had a rocker cover gasket replaced as it was the cause of a minor oil seep. An independent mechanic did it for around $300. The gasket itself was not expensive, it was the labour that made up the majority of that cost.

I have had my steering pump replaced. The whole job was around $400 and included a reconditioned rack, labour and flush / replacement of the power steering fluid.

I have also had my steering rack replaced. The rack replacement was around the $600 mark and included a reconditioned rack, wheel alignment, labour and flush / replacement of fluid.

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RACV Vehicle Inspection Report

Date: 27/02/2012

Make/Model: Toyota Camry

Speedo: 164,667

Fuel System: Petrol Transmission: Manual

Charge (incl. GST): $225.00 Compliance Plate Date: 04/1999

Interesting that you say it is a 2000 model yet the compliance on it is April 1999. My model has a build and compliance date of April 1999 and was delivered to the previous owner in early June 1999.

That aside, I would be checking that the timing belt has been done as it was due at 150,000kms but knowing most car owners, they might have skipped on this if they knew they were going to be trading the car in shortly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is not meant to offend you in any way, but people like you really annoy me...

I am a used car salesman. 1st of all the people that inspect cars at RACV (RACQ in QLD) and most of the roadside assist guys these days are not qualified mechanics. So your first problem is you paid $200 to someone who doesn't know anything about cars to tell you what was right / wrong with it... this is a fact... I work in the industry and I know what these people are like... so for starters you ripped yourself off by going to RACV...

2nd of all - the dealer would have supplied you with a PPSR (previously REVS) check when you purchased the vehicle guaranteeing you and proving clear title of the vehicle. This PPSR check shows any financial encumbrance on the vehicle as well as whether or not it has been written off or stolen. Minor accidents do not show up on this, but major accidents do. They effectively have done the right thing in the sense that this is correct - the vehicle hasn't been involved in any major accidents. If the RACV guy is going off the fact that there is paint imperfections as an indication that it has been in a serious accident then he is just proving how much of a twit these guys are... The dealer more than likely had a few rough spots touched up to make the vehicle look better and assist it in selling - this is known as "reconditioning"... you should be greatful he bothered at all especially on a $5K car...

3rd of all - you get what you pay for... Do you honestly expect a $200 warranty to cover you for anything? If you are within 1 months of purchasing the car then the clutch should be covered under statutory warranty... If not then thems the brakes and that's the law... the statutory warranty for the vehicle you have purchased is 1 month or 1000km, whichever comes first, and I'm pretty sure that the $200 warranty you bought isn't going to cover the installation of a new clutch...

From the sounds of it the dealer has done everything correctly and above board... you were just too ignorant to read the fine print or listen to what they were saying and now you are trying to blame everyone but yourself for the situation you have gotten yourself into... you are buying / have bought a sub $10K car and by the sounds of it expect the service you would get buying a brand new $40K car... it's not going to happen - end of story... fix the clutch, cut ur losses and get over it because nobody has done anything wrong by you... if ur lucky some of the cost of the clutch may be covered by your crap $200 warranty, but i doubt it...

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