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Hey everyone ,

i use a camera in my car for everyday driving (safety reasons)

ive noticed its stop working , and wondered what it was.

The cigarette port was the problem !!! now ive done some research to fix it .

i believe its the fuse which has given up as a result nothing is being charged.

problem is the manual provided me with a picture and location, but the "thing" i found does not look like it at all .

has anyone every changed the "instrumental fuses" ??

this is relating to the 2007 toyota camry . SO pics of what it looks like and where i found it


This is where i found the fuse box after the manual led me here i was confused.


What the fuse is meant too look like [that box in the picture-topleft]


THIs is what i found after removing the glove box which i see no similarity at all !


your help is greatly appreciated everyone !


LOLOLOLOLOL. Look at it from the floor up.

Edit: You took the long and hard way to get there.

Turns out that I can be fuqed searching. Hahaha


Search was for 'lighter fuse'.

Shock horror, Daryl was the one that replied with all the info. Haha

Lighter fuse


I have blown the lighter fuse (no voltage on the outlet anymore after testing with a multimeter). I have checked the fuse box under the hood but can't seem to relate a fuse to the lighter, they all seem to be NOT blown. Any idea what it's called, or which on it is ??


Look at the fuse box inside the car. It is located behind the glovebox and is accessed from the passenger side footwell. All can be accessed with no tools at all. Let the pictures do the talking (sorry bout the dust, and ignore my footwell lighting):






To remove that the panel in the second photo, you can see 4 clips at the front (bottom of photo). Use a little imagination there. If your finger is small enough, you press the clip in through the hole underneath. You should be able to figure it out when you get to it. The fuse/s you are interested in are labelled 'PWR OUTLET' and 'CIG'.


LOLOLOLOLOL. Look at it from the floor up.

Edit: You took the long and hard way to get there.



To remove that the panel in the second photo, you can see 4 clips at the front (bottom of photo). Use a little imagination there. If your finger is small enough, you press the clip in through the hole underneath. You should be able to figure it out when you get to it. The fuse/s you are interested in are labelled 'PWR OUTLET' and 'CIG'.

oh god , man this is so embrassing , LOL , i swear i was look at that power sh*t and was like wtf !!! will get it fixed tomorrow morning !

thanks for your help !!



just changed the fuses for 'PWR OUTLET' and 'CIG'. but the fuses have blown !

i changed it on the spot at supercheap and told them about the fuses blowing, so they gave me another set LOL .

again it blew.

they said it could be a faulty wire/connection.

has anynoe ever had this problem ?


A fuse will blow for one of two reasons, the most common being a short somewhere along the line, the other being a device that is drawing too much power. If the fuse blew when you replaced it and there was nothing plugged into the socket, I would be inspecting the inside of the socket to ensure there is nothing in there that may be causing a short and failing that, take your console trim off and inspect the wiring.


Checked all the wiring ,all seems fine.

Very odd :/

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