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What do you guys think of this new hatchback design??

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I like the new hatch design now (hated it at first, but its grown on me).

The only reason i dont really want to buy one, or any other new small car, is that my 20yo GTi has the same amount of power and is lighter..... (**** mileage though as i live in the city and theres traffics lights every 30sec *sigh*)

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I swear i'm nioy a heavy footed driver! Lol. Last time i refilled i calculated i was averaging about 6.9L/100km. Even if it's not thar accurate it's better than the 8L/100km i usually get. Shifting earlier and driving like a snail makes a huge difference lol

I never speed and drive quite carefully. Never had a single ticket in 30 years of driving.

I coast the car a fair bit to save on fuel. The car seems to coast a fair distance over my older corolla.

One thing though my 2011 Corolla is quite a wide car and thank goodness there is a button to close in the outside review mirrors as I would never get it in the garage without this feature.

The ABS breaks on these are fantastic and the review mirrors hav egrown on me. Took a while as they do distort how far cars are actually back. These mirrors though do cover the blind spots rather well. Which I could see the front of the car when driving. Would make parking a lot easier.

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coasting as in chucking it in neutral and just letting it roll? is that bad in any way, such as having less control over your car etc, especially when turning?

i'm mostly driving in the suburbs these days, so i'd hardly be able to reach those figures.

the new CVT transmission, spec wise, has better fuel economy than the manual in the new Corolla.

what happened to the days when manual was both more fuel-economical and faster than automatic transmissions =(

pretty much all Ferrari's and Lamborghini's come in the one and only paddle shift these days lol

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coasting as in chucking it in neutral and just letting it roll? is that bad in any way, such as having less control over your car etc, especially when turning?

i'm mostly driving in the suburbs these days, so i'd hardly be able to reach those figures.

the new CVT transmission, spec wise, has better fuel economy than the manual in the new Corolla.

what happened to the days when manual was both more fuel-economical and faster than automatic transmissions =(

pretty much all Ferrari's and Lamborghini's come in the one and only paddle shift these days lol

I chuck my camry in neutral when rolling down hill or nearing red traffic lights, it does save a bit but not that much. I obviously burn twice the amount of fuel you guys do anyways :)

Yeah totally sucks - I couldn't find a manual camry sportivo 07 - had to settle with semi auto , only to find out 2 months later a manual sportivo popped up!

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coasting as in chucking it in neutral and just letting it roll? is that bad in any way, such as having less control over your car etc, especially when turning?

i'm mostly driving in the suburbs these days, so i'd hardly be able to reach those figures.

the new CVT transmission, spec wise, has better fuel economy than the manual in the new Corolla.

what happened to the days when manual was both more fuel-economical and faster than automatic transmissions =(

pretty much all Ferrari's and Lamborghini's come in the one and only paddle shift these days lol

I own an automatic, not a manual. I do not put it in neutral to coast. All I do is take my foot of the accerator pedal and the car

coasts along for 200m or so at a steady speed of 60km down to 50km.

The only time I ever drove a manual car was before I owned a car and drove my parents manual cars.

I bought my first car nearly 30 years ago in a Ford Escort auto. My parents moved up to automatic transmission

cars not long after I bought mine. Not driven a manual car since.

To illustrate how well it coasts I'll upload my carcam video to Youtube when I set up an account.

Can Youtube share codes be added to this forum so that a Youtube video canbe played in a post ?

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ohh i see, makes sense.

i guess i do that too without even realising when i drive automatic lol.

fivese7en, is there any sort of danger doing it in a manual?

there's just something in the back of my mind saying there's something dangerous about it...dunno what =S

pushing it into neutral when you are going through turns might be dangerous yeah? especially if you're braking, and shifting the weight of ur car around etc?

i have a friend who does it in his Integra VTi-R and he averages about 8-9L/100km as well. Dunno how he does it as he constantly shifts at around 4k rpm

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ohh i see, makes sense.

i guess i do that too without even realising when i drive automatic lol.

fivese7en, is there any sort of danger doing it in a manual?

there's just something in the back of my mind saying there's something dangerous about it...dunno what =S

pushing it into neutral when you are going through turns might be dangerous yeah? especially if you're braking, and shifting the weight of ur car around etc?

i have a friend who does it in his Integra VTi-R and he averages about 8-9L/100km as well. Dunno how he does it as he constantly shifts at around 4k rpm

Yeah exactly as Hiro said - not to mention that if you're not driving fast enough and too slow around the corner, chances are you're going to have to change gears driving manual while making a corner :)

Sounds about right though for an Integra: http://www.ozhonda.com/forum/showthread.php?25121-Fuel-Economy-on-Integra-s-All-Types

They all seem to be doing between 450-600kms on a 50L tank

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ohh i see, makes sense.

i guess i do that too without even realising when i drive automatic lol.

fivese7en, is there any sort of danger doing it in a manual?

there's just something in the back of my mind saying there's something dangerous about it...dunno what =S

pushing it into neutral when you are going through turns might be dangerous yeah? especially if you're braking, and shifting the weight of ur car around etc?

i have a friend who does it in his Integra VTi-R and he averages about 8-9L/100km as well. Dunno how he does it as he constantly shifts at around 4k rpm

Yeah exactly as Hiro said - not to mention that if you're not driving fast enough and too slow around the corner, chances are you're going to have to change gears driving manual while making a corner :)

Sounds about right though for an Integra: http://www.ozhonda.c...gra-s-All-Types

They all seem to be doing between 450-600kms on a 50L tank

Don't know how its possible to do above 500KM a tank myself.

Maybe my car isn't that fuel effeciant.

All I get is 460KM to 467KM a tank.

I use my car around the city and not gone on any freeway since buying this car.

I travel along West Coast highway a fair bit. Many traffic lights along that road so its stopping and startinmg a fair bit.

Wish the newer hatch backs had a larger boot like my previous Toyota Corolla did.

And why they don't give the owner of a new car any mats on the floor of the car or a boot mat.

When I was buying my new car it was suppose to have these mats in it. The sales lady was highlighting them.

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pushing it into neutral when you are going through turns might be dangerous yeah? especially if you're braking, and shifting the weight of ur car around etc?

Yes it is dangerous, because realistically you have no control over the car

Coasting to a set of lights and anything straight line is ok, but coasting through a turn is just plain stupid

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Coasting in neutral in a manual car uses more fuel than if you left it in gear (at least in most EFI cars)...

hmm could you explain?

from my personal understanding is whether it's in neutral or it's in gear, so long as you are not pressing on the accelerator and you are letting it coast, it should use the same amount of fuel.

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Coasting in neutral in a manual car uses more fuel than if you left it in gear (at least in most EFI cars)...

hmm could you explain?

from my personal understanding is whether it's in neutral or it's in gear, so long as you are not pressing on the accelerator and you are letting it coast, it should use the same amount of fuel.

I think in nuetral is uses less fuel than not putting the pedal on the gas pedal plus the car seems to roll further than

when its not on the gas pedal for a manual car that is.

It was used by quite a few of us going backi 30 years where if driving a manual car you could drop it into neutral and coast the car. You just wouldn't do that in an automatic car. Don't know if modern cars can do it. Gear boxes seem to be a lot differnt than 30 years ago. When dropping it into neutal and then really coast the car for quite a bit. Brakes work when coasting in a manual when in neutral then when the car starts to slow up I would drop it back into 3rd or fourth depending on the speed of the car.

Would not advise placing an automatic in neutral to coast a car as the brakes do not work that well in nuetral and may stuff up the gear box

when going from nuetral to automatric.

My autromatic I don't really coast it, I just don't need to press the foot on the gas pedal as the car seems to coast along for quite a distance.

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I'm just thinking if u take ur foot off the accelerator say at 60km/h in 4th you'd be driving at around 2000rpm, but if u chuck it in neutral it pretty much drops to idle revs which is around 800rpm? The engine would be doing less revolutions but does that mean it'd be saving fuel?

The car uses up fuel to idle anyway so it doesn't stall so mehhhhh i'm just pullinf these ideas from my mind lol

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Coasting in neutral in a manual car uses more fuel than if you left it in gear (at least in most EFI cars)...

hmm could you explain?

from my personal understanding is whether it's in neutral or it's in gear, so long as you are not pressing on the accelerator and you are letting it coast, it should use the same amount of fuel.

I think in nuetral is uses less fuel than not putting the pedal on the gas pedal plus the car seems to roll further than

when its not on the gas pedal for a manual car that is.

It was used by quite a few of us going backi 30 years where if driving a manual car you could drop it into neutral and coast the car. You just wouldn't do that in an automatic car. Don't know if modern cars can do it. Gear boxes seem to be a lot differnt than 30 years ago. When dropping it into neutal and then really coast the car for quite a bit. Brakes work when coasting in a manual when in neutral then when the car starts to slow up I would drop it back into 3rd or fourth depending on the speed of the car.

Would not advise placing an automatic in neutral to coast a car as the brakes do not work that well in nuetral and may stuff up the gear box

when going from nuetral to automatric.

My autromatic I don't really coast it, I just don't need to press the foot on the gas pedal as the car seems to coast along for quite a distance.

I think that is relevant on lower speeds as the revs are relatively low, however if you are going at like 60 - 70+ would you not be better keeping it in gear with accelerator off and letting the revs drop, you would pop it back into neutral just before the car is going to stall. Personally that is how I drive my manual cars

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Coasting in neutral in a manual car uses more fuel than if you left it in gear (at least in most EFI cars)...

hmm could you explain?

from my personal understanding is whether it's in neutral or it's in gear, so long as you are not pressing on the accelerator and you are letting it coast, it should use the same amount of fuel.

In a modern EFI car, when you take your foot off the accelerator the ECU cuts fuel to the engine. Because you are still in gear, the wheels drive the engine (which is what engine braking is, and how regenerative breaking in a hybrid works) and the engine doesn't need fuel to run. Once the rpms drop enough though, the engine will want to stall and the ECU will start injecting fuel to keep the engine running.

In neutral, the road wheels aren't connected to the engine so there is nothing stopping the engine from stalling apart from the idle. Hence, you use fuel.

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Makes sense!!

How many of the new Corollas have you guys seen on yhe road? I've only seen 1 lol. Probably because i don't drive enough. They look so much sleeker imo though. Both the new corolla amd camry have much nicer designs i reckon

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Makes sense!!

How many of the new Corollas have you guys seen on yhe road? I've only seen 1 lol. Probably because i don't drive enough. They look so much sleeker imo though. Both the new corolla amd camry have much nicer designs i reckon

I wouldn't be buying that model because its not high enough of the ground. I like my Toyota Corolla Hatch Automatic bought last Dec as its much higher off the ground and I can see through the windows of 4wd's where lower designed cars like the Hyandai all one sees is the car door of the 4wd which I do not much care for. I like the higher off the ground cars so that when I'm turning left and a 4wd is turning roght I can see the traffic through the window of the 4wd.

My 2011 Corolla only has a 3 speed automatic. I would like to see a 4 speed auto like the Hyundai's.

I know one Toyota dealer I would never ever go to again as when I bought a new Toyota Corolla Hatch Auto in Dec of 2011 when I got home the family noticed these huge paint stains on the door. When I contacted them they chose to ignore me. Here is the image of the paint stain on the inside of the car door.


And no not seen any on the road or in Toyota car yards anywhere. Drive past 3 today and all they seem to be selling are the model Toyot aI bought last year. Perhaps no stock in Perth yet.

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Makes sense!!

How many of the new Corollas have you guys seen on yhe road? I've only seen 1 lol. Probably because i don't drive enough. They look so much sleeker imo though. Both the new corolla amd camry have much nicer designs i reckon

I wouldn't be buying that model because its not high enough of the ground. I like my Toyota Corolla Hatch Automatic bought last Dec as its much higher off the ground and I can see through the windows of 4wd's where lower designed cars like the Hyandai all one sees is the car door of the 4wd which I do not much care for. I like the higher off the ground cars so that when I'm turning left and a 4wd is turning roght I can see the traffic through the window of the 4wd.

My 2011 Corolla only has a 3 speed automatic. I would like to see a 4 speed auto like the Hyundai's.

I know one Toyota dealer I would never ever go to again as when I bought a new Toyota Corolla Hatch Auto in Dec of 2011 when I got home the family noticed these huge paint stains on the door. When I contacted them they chose to ignore me. Here is the image of the paint stain on the inside of the car door.

And no not seen any on the road or in Toyota car yards anywhere. Drive past 3 today and all they seem to be selling are the model Toyot aI bought last year. Perhaps no stock in Perth yet.

umm.. I'm pretty sure all corollas since the 90s are 4 speed automatics?

ZREs are 6 speed manual or 4 speed automatic

however being in 2012/2013 it really should be 5 speed automatic by now.

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Makes sense!!

How many of the new Corollas have you guys seen on yhe road? I've only seen 1 lol. Probably because i don't drive enough. They look so much sleeker imo though. Both the new corolla amd camry have much nicer designs i reckon

I wouldn't be buying that model because its not high enough of the ground. I like my Toyota Corolla Hatch Automatic bought last Dec as its much higher off the ground and I can see through the windows of 4wd's where lower designed cars like the Hyandai all one sees is the car door of the 4wd which I do not much care for. I like the higher off the ground cars so that when I'm turning left and a 4wd is turning roght I can see the traffic through the window of the 4wd.

My 2011 Corolla only has a 3 speed automatic. I would like to see a 4 speed auto like the Hyundai's.

I know one Toyota dealer I would never ever go to again as when I bought a new Toyota Corolla Hatch Auto in Dec of 2011 when I got home the family noticed these huge paint stains on the door. When I contacted them they chose to ignore me. Here is the image of the paint stain on the inside of the car door.

And no not seen any on the road or in Toyota car yards anywhere. Drive past 3 today and all they seem to be selling are the model Toyot aI bought last year. Perhaps no stock in Perth yet.

umm.. I'm pretty sure all corollas since the 90s are 4 speed automatics?

ZREs are 6 speed manual or 4 speed automatic

however being in 2012/2013 it really should be 5 speed automatic by now.

My older Corolla which was 17 years old was only 3 speed auto.

I don't think my new Toyota is a 4 speed auto. If I accelerate to fast the whole car revs up and slows back like my Dad's Corolla bought 18 years ago.

To go quickly from a stopping position I have to slightly touch the gas pedal and slowly press my foot down.

Its a much smoother ride car than I have ever owned before.

Maybe you are right. Maybe it is 4 speed but remember buying the Toyota and finding out later that the Hyundai's have the extra 1 speed for the automatic.

I went Toyota as my previous Toyota Corolla lasted quite well up to the 15 year mark before it was getting quite expensive as one would expect in the next two years.

Must say it took me a while to work out how the new gearbox for the automatic worked as on my previous Corolla it was up and down only where the new one is liek a manual stick where the automatic gears are off into side directions. Don't know why they did that. I think I prefer the up and down design like on my older Corolla.

Here is an image of my Toyota which I think looks nicer at the front than the new Toyota Corolla.

However the back of the new Toyota Corolla I think looks much nicer than my car.

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yep, you can take comfort that it's a 4 speed auto


personally speaking it's not a very good gearbox, i think any automatic gearbox (modern) should have tiptronic included so you have some degree of control over the gears

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Makes sense!!

How many of the new Corollas have you guys seen on yhe road? I've only seen 1 lol. Probably because i don't drive enough. They look so much sleeker imo though. Both the new corolla amd camry have much nicer designs i reckon

I haven't see any yet so far - probably because its so new most people don't know about it yet. Give it some time and it will be everywhere :)

I was going to buy the new Camry but then I can't modify anything until warranty is over :( - some HIDs, lowering springs and new rims would look awesome on the camry :)

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yep, you can take comfort that it's a 4 speed auto


personally speaking it's not a very good gearbox, i think any automatic gearbox (modern) should have tiptronic included so you have some degree of control over the gears

When I was buying my Toyota Corolla Ascent Hatch last December the sales lady said the car could also be used as a manual. I asked how does that work as that was news to me. She said she didn't know and just use it as an automatic. The gearbox is weird for an automatic. Its not straight up and down but looks like a manual gearbox.

I can't see anything in the manual about this so maybe she was just feeding me a line.

My knowledge isn't with cars.

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yep, you can take comfort that it's a 4 speed auto


personally speaking it's not a very good gearbox, i think any automatic gearbox (modern) should have tiptronic included so you have some degree of control over the gears

When I was buying my Toyota Corolla Ascent Hatch last December the sales lady said the car could also be used as a manual. I asked how does that work as that was news to me. She said she didn't know and just use it as an automatic. The gearbox is weird for an automatic. Its not straight up and down but looks like a manual gearbox.

I can't see anything in the manual about this so maybe she was just feeding me a line.

My knowledge isn't with cars.

It's called semi-auto but the problem is I think your car doesn't have that - it just has 3, 2 and L - correct me if I'm wrong?

I know this new model has the proper semi-auto with shift pedals or whatever behind the steering wheel and the plus and minus on the gear stick.

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