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ABS Self Test

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I have a 2013 Aurion ZR6 which I bought brand new. I have had the car for 2 1/2 years with no issues or noise coming from it. From Easter 2015 the car started to make this buzzing sound after start up when it reached 20k's an hour. I have taken it to the dealership they have had advised it is the ABS Self Test and it is normal. I previously had a 2006 Toyota Camry, never made the noise in the 5 years of having the car. I have driven the dealerships loan cars, it does not make the noise at this speed (not at all).

I was advised that the Hybrids are well known to make the ABS Self Test noise at start up, Got to drive a Demo Hybrid Camry, guess what no noise was made. The Service Manager from the dealership could not believe it when the hybrid did not make the noise. He advised that the car has been sitting there all day without being moved.

The issue that I have is that there has been no noise for 2 1/2 years and it has started all of a sudden since easter 2015. The dealership changed the break fluid in case there was air in the brake lines, it went for a whole day without making a noise then the following morning the noise returned. Any Ideas?

Edited by Timeflight
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I do have a recording of it - there is a lot of noise at the beginning but 1/2 way through you will hear the car accelerate then you will hear a Buzzzzz sound then the recording will end

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe traction control?

With out being there or hearing it I don't know.

Buzz, can you describe it?

What's your driving style?

Lead foot?

Road conditions? Dirt/snow?

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  • 2 months later...

I have a 2011 Camry Altise. I bought it brand new, and it drove normally/didnt make a noise at start up. After about 2 years, it started to make this buzz sound between 15-20km/hr on acceleration... It would only happen every now and then, but now it does it at every start up. It has been doing this for 1 year now. Never had time to drop it off to be looked at OR when I dropped it off for a service at toyota, no one bothered to look into it even though I requested it.

Finally, someone from Toyota service had a test drive with me, recorded the buzz sound and said he will look into it. He said someone else also had the same concern with their vehicle... One week later, he called me with an answer. He said that it was a ABS self test that occurs at start up when the vehicle reaches 17km/hr. It is perfectly normal and does not compromise safety, all cars do this test, however some cars make a buzz noise and some don't during it... I asked him if anything can be done to get rid of it. Unfortunately the buzz sound cannot be lowered or make it disappear. Some cars are louder and noticable than others. Every car is different. Tests have been done on cars to try and minimise it, but no luck. He said he will lodge a report, so if they do find a "cure" he will let me know.

My partner's family has 2 camry hybrids... And they dont even make the buzz noise. Maybe it will do it later on?? Who knows..

Quite disappointed that nothing can be done to minimise the buzz, but at least it isn't a safety issue and I know what the cause is now. Time to accept this buzz sound everytime I start my car! :(

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Im sorry but this doesn't sound right. I don't own a 50 series but I still don't think its the ABS. It sounds odd that'd it would make a buzz. Mine does the clunk which you get use to and I actually like, it's nice to hear the car do something, because if you don't hea it you know there is an issue.

I'm Going to try and see if I can get my hands on the 50 series .

On a side note, the company I use to work for had multiple 50 series camrys and none of them made this sound. And what makes it even more odd is that you have to wait 20k or two years before it starts doing it, which means something is wearing away or its not doing its job.

Sorry guys but I think Toyota is just saying this so they do t have to deal with it.

I have worked at a dealership before and they tell you bs all the time so you go away.

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The buzzing noise is like an Electric Buzzer which only lasts for a couple of seconds... Toyota replaced the ABS Module with a new one where I was expecting no noise but right on queue at 20K's the buzz returned.. I am still sceptical that it is the ABS self test despite a new module being put in I was expecting not to hear anything... which tells me its something else but what is the question.

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Sorry if I'm annoying you just trying to get an idea of the type of buzzing sound. Is it like a bee, or more of like a warning buzzer like you would get on an alliance? Or like a plastic rattle but really fast?

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You are t being annoying it's not a clunking sound- it's similar to an electric door buzzer. - EEEERRRRRRR. I totally agree with u I ask the question why it has taken 2 years to make the noise when according to toyota it should have been from day 1 which I can assure it has not

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How comfortable are you with taking your trim panels off?

Reason I ask, if you take off your trim panels around the drivers seat and drive it you may be able to find where it's coming from.

If it an electronic buzzer then you will find it, then we can figure out what that buzzer is for.

If it's not an electric buzzer then we are on step closer to figuring out what it is.

Does this make sense?

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  • 5 years later...
16 minutes ago, VeradaMan said:

Any update on this? 

Are you also experiencing this issue Matt ? I must say, I've never heard of the issue until reading this post. I have a 2012 and I have never heard any type of buzz. It glides away smoothly and quietly. I'd be keen to know if anyone has drilled into this a bit deeper. Looks like Toyota put it in the too hard basket or they figured these cars won't be made anymore to give a crap about anything. Where's the work ethic in this country ??

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Both our Aurions make this buzz/clank sound in the conditions described. Sometimes more noticeable, sometimes less. Never saw it as an issue, don't get why some people are sooo fussed about it. It's also documented in the owner manual, page 127, Traction Control System, verbatim:

"You may hear a sound in the engine compartment for a few seconds when the engine is started or just after the vehicle begins to move. This means that the traction control system is in self-check mode, but does not indicate a malfunction."


L.E. After revisiting the topic, no wonder people are panicking about it, when even the Toyota stealership people are confusing ABS with TC, despite of the note in the manual (who the hell reads that thing, anyway?)

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I’m not worrying about it. Just another little noise I’ve noticed, that’s all haha. 

I was just curious as to what it was, as I usually drive off with the radio on so I can’t hear it, but a couple of times I had the music off and I heard it. 

My first suspicion was that the ABS or traction control system performing a check. Thanks for confirming that for me @AurionX2 🙂

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